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1).... Almost 90 percent of families in Germany have their own tVs. Differently, almost each citizen of the Federal Republic of Germany is today the televiewer.

Owing to the fact, 60 million Germans regularly consume shows, made by small group of people, promptly progresses uniformity of thinking, and scales of this phenomenon are on an unprecedented scale in history. Everybody speak about the same thing. Almost each person tests on itself when he can admit with shame on his work that it has passed this or that telecast, - after all it means that he does not keep abreast of the times. The television makes “the mass person”, “the young man” which can speak about everything, but actually about knowing nothing.

Still 15-20 years ago we, Germans, chuckled at the Americans enslaved by television. Now we are not far from them. The TV - like the car - became one of those magic phenomena oftechniques of century before which we are absolutely defenseless.

And meanwhile this demon it is rather easy to curb - to press the switch button enough. It is necessary only to force to look itself only that is equitable to your interests, otherwise, two - three transfers to week. In the rest of the time - not to include at all and not to think that, God forbid, you will pass something. To pass something really important it is possible very seldom. To put it briefly: make a slave of television, differently it will make a slave of you. This is a single thing, allowing tamingus of the caused jinn.

2).During one and a half decades the television has subdued America and became the force, capable to manage emotions and thoughts of all people...

Americans, whom today for 30 years or less, got acquainted with life only through the TV. This the first “the television generation” spent daily in front of the TV screen about 3 hours and 40 minutes. At the age of 18 years the sum of "television life” makes 22 000 hours. Children, which before receipt to a kindergarten have time to spend at the TV on the average 4 thousand hours,too quickly familiarize themselves with the world of adults. For the first time sitting down at school desk, they know about the world more than their grandmothers and the grandfathers who have lived long life knew. Traditional forms of school education are already unsuitable for these “television children”. What does the American television learn to?

It learns that any problem has a ready decision. Alternatives do not happen. What about opinions, the rights and feelings of others. It is unimportant! What about the law and a public order? Hasn’t it value?

Rich firms pay to 60 thousand dollars for 60 seconds of advertizing time. They would not begin to do it if such expenses did not pay off with interest. All programs constantly interrupt advertizing inserts.

The purpose of any advertizing consists in forcing the spectator to buy necessarily the certain goods. And besides immediately. But our car and you will pose the finest women on light! Buy only our sleeping pills, and you will sleep, as an angel! Drink our beer, and you become the life of the party!

Answer the following questions.

  1. Does television have a negative or bad influence on children? If you think it does, tell how? Yes, it does. Pupils do homework in front of the television screen. Off cause, the quality of the work is a very bad. Secondly, they watch TV on Sundays afternoon, when outside activities would do them so much good. Children fewer read books.

  2. How does the television experience affect a child’s language development, for instance? There a lot of educational programmers, which develop child’s language.

  3. What good or positive influences does television have on children?We see children in our country and become better informed by watching documentaries, science programmers and different discussions. TV develops at us culture by learning more of the arts. Television helps us to relax after a hard day’s work.

  4. How does television stimulate children’s curiosity? It gives opportunities to see the best actors and performances. And it stimulates children’s curiosity.

  5. Are new child -rearing strategies being available to parents for relief? Yes, they are.

  6. How does watching television for several hours each day affect the child’s abilities to form human relationships? They too quickly familiarize themselves with the world of adults. For the first time sitting down at school desk, they know about the world more than their grandmothers and the grandfathers who have lived long life knew.

  7. What happens to family life as a result of family members’ involvement with television? The family life will ruin.