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These are drugs which block the action of chemical called histamine which is found in the body. Histamine is produced by most cells and especially by sensitive cells under the skin and the respiratory system. When certain foreign antigens (protein substances which lead to the production of antibodies) enter the body, antibodies are made by cells. These antibodies attempt to inactivate, or neutralize, the offending antigens and, as a result, a chemical called histamine may be released by other cells. Histamine causes the characteristic allergic symptoms when it is liberated from cells: itching, hives, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, high fever, and, in some very serious cases, anaphylactic shock.

Antihistamines, by blocking the action of histamine in the body, can relieve the allergic symptoms which histamine produces. Antihistamines cannot cure the allergic reaction, but they can relieve its symptoms. Some potentially dangerous side effects of antihistamines are drowsiness, sedation, and blurred vision. Examples of antihistamines are diphenhydramine (Benadryl), meclizine (Bonamine), chlorpheniramine (Chlor-Trime-ton) and tripelennamine (Pyribenzamine).

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Your Medicine Cabinet Needs an Annual Checkup, too

What kind of medicines and other health products should you keep on hand to treat minor ailments or injuries? More importantly, where’s the best place in the house to keep them? Here’s what doctors, nurses and pharmacists at FDA recommend:

Must-Have’s for Home Medical Care

Closet Medicine Cabinet

·Analgesic (relieves pain) ·Adhesive bandages

·Antibiotic ointment (reduces risk of infection) · Adhesive tape

·Antacid (relieves upset stomach) ·Gauze pads

·Antihistamine (relieves allergy symptoms) ·Tweezers

·Syrup of ipecac (induces vomiting) ·Thermometer

·Fever reducer (adult and child) ·Calibrated measuring spoon

·Hydrocortisone (relieves itching and inflammation) ·Alcohol wipes

·Antiseptic (helps stop infection) ·Disinfectant

Contrary to age-old tradition, a bathroom medicine cabinet is not a good place to keep OTC (over-the-counter or nonprescription) or prescription medications. Showers and baths create heat and humidity that can cause some drugs to deteriorate rapidly. A cool, dark and dry place such as the top of a linen closet, preferably in a locked container and out of a child’s reach, is best for storing medicines.

·Clean out your bathroom medicine cabinet and the area where you store medicines at least once a year.

·Discard outdated products, damaged containers, and old supplies.

·Restock supplies that are low or missing.

·Keep all items in their original containers so that no one takes the wrong one.

Talking these measures can’t prevent illness or accidents, but they can help you be prepared to treat such minor emergencies promptly and effectively.

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