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GRAMMAR.для методички 2 курс.doc
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Exercise 4 Translate the following sentences and word combinations.

1. To send the letter to inform them; the house to be built; to build the road to connect two towns; the story to listen to; the question to be discussed; the car to be repaired; the test to be carried out.

2. I am happy to help you. I am glad to have helped him. He was glad to have been helped. I am glad to be helping them. I am glad to be helped.

Exercise 5 Translate the sentences defining the function of the Infinitive.

1. They were overjoyed to take part in our expedition. 2. She wanted to be answered at once. 3. He was delighted to be working with the famous scientist. 4. It’s very difficult to drive a car in a big city. 5. Water may be used to drive dynamos, which generate electricity. 6. Sputniks do not need any additional energy to move along their orbit. 7. To extend the main street they had to destroy some old buildings. 8. The workers will use powerful machinery to assemble these huge units. 9. In this area there are no monuments to speak of. 10. Another reason to consider is the absence of necessary facilities for the experiment. 11. He was the first to come. 12. She made me believe her. 13. Let me go.

Exercise 6 Fill in the particle to where necessary.

1. Help me ... carry this bag. 2. My son asked me ... let him ... go to the theatre. 3. I must ... go to the country. 4. It cannot ... be done at once. 5. She asked me ... read the letter carefully and ... write an answer. 6. The man told me not ... walk on the grass. 7. Let me ... help you with your work. 8. We had better ... stop ... rest a little. 9. I don’t know what ... do. 10. You must ... make him ... practice an hour a day. 11. I would rather ... stay at home.

Exercise 7 Paraphrase the following according to the model.

Model: The stone was too heavy. I couldn’t lift it. – The stone was too heavy for me to lift it.

1. The text is too difficult. The students can’t translate it. 2. The car is too expensive. I can’t buy it. 3. The story is easy enough. I can read it without a dictionary. 4. The weather was too bad. We couldn’t go to the forest. 5. The coat is too long. She can’t wear it. 6. Their speech is rather quick. I can’t understand it. 7. The train’s speed is too high. It can’t stop immediately.

Exercise 8 Combine two sentences as in the model.

Model: We helped him. We are happy about it. – We are happy to have helped him.

1. I am going to Paris. I am happy about it. 2. I am spending my holidays in the Alps. I am happy about it. 3. I live in this city. I am happy about it. 4. I know this man. I am happy about it. 5. I am not working there now. I am sorry about it. 6. I have not seen this film. I am sorry about it. 7. We are taught English. We are glad of it. 8. I was not informed of it. I am sorry about it. 9. I am not allowed to go there. I am sorry about it. 10. She wasn’t invited to the evening party. She is sorry about it.

Complex Object

(Об’єктний інфінітивний зворот)








хочу, щоб



to help me clean the flat.

допоміг мені прибрати квартиру.




сподівається, що



to type these letters.

надрукую ці листи.




бачив, що



cross the road.

перейшов дорогу.




чув, що (як)

the car




Дієслова, після яких вживається Complex Object:

Розумова діяльність, припущення, сподівання: consider, believe, think, suppose, know, understand, expect, find та ін.

We believe these experiments to be very important.

I found him to be dishonest.

Прохання, вимога, порада, дозвіл: ask, permit, recommend, order, command, request, make, cause та ін.

Після make і let вживається інфінітив без to! Після ask у значенні «просити» завжди стоїть прийменник for.

The teacher makes us learn the new words.

The manager ordered the letter to be typed.

He asked for the letter to be sent off at once.

Сприйняття за допомогою органів почуттів: see, hear, feel, notice, observe, watch та ін. (інфінітив без частки to)

Have you heard her play the piano?

I saw her enter the house.

Бажання, ненависть, любов: want, desire, should (would) like, hate, like, intend та ін.

I wanted him to be invited here.

Дієслова з прийменниками:

wait (for), rely (on), count (on) та ін.

I rely on you to do it in time.

Примітка Після дієслів чуттєвого сприйняття за допомогою органів почуттів може стояти Present Participle.

I watched a pavement artist draw a portrait in crayons. – Я спостерігав, як художник намалював портрет пастеллю. (закінчена дія)

I watched a pavement artist drawing a portrait in crayons. – Я спостерігав, як художник малював портрет пастеллю. (дія виконується, та ще не закінчена)

Exercise 3 Translate the sentences paying attention to the Complex Object.

1. He wanted us to visit the art exhibition. 2. I suppose her to be about 50. 3. Everybody knows him to be working on a new book. 4. We heard him come in and close the door behind him. 5. In spite of bad weather the instructor made the sportsmen continue their training. 6. She felt somebody touch her. 7. We know him to have graduated from the Institute two years ago. 8. We believe cybernetics to be an important branch of modern technology. 9. I heard him mention my sister’s name. 10. She saw her son fall and shouted.

Exercise 4 Compose sentences using the Complex Object.

I want

I’d like

Do you want

I don’t want

I didn’t expect







to interrupt you.

to be interrupted by you.

to tell the news.

to be told the news.

to accept your invitation.

to be accepted to the academy.

to become a member of the Scientific Society.

to go sightseeing.

to wash one’s hands.

to change one’s opinion.

to express one’s opinion.

to fight for one’s rights.

to divide the apples between the children.

Exercise 5 Compose sentences with the Complex Object according to the model.

Model: We knew that they would soon come. – We knew them to come soon.

1. We knew that they had already arrived. 2. I didn’t expect that she would catch the train. 3. She thought that we had influenced their decision. 4. We know that this ancient building was destroyed and rebuilt several times. 5. They expect that these rivers would be soon connected by means of canals. 6. We suppose that this underground system is the best in the world. 7. He expects that great sums of money will be spent on housing construction in this district.

Exercise 6 Write one sentence instead of the given two using the Complex Object according to the model.

Model: I saw John every day. He often spoke with his girlfriend.

I often saw John speak with his girlfriend.

1. I watched the sun. It rose. 2. I heard him. He sang an English song. 3. We noticed a man. The man cleaned his shoes. 4. He saw two girls. They danced on the stage. 5. She watched the children. They ran about and played in the garden. 6. I saw her every morning. She arranged her hair carefully. 7. Every night we saw our neighbour. He listened to the news. 8. John heard his daughter. She talked loudly. 9. We saw Roger. He crossed the road. 10. They heard their father. He played the piano every night.

Exercise 7 Join these pairs of sentences, deciding when to use a bare infinitive or –ing.

1. She crossed the road. I saw her. 2. She was crossing the road. I caught sight of her. 3. Something’s burning. I can smell it. 4. They sang a song. I listened to them. 5. She was shouting at the children. I heard her. 6. I watched the man. He bumped into a woman and snatched her handbag. 7. We saw a group of men outside the pub. They were fighting. 8. We saw a man. He threw a brick at the shop window. 9. I heard someone. They broke down the door. 10. I observed a blue car. It was driving very fast towards the motorway. 11. We heard something. People were shouting and screaming. 12. I noticed a woman. She put two tins in her bag and left the store without paying.

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