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Topic 7 Movies influence people

It has been noticed that movies and television influence people's behavior. The influence appears in different forms such as the way of eating, the kind of food, and general attitudes. Recently, there was a show called "Super Star" on Arabic Television networks where it showed how the actors are in their normal life situations. I have seen mature (mətjuə зрелый, взрослый, развиваться, созревать) people as well as yang children imitating the actor's behavior. They started eating pasta and kind of foods that won't increase the fat in the body. Also, they took more care to eat in a prestige manner such as using the spoons and forks. On the other hand, people started wearing clothes that doesn't fit the society standards. The actors in the show were wearing short and sexy clothes. This attitude reflected on the teenagers. They started wearing similar clothes since they feel that those actors are the models to follow.

A research done by Ohio State University at 1998 has indicated that people go into four stages when being influenced by a movie or Television. First, the model: the model is a person that wakes up people's awareness for something. For example, super Star actor's new attitudes. Second is selective attention: people selectively start to imitate the model behavior. For example, the way of eating and kind of foods or clothes used. Third, selective retention (сохранение в памяти, сохранение): people still selectively repeat the model attitude even though he/she is no longer their. For example, the show ended but still some people retain (сохраняют) the behavior. Forth, feedback: it is the information perceived by people (воспринятая людьми) wither (иссушать, лишать силы или свежести) what they are doing is acceptable or not. Here people decide wither (whether, решают, следует ли продолжать) to continue or stop the model's behavior based on the standard norms.

to wither on the vine — засохнуть на корню, остаться нереализованным

In conclusion, movies and televisions have great influence on people. The influence can be in form of learning new attitudes, wither (whether является) it is good or bad. It could be good behavior if it fits the standard norms or improve the daily behavior such as eating healthy foods and practicing sports. Or it could be bad behavior such as wearing clothes and performing unethical attitudes that contradict (противоречит) social standards.

Topic 7 How do movies or tv affect people?

Our life has gone through great changes since television and movies came into being, which provides a totally new and different way of using our spare time to the traditional way. As a matter of fact (В сущности, фактически), with the wide spread of this mass media such as movies and television all over the world, people's behavior and thoughts have been changed a lot since it has become an inalienable part (неотъемлемой частью) of our daily life. Movies and television influence people's behavior by altering their views of value (путем изменения их представления о ценностях), beauty, and the world.

The city has altered very much since 1990. — Город сильно изменился с 1990 года.

People become more confident and seldom give up after watching the movie Forest Gump, they stop smoking and begin to do exercises after watching the TV program about smoking ruins (пагубное воздействие) one's health, and girls try hard to lose weight after actresses in movies and television tend to be thinner and thinner. All these changes, indeed, has much to do with mass media. It is obvious that, teenagers talk a lot when gathered together about sports games or newest Hollywood movies, whereas (в то время как) adults discuss the world's political situation or social problems when having time in their offices. The topics that they focus on, in most cases, are acquired either from television programs or from movies, and so forth. Movies and television influence people's behavior by satisfying their imagination. Heroes and heroines achieve great success of their business, attain (достигать, добиваться) sweet love of their life, and gain high respect of their fame (известность, популярность, слава) so easily within a two-hour long movie. When watching it, audiences can experience the same evens, share the same feelings, and this whole process would fulfill their fantasies, as a result, cause them to find balance in their lives, or, to some degree, lose the balance, which depends on not only the movies but also the audiences themselves.

All in all, mass media, including movies and television, has a significant correlation (взаимосвязь с) with people's behaviors. To put it differently (Иначе говоря), tasks are arduous (требующий большого напряжения) for mass media to bring people laughter, joy and relaxation (радость и отдых), and at the same time some pedagogic meanings.

To forgive is the most arduous pitch human nature can arrive at. — Прощение - самая труднодоступная вершина, которую может достигнуть человек.

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