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Task 10

Try to recollect the 9th part of the film and be ready to say what the principle of the neutral attitude to the consequences of events means.

Быть нейтральным к последствиям! (Заповедь № 9)

Task 11

Translate into English the conclusion which is made at the end of the 10th part of the film.

Идти в ногу со временем! (Заповедь № 10)

Задача систематически, увлеченно и конкретно сообщать о важных явлениях и событиях, тщательно подготовившись и прислушиваясь к тому, что говорят собеседники, не препятствуя развитию событий на месте, и преподнося новость литературным языком, но в обновленных версиях в разных выпусках последних новостей, руководствуясь в работе принципом нейтрального отношения к последствиям, предъявляет к журналисту требование идти в ногу со временем!

Task 12 Read the following statements and quotations. Give your comments on them.

  1. Where the press is free and every man able to read, all is safe.

Thomas Jefferson

  1. When a dog bites a man, that is not news, because it happens so often. But if a man bites a dog that is news.

John B. Bogart

  1. News is what a chap who doesn’t care much about anything cares to read. And it’s only news until he’s read it. After that it’s dead.

Evelyn Waugh

  1. A newspaper should be the maximum of information, and the minimum of comment.

R. Cobden

5. The Nineteenth Century was the era of the novelists, the Twentieth is the era of the Journalists.

6. As much as any other field, modern journalism offers the stimulation of action, the challenge of discovery, the sense of creativity.

7. I have never worked outside journalism; but after 34 years in journalism I am still fascinated by birth of the daily newspaper. Every day is a new day. Yesterday’s news is history.

8. You cannot know too much or have too many useful qualities to be a good journalist.

9. The TV men are certainly more important than the newspapermen, which is undoubtedly true but they are certainly more noisy.

10. It is the delight in telling somebody something, it seems to me, that makes a man go into journalism and thereafter constitutes his personal reward.

Achievement test Task 1

Choose the best variant.

1. The reporter should be a responsible, … and dedicated person

  1. dependable b) dependent c) humble

2. Obviously he/she must be well enough educated to write … in whatever language it is he hopes to work in.

  1. simply b) clearly c) plainly

3. Is it easier to report for … television or … radio?

  1. the, the b) ..., ..., c) the ,…

4. Why is it difficult for a … person to attract people’s attention?

a) genuine b) b)humble c)famous

5. The best journalists write … simple, plain, direct English.

a)… b)on c)in

6. There are plenty of highly successful journalists who were not too brilliant at school, while many … man with a university degree failed to make any mark in the profession.

  1. a b) the c) ……

7.This article is ….topical interest.

  1. of b) on c) for

8. He is looking for a … on TV.

  1. job b) work c) employment

(8 points)

Task 2

Match the meanings with the right words.

1) to hide, to keep from being seen or known

a) successful

2) to behave in accordance with accepted ideas

b) fortunate

3) a tendency to be in favour of or against something or someone; prejudice

c) risky

4) goodness, nobleness

d) ambitious

5) directly connected with the subject

e) deliberate

6) not to notice, miss

f) inevitable

7) the place where smth ends or begins

g) to overlook

8) having a strong desire for success, power, wealth, etc

h) to conceal

9) which cannot be prevented from happening, certain to happen

i) relevant

10) done on purpose or as a result of careful planning, intentional

j) to conform

11) having done what one has tried to do

k) virtue

12) having a high degree of risk, dangerous

l) edge

13) having or bringing a good condition or situation

m) bias

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