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The muscles of head (musculi capitis/мышцы головы) The facial muscles (musculi faciei/мышцы лица)

The facial muscles are attached to the skin or mucous membrane by one or both ends.

Epicranius (m. epicranius/надчерепная мышца)

  • Origin. The frontal belly (venter frontalis/лобное брюшко) extends backwards from the forehead region and the occipital belly (venter occipitalis/затылочное брюшко) extends forwards from the occipital bone.

  • Insertion. Both parts are inserted into the epicranial aponeurosis (aponeurosis epicranialis/сухожильный шлем).

  • Actions. The frontal belly lifts the eyebrows when looking upwards and both bellies can move the whole scalp on the underlying loose fascia.

Orbicularis oculi (m. orbicularis oculi/круговая мышца глаза)

  • In two parts.

  • The orbital part (pars orbitalis/глазничная часть) surrounds the whole eye, blending with the frontal belly of the epicranius. It closes the eye tightly.

  • The palpebral part (pars palpebralis/вековая часть) is in the eyelid and closes the eye gently as in sleep.

Procerus (m. procerus/мышца гордецов)

  • Origin. The ridge of the nose.

  • Insertion. The skin of the glabella where it interlaces with the frontal belly of the epicranius.

  • Actions. It causes transverse wrinkling of the skin above the bridge of the nose.

Corrugator supercilii (m. corrugator supercilii/мышца, сморщивающая бровь)

  • Origin. The nasal part of the frontal bone.

  • Insertion. It passes laterally and interlaces with the frontal belly of the epicranius.

  • Actions. It draws the eyebrows towards each other and causes the formation of vertical wrinkles in the space between the eyebrows above the bridge of the nose.

Nasalis (m. nasalis/носовая мышца)

  • Origin. From the wall of the socket of the maxillary lateral incisor.

  • Insertion. The transverse part (pars transversa/поперечная часть) ascends to the bridge of the nose and joins with the contralateral muscle. The alar part (pars alaris/крыльная часть) passes to the ala.

  • Actions. The transverse part compresses the cartilaginous part of the nose, the alar part draws the ala downwards.

Orbicularis oris (m. orbicularis oris/круговая мышца рта)

  • Surrounds the whole mouth and blends in with the surrounding muscles.

  • Closes the mouth and protrudes the lips.

Buccinator (m. buccinator/щёчная мышца)

  • Origin. From the pterygomandibular ligament, where it is continuous with the superior constrictor of the pharynx.

  • Insertion. It blends in with the orbicularis oris.

  • Actions. It tightens the cheeks and keeps them in contact with the gums, thus preventing food collecting in the vestibule of the mouth.

Levator labii superioris

(m. levator labii superioris/мышца, поднимающая верхнюю губу)

  • Origin. The infra-orbital margin of the maxilla.

  • Insertion. The skin of the nasolabial fold.

  • Actions. It raises the upper lip.

Levator anguli oris (m. levator anguli oris/мышца, поднимающая угол рта)

  • Origin. The canine fossa.

  • Insertion. The angle of the mouth.

  • Actions. It raises the angle of the mouth.

Zygomaticus minor (m. zygomaticus minor/малая скуловая мышца)

  • Origin. The zygomatic bone.

  • Insertion. The skin of the nasolabial fold.

  • Actions. It raises the angle of the mouth and makes the nasolabial fold deeper.

Zygomaticus major (m. zygomaticus major/большая скуловая мышца)

  • Origin. The lateral surface of the zygomatic bone.

  • Insertion. The angle of the mouth.

  • Actions. It pulls the angle of the mouth upwards and laterally. It is very important in the expression of laughter on the face.

Depressor anguli oris (m. depressor anguli oris/мышца, опускающая угол рта)

  • Origin. The inferior border of the mandible laterally of the mental tubercle.

  • Insertion. The angle of the mouth.

  • Actions. It pulls the angle of the mouth downwards.

Depressor labii inferioris

(m. depressor labii inferioris/мышца, опускающая нижнюю губу)

  • Origin. The inferior border of the mandible just below the mental foramen.

  • Insertion. The lower lip.

  • Actions. It pulls the lower lip downwards and laterally.

Mentalis (m. mentalis/подбородочная мышца)

  • Origin. The alveolar yokes of the lower incisors.

  • Insertion. The skin of the chin.

  • Actions. It raises the skin of the chin with the formation of small dimples in it.

Risorius (m. risorius/мышца смеха)

  • Origin. The masseteric fasciae.

  • Insertion. The angle of the mouth.

  • Actions. It forms the small dimple laterally to the angle of the mouth and stretches the mouth in laughing.

Nerve supply of the facial muscles: the facial nerve.

The masticatory muscles (musculi masticatorii/жевательные мышцы)

Temporalis (m. temporalis/височная мышца)

  • Origin. The lateral side of the skull below the temporal line.

  • Insertion. The coronoid process of the mandible.

  • Actions. It closes the mouth and clenches the teeth. The posterior fibres are horizontal and help to retract the mandible when closing the mouth.