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  1. Before reading the text, translate the following words: (use multitran.Ru for better translation and remember! This is business English)

    An incentive

    an entitlement

    an annual bonus

    a reward

    basic pay

    an expectation


    to skyrocket

    to pledge



    to take smth for granted

    to convert

    a compensation package

    to be concerned

    to base smth on the assumption



    to erupt


  2. Read the text. Translate any other unknown words. When incentives become entitlements

Employees who receive annual bonuses and other periodic, money-based rewards quickly come to consider them part of their basic pay. Money becomes an expectation and then an entitlement for many, if not most, workers.

Peter once worked at a company where he received an annual bonus that amounted to approximately 10 percent of his annual pay. The first time he received the bonus, he was excited by it. His motivation skyrocketed, and he pledged his eternal loyalty to the firm. However, after Peter realized that receiving the bonus was going to be an annual event, he quickly took it for granted. In his mind, he converted the reward (for work above and beyond his basic job description) into a part of his basic compensation package. As far as Peter was concerned, his annual salary was really the amount of his base pay plus the annual bonus. He even based his holiday spending plans on the assumption that the bonus would arrive on or about a certain date — and it always did.

Of course, if one year he hadn’t received the bonus, disappointment and open hostility would have erupted in its absence.

  1. Ask 10 questions to the text.

  2. Make a detailed plan of the text.

  3. Translate the following sentences. Use the vocabulary from the text.

    1. Работники часто получают годовые бонусы или другие периодичные вознаграждения.

    2. Деньги становятся ожидаемым результатом работы.

    3. Мотивация работников резко поднимается, когда они получают вознаграждения от компании.

    4. Однако, как только работник осознает, что бонусы являются ежегодным результатом, он начинает воспринимать их как само собой разумеющееся.

    5. Хотя, если работник не получает ожидаемого бонуса, то разочарование и враждебность появляются/ вспыхивают.

  4. Be ready to retell the text during your credit.

( max 10 points)

Disney does it right even in the busiest times

One of the biggest challenges in recognizing others is doing it in the midst of the daily operations of your business — that is, when you and your employees are the busiest. The Walt Disney World Dolphin Resort in Orlando, Florida, is an excellent example of how to provide recognition under pressure. Instead of viewing “being busy” as an executive excuse for not recognizing employees, they focus their energies on new and creative ways to increase recognition. For example:

When surveyed, Dolphin employees reported that managers weren’t around much during busiest times. As a result, management initiated “Five-Minute Chats,” in which all managers were assigned ten employees who didn’t report to them. Their assignment was to check in with each employee for five minutes over the span of 30 days.

✓ During busy days when employees simultaneously checked in and out more than 1,000 people, supervisors set up refreshments and balloons in the employee area behind the hotel check-in counter. Supervisors were there to cheer employees on and to jump in during employee breaks.

✓ Dolphin management started using “Wow!” cards, trifolded wallet cards made from different-colored construction paper in which employees and managers could write quick thank-you notes to others who “wowed” a customer or another employee. “Captain Wow,” their very own superhero, dropped by regularly to thank them and acknowledge their work.

No matter what business you’re in, look for the times when you and your employees are most under pressure and develop ways to thank, acknowledge, and recognize employees during those times. Doing so can be the best pressure relief valve you’ll ever have.

  1. Make a glossary. Write out the underlined words, their transcription and translation.

  2. Add some other words that you didn't know to the glossary.

  3. Make a detailed plan of the text.

  4. Be ready to retell the text during your credit.

( max 10 points)

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