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Latent Learning and Cognitive Maps

In the 1930s, Edward Tolman argued that learning involved more than mechanical responses to stimuli; it involved mental processes. Tolman would place a rat in a maze and allow it to explore the maze without giving the rat any reinforcement, such as food. Then he would place food at the end of the maze and record which path the rat took to reach the food. The rat quickly learned to take the shortest route to the food. Next, Tolman blocked the shortest path to the food. The rat then followed the next shortest path to the food. Tolman believed that the rat had developed a cognitive map of the maze. A cognitive map is a mental picture of a place, such as the maze. The rats had developed a cognitive map of the maze when allowed to explore the maze on their own.

Tolman called the type of learning demonstrated by the rat latent learning. Latent learning is not demonstrated by an immediately observable change in behavior at the time of the learning. Although the learning typically occurs in the absence of a reinforcer, it may not be demonstrated until a reinforcer appears. For example, have you ever had to locate a building or street in a section of your city or town that you were unfamiliar with? You may have been through that section of town before and remembered details such as an unusual sign or large parking lot. Remembering these details may have helped you find the building or street you were looking for. You had learned some details without intending to do so.

  1. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian. Make up 5 sentences using these words:

mechanical responses to stimuli, to develop a cognitive map, mental picture, to be allowed to explore, the type of learning, an immediately observable change in behavior, the absence of, to be unfamiliar, remembered details, without intending to do.

  1. Answer the questions to the text:

  1. Who studied the process of learning?

  2. How did the researcher do it?

  3. What did he believe?

  4. What is cognitive map?

  5. How did Tolman call the type of learning?

  6. What is latent learning?

Group discussion: Latent learning is not demonstrated by an immediately observable change in behavior at the time of learning. What do you do to remember details that you are unfamiliar with? Describe your technique.

  1. Make a summary of the text using the following phrases:

I wonder about…..

In connection with….. I’d like to say that…..

I’d like to add that…..

I have doubts about….. because…..

As far as I know…..

I’d like to add in connection with…..

I am puzzled by…..

I’d like to stress the fact that…..

The following conclusions are…..

Without going into details I should say that…..

Text Time Reports. Fertile Minds, Understanding Psychology, 2003, p. 270 (part 1)

  1. Read the text using the vocabulary and express the main idea of the text in Russian:

to proliferate – распространяться

to eavesdrop – подслушивать

conception – зачатие

astonishing – поразительный, удивительный

racket – шум, гул

womb – матка

to flicker – мерцать; вибрировать, дрожать

crackle – потрескивание, хруст

autodialing – автонабор

scattershot – незапланированный, спонтанный

staccato – изолированный, отдельный, короткий

carving – резьба

to twirl – вертеться, кружиться, вращаться

breathtaking – захватывающий, изумительный

glial – глиальный, относящийся к нейроглии

honeycomb – раковины, соты; приобретать структуру наподобие ячеек

pruning – сокращение