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Cultural Regions of the usa

Boston is the centre of New England.

Mid-Atlantic states – Washington, New York. Plains, minor rivers, the northern part of The Appalachian Mountains. The infrastructure is very well developed.

The South-Eastern States – favorable climate, mangrove forests, a lot of agricultural products, mineral production (oil & natural gas). Miami, Atlanta. Very well developed urban areas.

The south of the country

The southwest

The Midwest

The Rocky mountains region

The pacific states

Alaska – fishing industries, oil & gas production. Population – Eskimos’.

Hawaii – tropical climate, in the middle of the pacific ocean.


  • Temperate in most areas

  • Tropical in Hawaii & southern Florida

  • Polar in Alaska

  • Semiarid in the great plains

  • Miduterranean in coastal California

  • Arid in the Great Basin

The southwest is a hot desert, with temperatures exceeding 38C

Much of California – Meditarranean climate

Extreme points

Northern Alaska – tundra & arctic conditions the temperature as low as -62C

Death Valley once reached 56.7 C

The greatest annual snowfall level – at Mount Rainier in Washington at 17, 580 mm

Significant snowfalls – the Cascade range, the Wasatch Mountains near the Great Salt Lake

The central points of the US – tornadoes

Hurricanes – almost evert year along the Atlantic seaboard & the gulf of Mexico

Natural resources

Coal, copper, lead, molybdenum, phosphates, uranium, bauxite, gold, iron, mercury, nickel, potash, silver, tungsten, zinc, petroleum, natural gas, timber.

Land use:

  • Arable land 19%

  • Permanent croprs 0 %

  • Permanent pastures 25 %

Natural hazards

  • Tsunamis, volcanoes, earthquake activity around the Pacific Basin

  • Hurricanes along the atlantic & Gulf of Mexico coasts

  • Tornadoes in the Midwest & southeast

  • Mud slides in California

  • forest fires in the west

  • flooding

  • permafrost in northern Alaska, a major impediment to development

A look at the people. Ethnic, religious & social diversity of the USA

1. general characteristics of the US population

2. diversity & uniformity as opposing characteristics of the US society

3. immigration as a major source of diversity

4. restrictions on immigration

5. racism as another source of diversity

Item 1

  • 5 percent of the earth’s inhabitants

  • 32 persons per sq km

  • 4 million – at the 1st national census (1790). 76 million (1900), about 300 million people now

  • national growth rate – 0.6 percent compared with a 1.25 percent growth rate for the world

  • 14.1 births & 8.2 deaths per 1, 000 people (2008)

Item 2

In Canada, 68 per cent of the population speaks only English, 13 percent speaks only French

India has 14 major languages & china 7 major dialects

Reasons for relative linguistic uniformity:

  • early Britain dominance

  • widespread literacy

  • cultural differences are also disappearing because people travel or move to other places more

  • they promote the same fashions in dress, entertainment, behavior

  • newer suburbs, apartments, offices, shops, factories, highways, hotels, gas stations & schools tend to look much the same

  • mass media are uniform & the English language dominates

  • e-mail & the internet are spreading American English

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