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Topic 34 Should business hire employees for their entire lives?

Whether businesses should hire employees for their entire lives is relatively (относительно) a subject of discussion as hiring employees for the lifetime increases the level of commitment (обязанность, долг, приверженность) and an undying loyalty and gives the feeling of security to employees whereas hiring new employees brings fresh blood into an organization.

I personally believe that businesses should hire new employees from time to time as this process brings new ideas, new expertise, new motivation, new energy, new technology, new beliefs, new culture, motivated spirit and other similar features which is very necessary for an individual and organization growth.

The inculcation and stirring (Внедрение и перемешивание) of fresh blood in an organization keeps the company/organization/business going towards achieving more sales and more profits as new employees are better motivated to take new challenges with a positive attitude and proactive approach (профилактический, проактивный подход). They embrace (охватывать, включать) new culture and offer their values, they bring potential ideas for the internal (внутренниих) and as well as the external (внешних) employees. Rejuvenating new employees helps the company from many perspectives as after certain period of time old employees becomes less contributing because of the same monotonous work, same environment, same relationships and no new challenges and risks to take on.

If you look at all the new multinationals (транснациональные корпорации) i.e. Microsoft, HCL, HP, etc., they are achieving stunning annual growth (потрясающего ежегодного роста) and profits because their policy is to bring the best in an organization and keep hiring new employees. Employees are the back bone of every organization and pumping fresh blood to it after certain period becomes evitable (неизбежного) for growth.

My advice to all will be to adopt a policy to inculcate fresh employees from time to time and investing time and money on them to help them deliver their best and also to retain (сохранять) some amount of old employees because it is said "OLD IS GOLD" to get the ship going through hard times and conquers (побеждает) at last.

Topic 34 Should business hire employees for their entire lives?

Should business hire employees for their entire lives? My answer is no. A business has the responsibility to take care of the right and interests of its employees; therefore it should keep them as long as it can. But it is not realistic that a business can hire its employees for their entire lives.

Firstly, on the business side, in order to survive and thrive (процветать), a business, like a human body, needs to constantly bring in new ideas and fresh minds into the corporation, and eliminate those positions that are not needed any longer. Although this might sound cruel, but it is for the survival of the business. If the business itself cannot continue, every employee will lose his/her job. People generally think big companies like IBM or Wal-Mart are the kind of place where people can keep their jobs forever, but these days we often hear about the news that these companies also lay off hundreds and thousands of people due to economic depressions.

Secondly, on the employee side, securing a lifetime job in one company is always not good for his personal advancement (личного развития). He tends to be satisfied with his current job, and make no plans for the future career advancement. This is harmful for both the company and himself. In fact, it is those hop (двигаться подпрыгивая) around among different companies who can get a big increase in terms of (с точки зрения) salary and benefits, and bring new experiences and skills to their new employees.

In conclusion, I believe it is not a good idea to hire employees for their entire lives. It is both harmful to business and its employees, and therefore, also harmful to the society.

Topic 35 A live performance vs. television broadcast

I do not agree with the statement that attending (посещения) a live performance such as a play, concert or sport event is more enjoyable than watching the same event on TV, because there are many disadvantages in attending a real performance.

Firstly, there is too much trouble in attending a real performance. You have to buy tickets, sometimes stand in a long queue (длинная очередь); you have to plan the trip and set out (отправиться) a few hours before the show started. After arrival at the theatre or stadium, you will have great trouble finding a parking place. During a sport event, your personal safety might be jeopardized (оказаться под угрозой): the sports funs might get too excited about the event, and become a mob (стать толпой). Many people might have heard the news that a girl was killed by a puck (шайба) during a hockey game. If you take public transport or a taxi home after the show, you might find it very difficult to catch a bus or find a cab.

Secondly, the seating arrangement (рассадки) can greatly affect the comfort of watching the show. If your seat is far from the stage or playground, you cannot even see the show clearly. People's heads and cheers (крики) will distract (отвлекать) you from viewing the show, and in the end you do not even know whom you have seen in a play, or who wins in a sports event!

Thirdly, there is no flexibility in a real show. After you have been through so much trouble and eventually start to enjoy the show, you might find that you are quite disappointed about the show after all. Unlike watching TV programs, you neither simply change channels nor leave the theatre in the middle of a concert or play. You might spend a lot of money to suffer from a show that you do not like.

On the contrary, watching TV at home, where you can make yourself a cup of coffee, sit back comfortably and relax, watch the show closely, and enjoy the realistic image and sound from your SONY home-theatre system. Besides, you can watch programs whatever you like, and go to bed right when the show has ended.

Although many people enjoy the excitement of watch a real show, I think nothing is more convenient and comfortable than watch TV at home.

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