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Ministry of education and science, youth and sports of Ukraine

Ukrainian state university of finance and international trade

Foreign languages department


Business english project work

Organizations, their forms and general features”

3Rd year student

Faculty of international economics

and management

Supervisor: Romanuk Zhanna





1. General characteristics of organization…………………….……………………....3

1.1. Definition and role of organizations……...…………………….……………...…3

1.2. The main features of enterprise………………………….…………………….....4

2. Classification of legal organizations……………………….……………………....4

2.1. Organizational forms………………………………………….………………….4

2.2. Types of enterprises……………………………………….……………………...5

3. Leadership in organizations………………………………….……………………..7





A business organization is a company. It is an association or collection of individual real persons and/or other companies, who each provide some form of capital. This group has a common purpose or focus and an aim of gaining profits. This collection, group or association of persons can be made to exist in law and then a company is itself considered as legal.

There are a variety of legal types of organizations, including: corporations, governmental, non-governmental organizations, international organizations, armed forces, charities, not-for-profit corporations, partnerships, cooperatives, hybrid organizations. Hybrid organization is a mixture of a government and a corporate organization.

1. General characteristics of organization

1.1. Definition and role of organizations

An organization is a social group which distributes tasks for a collective goal. The analysis of organizations demonstrates that a number of different perspectives exist, some of which are compatible:

  1. From a process-related perspective, an organization is viewed as an entity is being (re-) organized, and the focus is on the organization as a set of tasks or actions.

  2. From a functional perspective, the focus is on how entities like businesses or state authorities are used.

  3. From an institutional perspective, an organization is viewed as a purposeful structure within a social context.

A social unit of people, systematically structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals on a continuing basis. All organizations have a management structure that determines relationships between functions and positions, and subdivides and delegates roles, responsibilities, and authority to carry out defined tasks. Organizations are open systems in that they affect and are affected by the environment beyond their boundaries.

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