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hSessiya po ecologii.doc
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Autecology is ecology of: single species

Anthropogenic sources of pollution are: factors that are caused by human actives

An interaction between two species in which species benefit each other is: Mutualism

Amount of energy passing from one trophic level to the next one is: 10%

According to numbers pyramids, a quantity of organisms at a higher trophic level: Decreases

Alternative sources of energy include: sun, wind, waves

Acid rain occur as: Rain, snow, fog, mist, hail

Acid rain is harmful because it can: Dissolve nutrients and toxic heavy metals into the soil

A special protected territory that is completely removed from an economical use is: Biosphere reservations (National parks, Zapovedniks)

A population that is growing exponential in the absence of limiting factors can be illustrated by: J-shaped curve

All the members of the species that live in the same area and make up a breeding group its: Population

Abiotic factors are: the nonliving components of an

ecosystem(nitrogen, temperature and rainfall)

All the members of a species that live in the same area and make up a breeding group its: population

Atmospheric carbon dioxide is absorbed by

Atmospheric carbon dioxide absorb by plants and fit sinthesy organism phytoplankton

“Art-nature” is environment created by people.It includes


Air , water and soil pollutants are classified Medium the are cotiminate

Agricultural sources of pollutions are chemicals called pesticides that are manufactured by farmers to control insects other pests.

Acid rain is a by-product of modern atmospheric pollution – secondary pollutant (pH is below 5)


Biological magnification in the process of: Where by the concentration of a fat-soluble contaminant increases as it pass up the food chain

Biologists recognize 2 general types of food chains. They are: Grazer

Biome is: climatically and geographically defined as similar climatic condition on the earth.

Biotic factors are divided in 4 groups

Biodiversity is the variability among living organisms from all sources Including terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems

Biotic potential” Is the maximum reproductive rate of an organism, unlimited resources and deal environmental conditions.


Competition, predation, and symbiosis are types of :

Relationship between organism

Consumers, those eat producers are: Herbivores

Consumers such as wolves that eat other consumer are: Carnivores

Consumers such as humans that eat both producer and other consumers are called: Omnivores

Chemical compounds cause acid rain: Sulfide dioxide, nitrogen oxide

Competition – is a kind of antropogenetic relationships within a community.a struggle between two or more groups for a limited resource

Crud birth rate (natality) The ratio of total live births to total population in a specified community or area over a specified period of time. The birthrate is often expressed as the number of live births per 1,000 of the population

Carbon cycle is the cycling of carbon between between organisms and the environment”

Cannot be self- regulated for a long time.It includes cultural landscapes,for example : garden, parks,pasture etc. Second nature or Quasi-nature

Carcinogens is substances that cause cancer.

Call the Prevention measures of pollution from waste: Reuse, Replace, Recycle, Reinvent


Domestic source of pollutions are household waste (solid) and sewage (liquid).

Demecology is ecology of: populations

Define the right order of components in the trophic chain “tree-hare-fox”: Producer – consumer – decomposer

Development are called: terochans

Distribution of gas concentrations in the atmosphere in descendind order is : nitrogen,oxogen, argon, carbon dioxide.

Difference between J-shaped curve and S-shaped curve - the S curve reaches its carrying capacity and levels out while J curve hits its carrying capacity and continue causing population explosion and competition for resources.

Doubling time is the period of time required for a quantity to double in size of malignant tumours, and many other things which tend to grow over time.  or value. It is applied to population growth, inflation, resource extraction

Decomposer food chain is a specific nutrient and energy pathway in an ecosystem In which bacteria and fungi consume dead plants and animals as well as animal wastes

Dry smog causes vision reduction and irritation of eyes, nose, throat.


Mutagentsare chemicals (or radiation) that damage or alter genetic materials in cells.

Mechanism that explains atmospheric heating caused by increasing carbon dioxide is called Greenhouse effect.

Environment (acidic resins, arsenic, heavy metals, organic solvents, pesticides and radioactive materials)

Movement of people across state and national boundaries to set up new residence is called: Migration

Montreal Protocol (1987) is an international political agreement about ozone layer protection


Ecology is a science that studies: Interactions between organisms and their environment

Ecosystem is: The total of interacting organisms and non-living things in a specific environment

“Each environmental factors has limits of its positive influence on the organism”. This principle is described by: Shelford

Ecological factor that limits viability of organisms is: Critical

Eyrobionts are organisms with: Tolerance

Environment that is changed by people is: Noosphere

Eutrophication of water is accompanied with:

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