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Anne Azel - A Little Book of Big Christmas Tale...docx
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It was in the early hours of the morning, that the Williams family climbed into their family truck and headed home — Reb

sandwiched between her two moms. Reb, of course, was going on. "I said to her, don't embarrass me, so what does she do? Freezes her ass to the fire engine. You made one ugly hood ornament, by the way, Obbie. And then if that isn't enough she falls off the fire truck. I can see the headlines in the tabloid now, 'A first! Drunken fire chief suspended by her fire truck'!"

Her moms laughed, knowing that Reb got a lot of mileage and enjoyment out of the family's various adventures. Robbie gave her daughter a hug. "Maybe you could change your name, dye your hair, and move to a little known South American country."

Reb smiled. "Nah, you guys need me. Without me, you two wouldn't know what normal was."