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hSessiya po ecologii.doc
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Intensive algae propagation or Intensive growth of algae

External cost: Harmful environmental, social cost born by people not directly involve in baying or selling of product

Ecological footprint is: Measure of human impact on the environment, which allows you to calculate the size of the adjacent territory, needed to produce our resources consumed and waste storage

Erosion is the loss of soil that result from:

Redistrebution of the products of geologic weathering

Ecological factors are divided in 2 groups

Ecological niche is an organisms place in the ecosystems : where it lives, what it consumes, what consumes it, and how it interacts with all biotic and abiotic

Elecomposer for chain” begin with dead materials

Eutrophication is a state when water becomes so over – enriched with nutrients that organism such as algae and phytoplankton multiply

Economic system that to meet human needs while protecting the life support system of the biosphere is called: Sustainable economic

Evolutions is a long term process of change in organisms cause by random genetic changes that favor the survival and reproduction of the organism possessing the genetic change


Find an abiotic factor in an ecosystem: non-living components, for ex-le temperature, sunlight

Find homeothermic organisms: mammals

Find biotic factor in an ecosystem: living components, for ex-le plants, animals, etc. (как Нигай говорит =)

Find the statistic characteristic of population: population number demography

Find the dynamic characteristics of population: population growth rate, population density

Find the heterotrophic organism: Primary consumer (это те, которые едят готовую пищу)

Find an autotrophic organism: Plants (это те, которые сами производят еду)

Find the nonrenewable resources: fossil fuel, mineral

Find the renewable resource : water, plants, animals, natural chemical or physical processes, sunlight, wind

Factors that specifically cause abnormalities during embryo

Factors that damage genetic material of organisms are : mutagents

From greek “noos “ means Mind

Factors that affect populations regardless of population density is called density-dependent factor living organism

Food chain is a kind of relationship when one organism feeds on another

Find out the ‘art-nature’ Factors ,plants,house.

Fungicides are chemicals that kill undesirable fungi.


Growth rate = Crude Birth rate – crude death rate

And decomposer

Global biogeochemical cycles are: the process by which inorganic materials move from the atmosphere or soil into living organisms and back again

Growth rate is equal to 15/1000.this means that everyone is typical pattern of falling death and birth rates due to improved living condition that usually accompanies economic development., consumption of goods,compound interest, the volume

Global biogeochemical cycle are the process by which inorganic materials move from the atmosphere or soil into living organisms and back again

Greenhouse gas is any several naturally occurring or anthropogenic gas that heat escaping from the Earth surface, causing the atmosphere to heat up


The term “Ecology” was introduced by: Heckel

The term “Environment” means: All the biological and non-biological factors that affect an organism life

The physical area in which an organism lives is its: Habitat

The position of an organism defined by its role in a biological

Term “Ecosystem” was introduced by: Tansley

The community includes: All populations in area

The term “tolerance” means: Limits of organism stability to effect of ecological factor

The carrying capacity of a population does not include the statement: coming capacity

The S-shaped curve is typical of a population that:

Occurs because of environmental resistance

The industrial revolution, agricultural revolution and others helped to Fred human population

The population with rapid growth includes the following

pre-reproductive and reproductive

The volcanic eruption is an example of

National disasters nonbiotic factors

The area of the Earth occupied with living things is called:


The term “Biosphere” was introduced by:

E. Zuss(1875)

The author of the study about biosphere is:

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