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B roadening the horizons Text 1 journalism is a hard life

Scan the text and share your ideas why journalism is an exciting field and at the same time a hard life.

Note !

Journalism (n) – the profession of writing for newspapers and magazines

Journalist (n) – a person whose profession is journalism

What sort of people are journalists? What qualities and qualifications do they possess? Why are they so devoted to their work?

Journalism is a hard life. It can be exciting, but it can be sometimes boring. It can be frustrating, too. It can be demanding and so make it difficult or impossible for you to do a lot of things that other people do in their spare time. It can separate you from your family for a great amount of your time; some journalists see their school-going children only at weekends. It can cut you off from a good deal of social life with your friends, and it can make it almost impossible for you to know when you will be free and what time you will have to call your own.

Despite this, those who are journalists can imagine few ways of life that are more rewarding, despite the drawbacks and frustrations of their profession. They know the thrill of meeting important people and of writing a good story – the excitement of being a journalist. Most journalists find their work interesting and rewarding on the whole. They face different situations every day. They have chances to meet important and interesting people and deal with vital social and political issues. They get pleasure from doing public service, however small contributions. While they work constantly under deadline pressures, they consider this to be part of “being in the action”.

A good journalist is not easily rebuffed. He/she must have a good deal of self-reliance and push and energy and initiative. Most journalists develop a feeling of camaraderie towards their colleagues, of belonging to news fraternity. As much as any field, modern journalism offers the stimulation of action, the challenge of discovery, the sense of creativity.



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Text 2 a journalist

Scan the text and pick up the most important information about the skills and qualities, which a good reporter needs for his/her work. Use the Help Box below to understand the unknown words.

Note !

Editor – a person who is in charge of a newspaper or magazine, and responsible for its organization and opinions: e.g The editor of “The Daily Telegraph”

Help Box

1) to misquote

to make a mistake in reporting

2) mischief

behaviour that causes trouble and possibly damage

3) crusading

a united effort for the defiance or advancement of an idea, principle, etc.

4) to expose

to uncover; to make known

5) to conceal

to hide; keep from being seen or known

6) scruples

the desire to do what is right; conscience

7) bias

a tendency to be in favour of or against something or someone without knowing enough to be able to judge fairly; prejudice

8) preconceived

(an idea, opinion) formed in advance, without (enough) knowledge or experience

9) cantankerous

bad-tempered, quarrelsome

10) seedy

having a poor, dirty, worn-out appearance

11) shifty

looking dishonest, not to be trusted

12) to conform

to behave in accordance with generally accepted ideas or customs

13) rewarding

worth doing or having; giving satisfaction, but perhaps not much money

14) virtue

goodness, nobleness, advantage as shown in right behavior

15) innate

which someone was born with

Pay attention to the commonly confused words in English:

Dependable – adj. able to be trusted; reliable: She won’t forget – she is very dependable. (a dependable source of income).

Dependant – n. a person who depends on someone else food, closing, money etc.: Please state your name, age, and the number and the number of dependants you have (=your husband/wife, children etc).

Dependent – adj. 1. (on) needing the help or support of someone or something else: a dependent child. The country is heavily dependent on foreign aid. 2. (on) that will be decided by: The size of the crowd is largely dependent on the weather.

Think and give titles to each of the three parts of the text.

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