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  1. Character sketch of Irene.

She is Soamese’s wife She has exceptionally beauty. Her striking beauty attracts everybody’s attention. She has a rare combination of dark brown eyes and golden hair, the color of dead leaves. She has a beautiful figure. She is tall, holds herself very up-right and resembles a Hathern Goddess. The most striking features of her face is her lips. Golsworty uses a metaphor describing its “ a shadow smile”. Soames fell in love with her and had proposed her several times before she agreed to marry him. Very soon after the wedding she understood that she had made a terrible mistake and asked for the divorce, but Soames as a real Forsyte would never let her go. Before marriage Irene was very poor, because her father died and left her without any means. The general opinion of her is disapproval. In their opinion she has a foreign look, Soames is half-cracked about her and he will have a lot of troubles with her. At the end of the book Irene decided to leave Soames and to run away with Bosinney. At last she stops being passive and is able to act. But Bosinney dies tragically and she has to return back home, because she has nowhere to go. The very last pages of the novel show Irene sitting in the sofa and looking completely broken and desperate. But we understand that eventually she would leave Soames forever and the moral victory will be on her side and the side of her dead lover Bosinney. And Soames will be a moral looser- this is a collapse of the men of property.

  1. Character sketch of Bosinney.

Bosinney was freedom, loving, independent and disrespectful person. We first meet Bosinney in the very first chapter of the book “at home at old Jolion” where Bosinney was given at the attention of the Forsytes. All the Forsytes were on their guard because they scented danger in him. Bosinney was young architect without any name and that’s why he was very poor. This fact however didn’t scare the Forsytes much because like themselves any man could became rich if he focused all his life on the accumulation of money, but in Bosinney they saw the opposite of themselves. In the conflict between property and art (which is the main conflict of the novel) Bosinney represents art and Soames-property. This conflict is typical in every bourgeois society, where artist have to sell their talent to the men of property. The conflict between Soames and Bosinney that Soames bought a first-rate man for a fought-rate fee. Bosinney is very talented, he created a masterpiece, but Soames hired him deliberately (on purpose) because he wanted to take revenge on him for his wife Irene. In the end of the novel Bosinney died tragically. The author shows the tragic fate of an artist in the world of the Forsyte, but Soames is ruined morally himself. He was doomed never to live in the house oh his dream and to loose his only love of his life- Irene. + sketch of Soames+ art and beauty.

  1. Father and son. The relation between old and young Jolyon.

The relation between father and son were spoiled by a 15 year breach, caused by an awful misdeed of young Jolion, which he had committed 14 years ago. It was because old Jolion had abounded his wife and small daughter for the sake of another woman. All the Forsyting society turned its back on him and old Jolion had to obey. The rules of the society he himself belonged to. As a result young Jolion had gone to the dogs. He was living in grinding poverty and as for his father he had taking the side of his son’s abandoned wife and daughter, and had brought up, June, who was the apple of his eye. The book begins with June’s being a young girl engaged to be married. And suddenly old Jolion understood his terrible mistake and decided to reconcile with his son. He made the first step in reconciliation and a new lease of life open for them. As far as I understood there is much in common between Young and old Jolion: on the one hand they are both typical Forsytes- stubborn, didn’t want to admit their mistakes, very proud on live in the teeth of principles, but on the other hand they have strong human qualities untypical for Forsytes – both of them have the courage to admit that they were wrong and both of them are able to express strong feelings such as love and compotation, they both have affection for ‘lame ducks’ that means for those who are weak and helpless. I strongly sympathize with both old and young Jolion and consider them very positive characters.