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5.1.1. Find words or expressions in the text that mean:

  1. placing a child in the care of people other than his natural or adopted parents;

  2. to reach the highest point;

  3. intolerance of any ideas other than your own, esp. on religion, politics or race;

  4. angry or violent attack using force or bad language;

  5. to provide adaptation to a new social environment;

  6. to support services for a person discharged from an institution, such as prison or borstal;

  7. mental, emotional or nervous strain;

  8. an idea that has become trite from overuse;

  9. verses of a song;

10) to exhibit total disregard or disrespect of people having power.

5.1.2. Explain the contextual meaning of the following:

  1. to steer smb away from; 6) white-supremacist gangs;

  2. low esteem; 7) to adhere to sth;

  3. erratic discipline patterns; 8) signs of affluence;

  4. date rape; 9) to make up for sth;

  5. nurture; 10) sturdy.

5.1.3. Find in the text English equivalents for the following:

  1. генетическая предрасположенность к чему-либо;

  2. дискуссия, полемика, спор;

  3. пропускать занятия, прогуливать;

  4. срывать уроки;

  5. бросить школу;

  6. досрочное освобождение;

  7. подтолкнуть кого-либо на тропу преступлений;

  8. исправительные учреждения для несовершеннолетних преступников.

5.1.4. What do the following numbers in the text refer to?

  • 15 – 18 – 20

  • 10 – 11 – 70

  • 14 – 15 – 1990

5.1.5. Give your opinion on the following statements. Find the facts in the text to prove your idea:

  1. Childhood is a time of joy and innocence for most people; for others, life turns violent and so do they.

  2. Delinquency is an integral part of society and a part of the maturation process.

  3. Delinquency can be predicted or prevented.

  4. The earlier in life delinquent activities are begun, the likelier it is that the pattern will persist.

  5. The cliché that “birds of a feather flock together” has special relevance for the social situation of delinquents.

  6. Many schools today are no safer than the streets.

5.2.  Work in pairs. Each should concentrate on a different text. Swap the information in the text with your partner. Answer the comprehension questions: a. Social Origins Of Juvenile Delinquency

One of the most disturbing features about the recent rise in juvenile delinquency has been the change in its social origins. Earlier it was accurate to attribute the main causes of juvenile delinquency to material deprivation. Poverty created frustration, which frequently found expression in anti-social behaviour. Little alternative was offered to poor slum children. No playgrounds had been created for them; there were too few cinemas or youth clubs. In short, no facilities had been provided for them, so they could find no outlet for their energy except street violence.

Now, however, the trend has changed. Between 40 % and 50 % of young delinquents now come from good families from the middle-class income bracket. Generally their parents have given them a good education, more than sufficient spending money, and they have offered them the prospects of University and a career. Yet in many cases these opportunities have been thrown to the winds and many such youngsters are turning to delinquency.

Paradoxically, the explanation for this disturbing development seems to be that it is precisely because of their material security that these children of well-to-do families turn to violence. In other words, they do it out of boredom. They have it too good, too easy, and the prospect of violence seems to promise them the chance of satisfying the need for adventure and excitement.

  • Why does crime flourish in slum areas?

  • What major change has taken place in the social status of delinquents?

  • Why is it strange that such youngsters should become delinquents?

  • What reason does the author suggest for this development?

  • What part does violence play in the lives of these youngsters?