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V1: Лексика

V2:Учебная лексика


S:Существительное во множественном числе…

-: men

S: Слово, где сочетание сh читается как [K]…

-: chemistry

S: Слово не имеющее латино-греческого корня…

-: magazine

S: We had two lectures …

-: yesterday

S: Мне семнадцать лет.

-: I am seventeen.

S: It takes me three hours to do …

-: my home assignments.

S: The Novosibirsk medical institute was … in1935.

-: founded

S: Глаголом является слово …

-: hospitalize

S:He usually … many patients every day

-: receives

S: She … Anatomy very well

-: understood

S: There are 9 … in our university.

-: faculties

S: English is the most important language ….

-: in the world

V2: Профессиональная лексика

S: Слово, которое не является названием факультета…

-: morphological

S: Слово, которое не является названием мед. учреждения…

-: library

S: What is a pre-clinical subject?

-: physiology

S: Vitamins are very effective in improving our ...

-: health

S: What is the symbol of medicine?

-: the snake

S: What is the aim of medicine?

-: healing

S: Слово, которое не является частью тела…

-: health

S: What operation was the first known surgical treatment?

-: trepanation

S: Who developed the practice of acupuncture?

-: the Chinese

S: The prominent Russian scientist I.I. Mechnikov called phagocytes

+: microbe cells destroyers

S: Слово, которое читается не по правилу…

-: blood

S: Слово, которое обозначает заболевание…

-: lobular pneumonia

S: William Harvey performed many experiments to learn how blood … through the body.

-: circulates

S: What was the first scientific book written by Andreas Visalins on?

-: on human anatomy

S: …is considered to be the father of virology

-: Robert Koch

S: What is the largest faculty of our University?

-: Medical

S: If it is necessary the nurse will

-: give injections

S: We call Hippocrates ...

-: the father of medicine.

S: Avicenna is known as the author of ...

-: the cannon of medicine

S: Слово, которое не является частью туловища..

-: thigh

S: Слово, которое не является анатомическим термином…

-: research

S: Lower extremity consists of thigh, ### and foot. leg

S: The brain is in the ### cavity. Cranial

S: How many bones are there in the skeleton?

-: 200

S: What connects the upper extremity with the trunk?

-: the shoulder girdle

Q: Расположите названия позвонков в правильной последовательности.

1: cervical

2. thoracic

3: lumbar

4: sacral

S: 35-40% of the body is formed by .

-: the muscles

S: The wide muscles form ….

-: the walls of the body cavities

S: Слово, которое не является анатомическим термином…

-: female

S: Слово которое обозначает отдел желудочно-кишечного тракта…

: stomach

S: Where is the brain located?

-: in the cranial cavity

S: What are the lungs separated from each other by?

-: the madiastinum - средостение

S: The … of the lungs is 3-4 liters.

-: the vital capacity

S: The ### is the organ of taste tongue

S: What is the largest gland in the body?

-: the liver

S: Укажите соответствия:

L1: valve R1: клапан

L2: chamber R5: камера L3: ventricle R4: желудочек

L4: heart R3: сердце

S: Pulse becomes rapid … physical exertion.

-: on

S: ### is the main artery of the heart. aorta

S: The most numerous elements of blood are ###. erythrocytes

S: When people …the lungs contract.

-: breathe out - выдыхать

S: What is the most complicated mechanism of the human body?

-: the brain

S: Who studied unconditional reflexes?

-: Pavlov

S: Free oxygen is not favorable for the development of ...

-: anaerobic microorganisms

S: What are microbe cell destroyers?

-: phagocytes

S: What are the smallest living organisms?

-: bacteria

S: Предложение, которое соответствует действительности…

-: Virology is a branch of microbiology.

S: What was Robert Koch?

-: a German microbiologist

S: How many discoveries did Robert Koch make?

-: three

S: What did Robert Koch discover?

-: viruses

S: What is Alexander Fleming considered to be?

-: the father of antibiotics

S: What did D.I. Ivanovsky study to make his discovery?

-: plants

S: Глаголом является слово…

-: complain

Q: What labels indicate drugs used for injections?

-: blue

S: … admission to the hospital the patient felt bad.

-: on

S: The patient had high temperature and complained ### cough

S: Before treating a patient the doctor must know …

-: his complaints

S: A patient can call in a doctor when

: he has high temperature

S: Укажите соответствия информации частям истории болезни:

L1: occupation R2: the identification

L2: mental impairments R1: the family history

L3: traumas R3: the past history

L4: complaints R5: the history of the present illness

S: On admission to the hospital the physician … the patient’s case history.

-: fills in

S: Укажите порядок заполнения истории болезни:

1: the identification

4: the family history

3: the past history

2: the history of the present

S: When a person needs to buy or order medicines he goes to the ### pharmacy

S: Найдите соответствия:

L1: administration R1: назначение

L2: indication R2: показание

L3: prescription R5: рецепт

L4: direction R4: направление

S: Some drugs may be …

- poisonous

S: The mechanism of the development of the disease is ### pathogenesis

S: The patient complained of …

- cough with sputum

S: Coated tongue can be revealed by …

- visual examination

S: Laboratory studies do not include …

- fever

S: Слово, имеющее отрицательный суффикс…

- breathless

S: What symptom is subjective?

- malaise

S: Слово обозначающее заболевание…

- pleurisy

S: What can be revealed by X-ray examination?

- shadow

S: Прилагательное, характеризующее слово rale …

- moist

S: Bronchitis is ### of bronchi. inflammation

S: Переведите следующие глаголы.

L1: to diminish R5: уменьшать

L2: to determine R2: определять

L3: to disturb R4: повреждать

L4: to deviate R3: отклоняться (от нормы)

S: What is the most important instrumental study to diagnose heart disease?

- electrocardiogram

S: Adonis preparation are administered …

- to control cardiovascular insufficiency

S: Укажите соответствия:

L1: брюшина R1: peritoneum

L2: подреберье R3: hypochondrium

L3: пупочный R2: umbilical

L4: брюшная полость R5: abdomen

S: What symptoms is common to many disturbances of the liver…

- jaundice

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