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1)Three branches of government

The USA is a bourgeois republic. There are three levels of government in tne US - federal, state, and local ones. The federal government is madе up of the Congress, the President, and the Supreme Court. Within the national government power is divided among tnree branches, namely the legislative, executive and judicial ones.

The legislative branch consists of the Congress, which is made up of the House of Representatives and Senate.

The Congress's main function is to make laws and to finance the operations of the Government.

The executive branch, which includes the President, Vice-president and President's Cabinet is responsible for administering and executing the laws. The President's Cabinet consists of 10-12 members.

The President is the head of the executive branch and the country. There are now 14 departments. Each department has different responsibili­ties. The President appoints the department heads, who together make up the President's Cabinet, or advisers.

The judicial branch interprets the laws and makes sure that new laws are in keeping with the Constitution.

The system of checks and balances, established by the Constitution.

Each state has its own constitution. Like the national government, state go­vernments are divided into legislative, executive and judicial branches.

The United States has two main political parties: the Democratic party also known as the Democrats was organized in 1820s and the Republican one which is sometimes called the Grand Old Rarty or GOP was organized in 1850s


At present the Union comprises 50 states administratively united by the Fed­eral Government in Washington, D.C. Now the District of Columbia is a Federal district, not a state and does not belong to any state. It was established in

W.D.C. is, indeed, like no other city of the USA. Its only industry is a government. It abounds in national monuments and historic buildings. The Capitol is the center of city. It is situated on Capitol Hill, which is the high-est place in the city. Topping the dome is the 19-feet bronze statue of Freedom.

The Capitol is the seat of Congress. From the Capitol to the White House runs Pennsylvania Avenue which is rich in history as the scene of every inaugural parade since Thomas Jefferson.

The White House has been the official home of every President since 1800. The site was chosen by G. Washington; the house was designed by James Hoban.

The Lincoln Memorial, a marble building, situated at the west end of the Mall, was dedicated to Memorial Day - May 30th, in 1922 and to the Great Emancipator 16th President of the USA . Within the broad framework of classical design, the structure has a motif that symbolizes the Union of the States. The 36 columns represent the 36 States in the Union . The Marble Statue of Lincoln occupies the place of honor centrally.

The Washington Monument is one of the city's most impressive sights. The W. Monument in the center of the Mall. It is called "The Pencil", because it is one of the tallest stone constructions in the world and the tallest stone structure in the US.

The National Gallery of Art was completed in 1947. The paintings and sculptures given by Andrew Mellon.

The NASA Museum -the US government organisation responsible for space travel and scientific study of space.

The Library of Congress, the biggest existing library In the world. It contains more than 13 ml books in various languages. The Pentagon Is the large 5-sided building near Washington, D.C, which contains the main offices of the US Department of Defence.

3)The US does not have a national system of education


There are three basic levels in the educational system of schools: elemen­tary school, which usually is from the kindergarten to sixth grade; junior high school, from seventh through eighth or ninth grade; and high school, from ninth or tenth through twelfth grade.

Today there are some 43 million pupils and students in public school at elementary and secondary lev­els and another 6 ml in private schools throughout the country. In other words, 88% of American children attend public schpols and 12% go to private schools.

Education in America has also traditionally served and serves the goal of bringing people together that is of "Americanization”.

But needless to say, those children who come from families with better-edu­cated parents often have advantage over those who don't. This remains a prob­lem in the US where equality of opportunities is proclaimed.

olleges and Universities

Educational institutions in the United States reflect the nation's basic values especially the ideal of equality of opportunity. Americans view their public school system as an educational ladder, rising from elementary school to high school and finally college under­graduate and graduate programs.

Higher education in the USA is the most extensive and versatile system of post-school education in the world. Now a total of over 10 ml students study at almost 3,400 American colleges and universities.

There are two main types of higher education: state (or public) and private.

It is possible to classify institutions of higher education in the United States of America into four main categories:

1. Technical institutions and "semi-professional" schools offering two-year or three-year courses.

2. Junior colleges or community colleges which provide two-year courses. 3. Liberal arts colleges, state colleges and independent professional institutions.

4. Universities, which may award the highest degree.

The highest body of a college or university is traditionally the board of direc­tors, whose members come from outside the institution and belong to industry or the world of finance.

An access to higher education is based on theTTfgh school diploma awarded around 18 years of age, after 12 years of primary and secondary studies.

Many institutions of higher education select candidates either on results in the high school diploma or through an entrance examination. Many universities publish the average scores achieved on these tests by students they admit.

In universities and colleges the first two-year phase almost always consists

of broadly-based studies in humanities, social sciences, applied and natural sci­ences, fine arts.

The second stage of higher education leads, after one or more often, two years study in a university or in some colleges to the Master's degree.


he third stage of higher education is reached after two or three years study in university or college either in faculties providing traditional teaching or in specialized schools. This culminates in the Doctor's degree which is the highest university degree.

The American academic year usually runs from some time in September to the end of June. Students have three terms with three holidays: Christmas, Easter and summer.

At the beginning of each term a list is published showing all the lectures be­ing given during the term within each. Apart from lectures a system of individual tuition is organized.

Achievements are measured by grades, which are given on papers and tests during the course of the semester and a final examination at the end of the term.

4)Parliament is the supreme legislative authority in the United Kingdom. It con­sists of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. They constitute on different principles, do different work in different places and meet only on occasions of symbolic significance such as the coronation and the opening of Parliament.

The life of Parliament is divided into periods called "sessions"

The House of Commons is elected, nonhereditary chamber. The House of Commons has 659, and its discussions are controlled by an official called the Speaker.

The House of Lords is nonelected, hereditary chamber. The House of Lords spends much time in discussing general and particular problems connected with governmental policy and administration. The Lords can reject Bill once.

Most bills are introduced by the Government. The preparation may take many months. At last the bill is ready to be submitted to Parliament. It will have passed by both Houses of Parliament, one after the other.

The two Houses of Parliament, the Lords and the Commons, share the same building, the Palace of Westminster.

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