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Defining Economics

Economics is a science concerned with how people use available resourc­es to satisfy their wants through the process of production and exchange.

There have been many definitions of economics in the past. The earliest definitions envisaged economics as the study of wealth and the older name for economics was "political economy". Later economics was defined as "the practical science of the production and distribution of wealth".

[At the turn of the 19th century economists defined economics as a study of man's actions in the ordinary business of life. At that time economics focused on how men got their incomes and used them.

In more recent years, the subject of economics was defined more precise­ly as "the science which studies human behaviour as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses".

Today economics deals with data on income, employment, expenditure, prices, production, consumption, transportation and trade.

economics n - экономика (наука) be concerned with — заниматься чём-л.,

касаться чего-л. resources n ресурсы wants n - потребности definition n определение envisage v - рассматривать wealth n богатство define v - определять

distribution л - распределение incqme n - доход ргес|м|у adv - точно retymjubip п — связь, отношение scart* д# - дефицитный alterative adj - альтернативный expenditure n - расходы consumption n - потребление

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