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5) Children 'Must Have Say in Custody Orders'


1. F … court orders relating to where a minor lived, or how the order was maintained, would need the consent of the child…

2. T

3. T


1. Irish courts currently allow children to contribute to the process

2. Unless the child has been involved at the drafting of the custody or­der stage, the foreign court could not compel the father to send the child home.


  1. custody order – to put smb. under smb's guardianship.

  2. Enforce - cause (something) to happen by necessity or force

  3. Stipulate (to specify) you give information about what is required or should happen in a certain situation.

  4. Draft is a preliminary part…


In some EU countries it is difficult to secure custody orders for the children unless the child is allowed to give their views prior to the order being made. EU courts could refuse to enforce the orders relating to where a minor lived or how the order was maintained without the consent of the child. For example, the child is going to his father in another EU country – the term of permission is 4 weeks’ continuous access per summer. It if the child wants to stay longer, he will be involved at the drafting of the custody order stage. Some spouses find these custody orders meaningless. The Irish courts admit that the child should be heard and allow children to contribute to the process via an interview with a psychiatrist or social worker.

6) Dcu Graduates Win Case Against Former Landlord


1. F He forced them to move out of his property without returning them the deposits in amount of 600 €.

2. F … the girls brought Maguire before Small Claims Court…

3. F A pest control company, who later gave evidence at the trial, was brought in to investigate…

4. T


1. … the girls alleged that he made fre­quent, unannounced entries into the house, one such incident being when one of the girls was in the shower.

2. … Mr Maguire failed to take ac­tion, leaving the girls worried about hygiene and food con­tamination. … His excuse being that at the time, he believed the ro­dent to be a mouse and therefore not a threat to safety.


  1. character assassination – unjustified harming of a person's good reputation

  2. trial is a formal meeting in a law court, at which a judge and jury listen to evidence and decide whether a person is guilty of a crime.

  3. Small Claims Court is a local court with jurisdiction to try civil actions involving small claims.

  4. Circuit Civil Court is the federal or state trial court dealing with noncriminal cases.

  5. Deterrent is smth that has the effect of preventing people from doing certain things.

  6. Investigate is to try to find out what happened or what is the truth.


Six former students have won their court case against their landlord who refused to refund their deposits after they were forced to move out of his property. The 6 girls had already rented from Maguire the previous year without any problems, but during the next term he made frequent, unannounced entries into the house and was suspected in the attempts of a “character assassination”. However legal actions were taken only after a rat was spotted in the kitchen. The case started against Maguire because of his disability to grant all hygiene precautions. The small claims court ruled he was to repay them 600 euro deposits. His appellation to the circuit civil court gave nothing, so he was ordered to return the deposit to his former tenants.

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