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Текущая ситуация (4-5 стр.) – дескриптивная статистика и некоторые кросстабы – для разогрева читателя, чтобы он вообще понял, о чем идет речь.

We wanted to start our research with the general question in order to understand how students use technologies in their personal lives. That is why we have started with the question “How confident are you using ICTs?”



Very confident


Somewhat confident


Somewhat not confident


Not confident at all




That table shows us the absolute results from our sample but we are more interested in the relative data. So we can draw here the self-explanatory diagram.

As we can easily see from this graphical image the percent of students who are confident of somewhat confident in using ICTs is huge. In general totality as it can be seen from the table below it is between 85.6 % and 100%. Our researched showed that there is no difference between students of different genders, level of results, as well as there is no difference between students of different countries.

Here on these two diagrams below we can see that they are almost identical diagrams. Received by splitting file according to to major groups in our research.

That is why here we can state that being confident in using ICTs is no longer a privilege nor a distinguishing characteristic but an essential skill. That is mastered by every student regardless of the age, gender, and country. This last statement was made taking into account Russia and the USA that’ s why we have to note that it is correct and statistically proved only for students from GMU and HSE, and probable it is not correct for the other countries or even for the other universities within chosen countries. So from now we are going to concentrate on the idea to mark out differences between HSE and GMU students in every context.

Поиск взаимосвязей между переменными, аналитика (8-10 стр.)

Having proved that students nowadays are familiar with technologies and use them in their everyday lives we now move to the description of the differences that we’ve managed to find out. The difference that was vivid for us as researches even from observations and then was statistically proved is that GMU students are constantly on their cell phones. That is a warning sign because as Anon presented to the American Public Health Association meeting in Denver suggests in his report Taking into account lifestyle factors and income, students who text a lot are more likely than other students to have smoked, drunk alcohol, used drugs and had sex. 6

Using statistical data we have proved right our observations and found out that there is a significant difference between GMU and HSE students and the general tendency is that the Americans text excessively more than the Russians.

The next parameter we were going to test is the place of usage ICTs. To study it we have given our respondents a list of locations (Library, Home, Cafeteria/Food court, Shops, In the street, Classroom) and asked them if they use ICTs from there. We assumed that there would be differences in using ICTs from several places from the list. In fact we observed variation only for one location: Cafeteria/Food court. It turned out that there are significantly more GMU students who use ICTs from Cafeterias and Food courts than HSE ones.

We were also interested in general purposes of using ICTs and we asked students about their everyday practices of using the Internet technologies for buying and selling. Here we can see that Russians and the Americans differ in 2 purposes: for buying selling goods and contacting people. To show the character of these differences we have addressed the apparatus of descriptive statistics for comparing means.

Having analyzed the data we can say that students from HSE use ICTs for contacting people more that the GMU ones, but at the same time the GMU students use ICTs for buying and selling goods significantly more than HSE.

According to our personal take part observations we have made a hypothesis that the difference in buying and selling goods is because the USPS (United states postal system) provides services of a better quality and it is efficient to shop online in the US. While at the same time the Russian postal service is not able to deliver packages to the door and it takes customers more time, money and nerves to get the purchase.

To touch upon the educational sphere we’ve asked our respondents about where they use technologies for different educational purposes. And we are now able to say that students from GMU and HSE differ from each other in the amount of ICTs usage for sharing ideas contacting tutors making/accessing lecture notes, submitting assignments. For the more detailed differences we can refer to the table below that was extracted from the data analysis and drawn here to illustrate the differences

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