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Разработка и планирование новых изделий

The text I’m going to render is titled “Development and planning of new products”. The author is unknown. The main idea of the article is to consider emergence of new goods under different conditions. The text can be divided into 3 parts.

The first part is about how product becomes new. The author claims that the most goods are not innovative, there are only adaptation to the old ones. In other words, existed products are modified, or they are made by changes and additions.

As the second stage he describes manufacturing innovative products on the large and small enterprises. On one hand, it’s convenient for the small companies to create a new unique product, it serves as a basis for a new business. On the other hand, in the large companies it’s conducted a more significant marketing research and the test product. On author’s opinion, large companies’ products are more reliable.

The last part is devoted to aspects for product, which can’t walk into the market. According to the article, those problems are incorrect pricing, inadequate methods of promotion goods to the market, inappropriate methods of sale.

To sum up, less than one-fifth of goods can bring a profit.

Реклама как способ продвижения товара на рынке

The text I’m going to render is titled “Advertising as a method of promotion goods to the market”. The author is unknown. The main idea of the article is to consider a meaning of an advertising on the market. The text can be divided into 2 parts.

The first part is about what we understand under the promotion. The author speaks about that “promotion” is an activity aimed on the increasing in demand for the product. In other words, through the promotion of goods manufacturer tries to keep demand and volume of sales with in increase in prices.

The second part tells about an ad techniques and tools. The author allocates the main objective of ads: to manage needs of target audience and stimulate demand. According to the article, nowadays informative, persuasive and outdoor ads are the most popular. For example, informative ad, such as posters, billboards, signboards, advertising in newspapers and magazines affect on the consumer’s minds. On the other hand, persuasive ad creates a unique image of product, this ad seek to influence on the feelings. On author’s opinion, outdoor ad is the most common.

To sum up, an advertising can be understood as means of communication, which often sent the message to a potential buyer.

Управление выставочным бизнесом

The text under discussion is titled “management of exhibition business”. The text was given us on the exam. The main idea of this text that the exhibition is organized demonstration of food production and it is a very effective form of advertising. This text can be divided into three parts.

To start with the author states the fact of that, although the show is not always associated with the sale of the goods, but it is always associated with the changes on the market which covered the exhibition. In short, exhibition is usually a form of trade fair and exhibition, where products appeared, the goods sold.

The second part of the text tells about the exhibition is also a very effective form of advertising. The author gives those facts: ad focus on the audience and on the maximum visibility.

The last part of this text says that the main task of the exhibition business is not confined to the promotion of certain goods, but rather the fact that the exhibition is a mechanism of regulation of market relations.

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