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Frank O'Connor - The Man of the World - Glossar...doc
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Ingenuousness n innocence and a lack of worldly experience; honesty

lean adj without excess fat: having no excess fat

derby n round felt hat: a stiff felt hat with a round crown and a small, curved brim. U.K. term bowler hat

sweeping adj with broad extent: covering a large area, usually a wide arc or circle

double up v bend body sharply: to bend the body over sharply

scurry v to move at a hurried pace, usually with small fast steps

qualm n doubt about propriety of behavior: an uneasy conscience about an action or conduct

put somebody on their guard v to make someone prepared against attack

work up v excite emotions in somebody: to arouse or stir up emotions in somebody

fever n state of excitement: a state of intense agitation, excitement, or emotion (often used in combination)

eloquence n effective language: forceful, expressive, and persuasive language

indignation n anger at unfairness: anger or annoyance because somebody or something seems unfair or unreasonable

villain n evil character: an evil character in a novel, movie, play, or other story, especially one who is the main enemy of the hero

give way to v to allow something, especially an emotion, to be expressed

fit n sudden outburst: a sudden occurrence of a physical activity or an emotional mood

self-conscious adj ill at ease: feeling acutely and uncomfortably aware of failings and shortcomings when in the company of others and believing that others are noticing them too

crouch v bend down low: to squat down on the balls of the feet with knees bent and body hunched over

wickerwork n things made of wicker: objects such as baskets and chairs made by weaving together thin twigs, canes, or reeds

expand v make or become larger: to become or cause something to become larger in size, scope, or extent, or greater in number or amount

pick out v play something note by note: to play a tune slowly, note by note

disdainful adj scornful: showing or feeling contempt or disrespect for somebody or something

orderliness n the quality of being well-behaved or peaceful

restraint n holding back: an act or the quality of holding back, limiting, or controlling something

don v put on: to put on a garment (formal)

tiptoe v move cautiously: to move or proceed quietly or cautiously

torch n portable light source: a small hand-held lamp usually powered by batteries. (flashlight)

Vigil n night watch: a period spent in doing something through the night, for example, watching, guarding, or praying

trunk n large traveling case: a large strong traveling case or box with a hinged lid that is bigger, more rigid, and less portable than a suitcase

expanse n wide area or surface: a wide area or surface, especially of sea, land, or sky

top v add topping to something: to put a topping on something (often passive)

chimney stack n U.K. part of structure rising above roof: the part of a chimney that rises above a roof

gradually adv by slow change: in a way that proceeds or develops slowly by steps or degrees

make out v see or hear indistinctly: to see or hear somebody or something but not clearly

outline n line that shows shape: the edge or outer shape of something

blind n window covering: a device that is pulled down to shut out the light from a window

chuckle n quiet laugh: a quiet or inward laugh

envy v want what somebody else has: to desire something possessed by somebody else

nonchalance n casual attitude: the quality of appearing calm and unconcerned

latch n door lock: a door lock that needs a key to be opened from the outside but not the inside

faint adj dim: not bright, clear, or loud