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1. University Studies and Research Work.

I'm study at the Institute of Journalism at BSU. Training journalists at the BSU started in 1944. The Faculty of Journalism was singled out as an independent unit of the BSU in 1967 with G.V. Bulatskiy. The admissions to the faculty is carried out the basis of entrance examinations. 6 professors and 24 associate professors conduct teaching of more than 650 students of day study and 300 correspondence students.

The students get educations in the following specialties: International Journalism, Literary Work, Information and Communication, Journalism(press media), Web-journalism and new specialties – Media Management.

Basic course of study consists of five years. Each year includes two semesters, examination sessions, practical classes, tests.

Much attention is paid to probationary training. Each year students have at least one month of creative training in city, regional or republic newspapers on local and nation radio and TV, in various press-centers etc.

The student must complete and protect research work. He conducts independent research of their topic. (Студент должен выполнить и защитить курсовую работу. Он проводит самостоятельное исследование свое темы.)

Research is process that includes thinking up interesting project to work on and of finding answers to questions. Research is hard work but interesting, creative and sometimes frustrating work. Research includes an introduction and sections on methods, findings, and discussion, conclusions and reference lists.

I want to talk about my research work.

The topic of my research paper is illustration`s principles. The researcher`s questions was particular illustration in different types newspapers. My research supervisor associate professor philosophy doctor in philology Alex. Konst. Svorob. To study the particular illustration in different types newspapers, I have chosen the comparison and analysis. In my work, unfortunately, I didn`t used tables, charts, figures. During my research I found out there are more illustrations in 3 issues popular press that in the 6 issues serious newspapers. I try to be accurate in result my research. I used in my research paper formal style, many quotations. Quotations are useful as a form of “evidence”. My reference list should included 15 elements. This is 3 internet-books, 4 paper-books of design, 2 website, 6 number newspapers.

2. Young People in the Modern World. The Idea of Happiness. Problems of an Individual. Stress.

Young people are ambitious, motivated, dynamic. They are looking for happiness.

The idea of ​​happiness suggested by Martin Seligman, an American psychologist. He believes that the formula of happiness consists of Set range, Circumstances, Voluntary Control. We are all born with a certain "set-point" of happiness, determined by our genes. The circumstances we live in influence our level of happiness and we don't always have a lot of control over our circumstances. Voluntary Control - This third factor is the most important factor in the equation, because we can control it. It includes all aspects of our life, includes the way you choose to think about and act on the past, present, and future.

Happiness for me is my family, my friends. I want to have a good and interesting job, big house, big family. As Diderot said, "The happiest man is he who gives happiness to the greatest number of people". I agree with these words.

Many problems exist in modern society. The most important - it's alcohol abuse, smoking and drugs.

Alcohol abuse is a pervasive problem. Some reasons that teens use alcohol and other drugs are: curiosity, desire to feel older, to please others, to reduce stress and relax, boredom, low cost of alcohol. Some people drink because they think it will help them escape from their problems. Alcohol abuse has many behavioral and physical effects.

Behavioral effects can include: irritability, moodiness, violent behavior, impulsiveness. Physical effects can include: alterations of muscle coordination, liver damage, heart disease etc. (Поведенческие эффекты включают: раздражительность, плохое настроение, навязчивое поведение, импульсивность. Психические эффекты включают: нарушение координации, сердечные расстройства…)Any alcohol use can result in negative social, interpersonal and legal consequences.

Drug abuse. Young people are often introduced to drug taking by their friends. Many users take drugs to escape from a life that may seem too hard to bear. Drugs can bring confusing and frightening hallucinations and cause unbalanced emotions or more serious mental disorders. Drugs are often the cause of death among young people.

Smoking. There is a definite link between smoking and bronchial troubles, heart disease and lung cancer.Smoking should be banned in all public places like theatres, cinemas and restaurants. Great efforts should be made to inform young people especially of the dire consequences of taking up the habit.

Stress is many different kinds of things: happy things, sad things, allergic things, physical things. Stress is a topical problem of the contemporary society. Many people suffer from stress and the illnesses it can cause. . We can't avoid stress. And we can't help ourselves or others, until we know more about it. Stress can happen to anyone, not only a businessman, but housewives, students. Stress-based illness doesn't happen all at once.

Types of Stress

Emotional Stress

When arguments, disagreements, and conflicts cause CHANGES in your personal life – that is stress.


Catching a cold, breaking an arm, a skin infection, a sore back, are all CHANGES in your body condition.

Rushing Your Body Too Hard

A major source of stress is overdriving yourself. If you are working (or partying) 16 hours a day, you will have reduced your available time for rest. Sooner or later, the energy drain on your system will cause the body to fall behind in its repair work

Environmental Factors

Very hot or very cold climates can be stressful. Very high altitude may be a stress. Toxins or poisons are a stress. Each of these factors threatens to cause CHANGES in your body's internal environment.

Taking Responsibility for Another Person's Actions

When you take responsibility for another person's actions, CHANGES occur in your life over which you have little or no control. Taking responsibility for another person's actions is a major stressor.

Allergic Stress

Allergic reactions are a part of your body's natural defense mechanism. When confronted with a substance which your body considers toxic, your body will try to get rid of it.