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  1. Before reading the text, translate the following words: (use multitran.Ru for better translation and remember! This is business English)


    a consequence

    to go wrong

    a co-worker

    a complaint

    the executive suites

    to be punished

    to overlook

    a misconception


    to attach

    to state

    to reflect

    to worsen

    to hire

    a crashing halt

    to dump

    to sneak

    a goal

    a reward


    to boost

  2. Read the text. Translate any other unknown words. Turkeys for the holidays

Here’s an example of how an intended positive consequence can and does go wrong.

Bob has a great story about a large California aerospace manufacturer that decided to thank all its employees at Christmas with a turkey for the holidays. Sounds good so far, doesn’t it? However, some employees noticed that their turkeys were smaller than their co-workers’ turkeys.

Soon the complaints reached the executive suites — employees with smaller turkeys thought they were being punished for poor performance.

Naturally, management couldn’t overlook this misconception. The following year, management instructed the supplier of the Christmas turkeys to supply turkeys of the same weight. The turkey supplier responded that all turkeys were not created equal. Supplying thousands of identical-weight turkeys would be impossible. Faced with this dilemma, management did what only management could do: It attached a printed note to each turkey stating, “The weight of your turkey does not necessarily reflect your performance over the last year.” Complaints continued, and the situation only worsened. Some employees wanted a choice between turkey and ham; others wanted a fruit basket, and so on. As the years went by, management found it necessary to hire a fulltime turkey administrator! Finally, the annual Christmas turkey program came to a crashing halt when management discovered that certain employees were so disillusioned that they were dumping the turkeys out of their boxes, filling the boxes with company-owned tools, and sneaking them past security.

Did the company achieve its goal of equal reward for all? Obviously not. The program didn’t boost employee performance or morale; it only caused a new set of management problems.

  1. Ask 10 questions to the text.

  2. Make a detailed plan of the text.

  3. Translate the following sentences. Use the vocabulary from the text.

    1. Один больщой производитель хотел отблагодарить своих подчиненных на праздники.

    2. Однако, некоторые работники посчитали, что их подарки были меньше, чем подарки их коллег, и написали жалобы.

    3. Руководство проиструктировало поставщиков предоставить одинаковые подарки по качеству и количеству.

    4. Однако, ситуация усугубилась, и вся программа стала ужасной.

    5. Очевидно, компания не достигла цели и руководство не смогло повысить производительность работников.

  1. Be ready to retell the text during your credit.

( max 10 points)

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