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Lesson 1

Task 1. The word “BANK” has a wide range of meanings.

Task 2. a) The words below frequently occur in front of “BANK”.










b) Which of the above word combinations mean:

1. Вал ґрунту; 2. відмілина; 3. земляний насип; 4. кучугура снігу; 5. “банк пляшок” (контейнер для використаних пляшок, скляних банок; зазвичай встановлюється місцевими органами влади на автостоянках; скло йде на виробництво нових пляшок); 6. протилежний берег; 7. свій (рідний) берег; 8. банк даних?

c) Translate into Ukrainian paying special attention to the words in italics.

  1. Many generations of the Dutch worked hard to create earth banks which made it possible for them to cultivate soil in the lowlands (the Netherlands).

  2. It is very important to separate your glass into the three colours and place them into the correct color-coded bottle bank.

  3. River navigation is always complicated by treacherous sand banks.

  4. After a long journey he was happy to set foot on the home bank.

  5. Nothing troubled me at my parting from the home bank.

  6. These soil banks are the remains of the ancient fortress.

  7. The traffic was blocked by huge snow banks.

  8. The library has an impressive data bank.

  9. A man was fishing on the far bank.

  10. Great snow banks lined the roads.

Task 3. Read the following example sentences and make up similar sentences of your own.

  1. You can’t put it in the bank. – Це ні до чого; від цього немає ніякого толку; “спасибі” в кишеню не покладеш.

  2. I have always banked with the Royal Bank. – Я завжди тримав свої гроші в Королівському банку.

  3. I’d like to come with you but that’s not a promise; don’t bank on it. – Я із задоволенням пішов би з тобою, але я нічого не обіцяю.

  4. Don’t bank on going abroad this summer; we may not have enough money. – Не розраховуй на поїздку закордон наступним літом, у нас може не бути на це грошей.

  5. Within the banks of his remembrance he has always been homesick. – Наскільки він міг згадати, він завжди погано переносив розлучення з домівкою.

  6. Every spring we have to bank up the river to prevent flooding. – Кожної весни нам доводиться насипати вали вздовж річки, щоб нас не затопило.

  7. The wind had banked the snow up against the wall. – Від сильного вітру біля стіни виросла велика кучугура снігу.

  8. The morning began fine, but now clouds are banking up. – Ранок був чудовий, але зараз небо затягується хмарами.

  9. He gave me down the banks for no coming and telling him. – Він висварив мене за те, що я не прийшов і не розповів йому про це.

  10. Yesterday he broke the bank, so today he is in money again. – Учора він зірвав куш (банк), отож сьогодні він знову з грішми.

Task 4. a) Read the notes revealing the meaning of a “BANK HOLIDAY”.

  1. банківський вихідний (будь-яке державне свято, під час якого банки не працюють), офіційний вихідний день (окрім неділь, в англійських закладах є ще вісім вихідних днів на рік: Різдво, Новий рік, Велика (страсна) п’ятниця, перший понеділок після Великодня, останній понеділок травня або перший понеділок червня, останній понеділок серпня або перший понеділок вересня, День різдвяних подарунків (Boxing Day) і з 1978 р. – Перше травня; у ці дні банківські працівники відпочивають);

  2. банківські канікули (вихідні);

  3. банківські канікули (період, упродовж якого банківські операції призупинено за рішенням державних органів; найбільш відомі банків-ські канікули – період мораторію на банківські операції з 6 по 9 березня 1933 року, коли за наказом президента Ф.Д. Рузвельта всі банки США були закриті з метою визначення їхньої платоспроможності в умовах Великої депресії).

b) Answer the questions.

  1. What is a bank holiday?

  2. How many bank holidays are there in Great Britain?

  3. What are they?

  4. Is Christmas a bank holiday?

  5. Does Boxing Day have anything to do with Christmas?

  6. What are the most famous bank holidays in the USA?

  7. What was the purpose of arranging bank holidays of the 6th–9th of March 1933 in the United States?

  8. What period in history is known as the Great Depression?

  9. Can the economic and financial crisis of 2008-2009 be called the Great Depression? Why?

  10. Most bank holidays fall to Mondays, don’t they?

  11. In the USA bank holidays are also known as national holidays. What equivalent of the term is used in Ukraine?

  12. What public holidays are celebrated in this country?

  13. Is Good Friday a day off in Ukraine?

  14. Since what time has the 1st of May been celebrated in the UK as a bank holiday?

  15. What about Ukraine?

Task 5. a) Match the terms in column A with their definitions in column B:



  1. ethical banks

  2. Islamic banks

  3. savings banks

  4. offshore banks

  5. bankers’ banks

  6. high-street banks

  7. commercial banks

  8. postal savings banks

  1. the term that denotes main banks used by ordinary people;

  2. the term used for normal banks to distinguish them from investment banks; (modern usage) banks or divisions of a bank that mostly deal with deposits and loans from corporations or large businesses;

  3. savings bank associated with national postal systems;

  4. banks located in jurisdictions with low taxation and regulation. Many of such banks are essentially private banks;

  5. banks that take their roots in Europe in the 18th – 19th centuries. Their original objectives were to provide easily accessible savings products to all strata of the population. Nowadays, they focus on retail banking: payments, savings products, credits and insurances for individuals or small and medium-sized enterprises;

  6. banks that prioritize the transparency of all operations and make only what they consider to be socially-responsible investments;

  7. banks the activities of which revolve around several well established concepts that are based on Islamic canons. Since the concept of interest is forbidden in Islam, all banking activities must avoid interest. Instead of interest, the bank earns profit (mark-up) and fees on financing facilities that it extends to the customers;

  8. financial institutions that provide financial services to community banks in the USA. Such banks are owned by investor banks and may provide services only to community banks. They are able to provide many services to community banks that typically would be economically available only to large national or multinational banks.

b) Translate into English.

1. Комерційний (торговельний) банк; 2. банк банків (назва, що застосовується до Англійського банку, федеральних резервних банків і великих банків США, які проводять операції з дрібними банками); 3. ісламські банки; 4. офшорні банки; 5. поштово-ощадні банки; 6. ощадні банки / каси; 7. роздрібні банки (орієнтовані на роботу з населенням, а не організаціями); 8. банки соціальної відповідальності.

Task 6. Answer the questions about the above mentioned types of banks.

  1. Which of the above banks are ruled by religious principles in their activities?

  2. For which type of banks is social responsibility the corner stone of business activities?

  3. Which banks mostly deal with deposits and loans from corporations or large businesses?

  4. What makes services of high-street banks available for the general public?

  5. What advantages do offshore banks provide to customers?

  6. Who are the customers of bankers’ banks?

  7. Which banks were originally directed at providing easily accessible savings products to all strata of the population?

  8. Which type of banks use in their activities the national postal system?

Task 7. Think and answer.

  1. Can religious / ethical principles place limits on profit-seeking activities of banks? Explain.

  2. Can banking activities fall under the categories of retailing and wholesaling?

  3. Are bankers’ banks charged with the function of supervising smaller banks?

  4. Can all types of banks get access to the national postal system? Is it only the prerogative of postal savings banks?

  5. Why are many people suspicious of offshore banks’ activities?

  6. Are there high-street banks in Ukraine?

  7. Who do you bank with?

  8. Have you ever banked with a savings bank?

  9. What type of banks would you like to open an account with? Why?

Task 8. Study the following word-formation pattern.









Task 9. a) Match the terms in column A with their definitions in column B:



  1. banker

  2. banking

  3. bankroll

  4. bankable

  5. banknote

  6. bankrupt

  7. bankruptcy

  1. (especially in AmE) a supply of money for a particular purpose;

  2. a person who owns a bank or who has an important job in a bank; an organization that lends money or provides the services of a bank;

  3. a piece of paper money;

  4. likely to make money for somebody / something; accepted to a bank. When used about an actor or performer it denotes that they are very popular, and therefore likely to make a film or show a financial success;

  5. the state of being bankrupt; (formal) a complete lack of good qualities;

  6. the work done by banks and other financial institutions; the activity of using the services that a bank offers (e.g. paying money into or taking money out of a bank account);

  7. without enough money to pay what you owe, especially when this has been officially decided by a court; not having something that has value;

b) Translate into Ukrainian paying special attention to the words in italics.

  1. This is a bankrupt ideology.

  2. Where do you do your banking?

  3. You can now do your banking online.

  4. The recession led to a flood of bankruptcies.

  5. There is another bankrupt software company.

  6. The company’s name is its most bankable asset.

  7. About 20% of our customers use Internet banking.

  8. We were given a bankroll of £1,000 to start the project.

  9. There could be further bankruptcies among small banks.

  10. The bank is looking at ways of retraining its senior bankers.

  11. The company’s bankers are aiming to sell the studio for $7 bn.

  12. You may find it difficult to get to a bank during banking hours.

  13. Years of mismanagement had left the region virtually bankrupt.

  14. The company has used some of its bankroll to bring in talented designers.

  15. The quality of the paper, watermarks and intricate engravings make banknotes extremely difficult to counterfeit.

Task 10. a) Make up word combinations with “BANKRUPT” and “BANKRUPTCY”.

to go

to face


to file for

to declare

to be declared


to declare yourself

b) Translate into English.

  1. Постати перед банкрутством / зазнати банкрутства.

  2. Бути визнаним (названим) банкрутом.

  3. Збанкрутувати. Припинити платежі.

  4. Заявляти про неплатоспроможність.

  5. Оголосити про банкрутство.

  6. Оголосити себе банкрутом.

Task 11. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the words in italics.

1. They would face bankruptcy if they had to repay the loan. 2. The company filed for bankruptcy (= asked to be officially bankrupt) earlier this year. 3. Her husband went bankrupt two years ago. 4. The company was declared bankrupt in the High Court. 5. Many of the companies that they had invested in went bankrupt. 6. He declared himself bankrupt in 2008. 7. Many small farmers are facing bankruptcy. 8. The company declared bankruptcy in 2009.

Task 12. a) Study the following words.

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