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1. Прочитайте текст бегло и изложите в двух-трех предложениях на русском языке, о

чем этот текст.

Medicines are used to fight infections and illnesses; they reduce pain, and for many people they make life bearable. Taking the correct medicine in the right way can therefore be very beneficial.

Medicines are either prescribed for you by a doctor or bought at the chemist’s. If you do not need a prescription, you can buy the medicine direct from the chemist. If they are prescribed, the doctor decides what you need, writes it down on a prescription form which you then take to the chemist who supplies the medicine to you. Doctors give careful thought and advice before prescribing medicines. The pharmacist at the chemist’s shop also checks the prescription and may give you some advice on taking the medicines, too. “Follow the instructions” on the bottle or packet, finish the course and make sure you understand what the medicine is for.

If you or your family have been given any prescriptions lately, did you know what the medicine was and what it was for?

All medicines are perfectly acceptable in our society, and the vast majority of people gain great benefits from them. However, some medicines contain drugs which can be dangerous if taken in the wrong amounts, or when there is no medical reason.

Do you ever take drugs?

Drinks. It may surprise you to know that tea, coffee, cocoa and coca cola contain a drug called caffeine. However, you would have to drink a very large quantity to cause any danger of caffeine overdose.

Which do you think contains more caffeine – coffee or tea?

Tobacco. Cigarettes, cigars and pipe tobacco all contain nicotine. The smoker may become dependent on this drug, and smokers find it very difficult to give up the habit.

Can you think of any health dangers associated with regular smoking?

Alcohol. In most homes you will find a cupboard containing some wine, beer or spirits. These drinks all contain alcohol, which can cause health and social problems for people who become dependent on it. Although most people enjoy drinking and drink sensibly, there are strict laws concerning drinking and driving and the age at which you can drink.

Can you think of any situations where heavy regular drinking may cause problems?

Solvents. Many household fluids such as glues and cleaning liquids contain volatile substances such as ether and alcohol. Some people use these liquids in the dangerous habit of sniffing.

Why do you think glue sniffing is most common among young people?

2. Прочтите текст во второй раз, переведите его и изложите основную мысль текста в

нескольких предложениях на английском языке.

3. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний и составьте свои

собственные предложения с ними:

- снижать боль; - вызывать проблемы со здоровьем;

- делать жизнь сносной; - стать зависимым от лекарства;

- извлекать большую пользу из ч.л.; - бросить привычку;

- в неправильном количестве; - быть распространенным среди молодежи.

- летучее вещество;

4. Задайте друг другу вопросы, выделенные жирным шрифтом, высказывая свою точку

зрения. Используйте следующие фразы:

I agree; I don`t agree with you; I think…; in my opinion; it depends on…; on the one hand; on the other hand.

5. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. What are medicines used for?

2. How can we get a medicine?

3. Do any medicines contain drugs? In what case can they be dangerous?

4. What drinks contain a drug? What is it called?

6. Подготовьте по группам небольшое сообщение на английском языке (6-8

предложений) на следующие темы по содержанию текста:

1) Процедура выписывания лекарства;

2) Вредные привычки и их влияние на здоровье человека.

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