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Card 3 Ситуация

Возьмите интервью у иностранного поп певца. Спросите его/её:

  • Когда он/она стал певцом

  • Почему он решил стать певцом

  • Поддержала ли семья это решение

  • Каковы его планы на будущее

Student: Hi, everybody! We’ve got a well-known pop-star Sarah Dawson in our studio today. Hi, Sarah! How does it feel to be world famous?

Teacher: Wonderful! I couldn’t’ imagine that when I first appeared on the stage?

Student: When did it happen?

Teacher: I first started singing when I was ten. I took part in a school contest.

Student: Did you have singing lessons?

Teacher: Oh, yes, I did. I began taking singing lessons when I was six.

Student: How fascinating! What do your parents think of your chosen career now?

Teacher: They support me, of course. But my mother is a bit disappointed. She wanted me to become a doctor.

Student: Why have you chosen to be a singer?

Teacher: I’ve always wanted to perform on the stage and I can’t imagine my life without music. I couldn’t think of any other career.

Student: Do you write your songs yourself?

Teacher: Only a few. Mostly I’ve had them written.

Student: What are your plans for the future?

Teacher: I’d like to release a new CD and I dream of winning Grammy Award. Student: I wish you the best of luck. Thank you for the interview.

Teacher: You are welcome.

Card 4

Возьмите интервью у профессионального спортсмена. Спросите его/её:

  • Какой был самый успешный момент

  • Какой был самый худший момент

  • Каковы надежды на будущее

  • Какой совет он/она может дать молодым людям

Student: Alexander, you are a real hockey star. You’ve got millions of fans all around the world. They want to know more about you, your life, and your career. I wonder if I could ask you a few questions?

Teacher: Yes, OK. I’d be happy to get to know what interests my fans most.

Student: You’ve got lots of remarkable events to remember. I’d like to know what your greatest professional moment was.

Teacher: The World Hockey Championship, of course. You know we became champions and I felt extremely proud and happy. Once again we proved we are the strongest team in the world.

Student: I agree it was one of the greatest sport events. Thousands of boys took up hockey as a hobby after the championship. Most of them became your fans. And what was your worst moment?

Teacher: Vancouver, of course. We lost and had to leave. Our fans felt disappointed. We felt sorry for that failure. But this is sport. Today you are at the top, the next day you may lose.

Student: What are your hopes and ambitions for the future?

Teacher: The Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014. We must win. It’ll be our Olympic Games and we can’t lose.

Student: What advice would you give to young people?

Teacher: Do sports! It’ll strengthen your character, teach you how to be a member of a team, help keep fit.

Student: Thank you, Alex. We wish you the best of luck.

Teacher: Thank you. Now, if you excuse me, I have to leave. Good bye!

Student: Good bye, Alex! You listened to the interview with one of the best hockey players in the world Alex Ovechkin.

Card 5

Вы хотите начать изучение иностранного языка. Обсудите это со своим другом. Спросите его:

  • Какой язык он советует изучать

  • Почему необходимо учить английский язык

  • Какой способ изучения самый лучший

  • Хорошая ли идея учить английский в летней школе за границей

Student: Hi! You know I’ve made up my mind to start a new course suggested by Language Link School. Could you help me to choose one the most suitable?

Teacher: I feel surprised. Almost everyone speaks English nowadays. It has become an international language. Isn’t it enough to have good knowledge of English?

Student: But in different countries people speak different languages. Some of them don’t want to speak English. German, Spanish, Japanese are becoming more and more popular. Why is it so important to know English?

Teacher: You can enjoy reading English classics in the original. I’m sure it’s also important to know English if you are traveling abroad. You can read signs in cities and airports, labels in shops, menu in restaurants. You feel more confident. Isn’t it an obvious advantage?

Student: it’s difficult not to agree. Which do you think is the best way to learn the language?

Teacher: I suggest an intensive course.

Student: Intensive course? I’ve never heard about it. What is it like?

Teacher: Oh, I’ll try and do my best to explain it to you. Firstly, you learn how to work in a group. Secondly, you’ve got a lot of practice in speaking the language. Finally, you are constantly involved in different everyday situations you may easily find yourself in.

Student: Sounds great! I’m sure I’ll follow your advice. And the last question. Language Link School suggest learning English abroad. Do you approve of this idea?

Teacher: In my opinion it’s a good chance to learn not only the language but the country as well. If you can afford it, don’t hesitate.

Student: Which school would you recommend?

Teacher: There are lots of them in England, Scotland and Malta. But I advise the Irish school. It’s considered to be one of the best.

Student: Oh, I see. Should I talk to my teacher about it?

Teacher: Of course. I hope she’ll be glad to hear that.

Student: Thanks. You were really helpful.