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3. Stylistic Individualization

In accordance with A. Popovitch’s classification Stylistic Individualization means that the translator can change the structure of stanza, the rhythm of the poem or the way of creating images.

4. Stylistic Amplification

Stylistic Amplification is the intentional emphasizing of the excessive means. The translator can introduce his own metaphors, epithets or other stylistic devices which are not stated in the original text.

My birthday present? - Мой деньрожденный подарок ?

5. Stylistic Weakening

Stylistic weakening is “muffling” of expressive means of the original text and their substitution for neutral ones. The register of the ST becomes one grade lower.


(about Piglet) … and as to seem quite at ease he hummed tiddely-pom once or twice in a what-shall-we-do-now kind of way.

... а чтобы не подавать виду, что он смущался, он раз другой тирлимбомбомкнул так беззаботно как только мог.

The specific function – emotional colouring – of the phrase epithet is not involved. The phrase “так беззаботно как только мог” does not render the tone of the passage. 

72. Types of grammatical transformations: Replacement of parts of the sentence

Grammatical substitutions refer to various changes of grammatical (morphological) forms and syntactic structures.

Parts-of-a-sentence substitutions: Visitors are requested to leave their coats in the cloakroom - Посетителей просят оставлять верхнюю одежду в гардеробе (the subject of the English passive form is replaced by the Russian direct object of the active form); Last week witnessed an intensification of the diplomatic activity - На прошлой неделе наблюдалось оживление дипломатической деятельности (the English subject denoting adverbial modifiers is replaced by Russian adverbial modifiers).

76. Passive voice forms in translation.

English passive voice is used more frequently due to the various types of construction it occurs in. Whereas Russian passive voice construction is formed only by transitive verbs requiring a direct object when used as an active voice structure, English passive is classified into four types of construction:

direct passive: A book was given to him. It has a corresponding Russian passive voice form: Книга была дана ему.

indirect passive: He was given the book. This form is translated by the corresponding Russian active voice verb in the impersonal sentence: Ему дали эту книгу.

prepositional passive: The article was not referred to. – На эту статью не ссылались. The corresponding Russian impersonal sentence is also with the active verb.

adverbial passive: The room hasn’t been lived in. When translated into Russian, the passive construction is substituted by an active one, sometimes a subject of the sentence is introduced: В комнате никто не жил/не живет.

Thus, only one type of English passive construction has a direct correspondence in Russian. But not all English direct passive constructions can be transformed into Russian passive, since the verb transitivity in English and Russian does not coincide. Cf. to enter the room – войти в комнату, to join the party – вступить в партию, to follow somebody – следовать за кем-то, to attend the meeting – присутствовать на собрании, to influence somebody – влиять на кого-то: The next morning this event was reported by all the papers. – На следующее утро об этом событии сообщили все газеты.

Care should be taken when translating English parallel passive verbs, since they may correspond in Russian to the verbs of different cases: He was trusted and respected. – Ему доверяли и его уважали. In this case the Russian sentence requires repetition of the pronominal object (ему – его); otherwise, the sentence would sound grammatically incorrect (*Ему доверяли и уважали).

As for passive forms, there are two types in English: be-passive and get-passive. The latter is mostly used to indicate the starting point of the action: They got married. – Они поженились. The get-passive is also used to express negative connotation, when the object of the action undergoes something unpleasant or dangerous: He got hurt. – Он ушибся. (Он обиделся.) He got injured in a road accident. – Он получил травму во время дорожной аварии.

One challenge of translating is the English “double passive”. It takes place when the main predicate is used in the passive voice and the following infinitive is also passive: The treaty is reported to have been signed by both parties. In translation, the predicate can be substituted by the active verb: Сообщают, что договор уже подписан обеими сторонами. The principal clause can also be substituted by a parenthetical one: Как сообщают, договор уже подписан обеими сторонами. Or the passive infinitive can be substituted for the active one, so that the sentence subject turns into the sentence object: The prisoners were ordered to be shot. – Было приказано расстрелять пленников. Finally, there might be a substitution by the noun: The music is intended to be played on the piano. – Музыка предназначена для игры на фортепьяно.


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