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Expressive means and stylistic devises.

Expressive means: Phonetic, word building, morphological levels and forms which exist in the language for the purpose of emotional intensification(укрепление, усиление) of options.

The stylistic devise is a conscious intentional, intensification or a certain language unit or its property, creating a pattern. Special significance: It’s a stylistic function. Stylistic devises are different ways. At the level of vocabulary we can use different stylistic devises .

Lexical phraseological stylistic devises. There are 3 classes: 1. S.D. which are based on the interrections. These meanings are mainly : logical, dictionary, nominal meaning (назывное), emotive meaning, which expresses feelings and emotions. 2.The context impose in the word. EX. The night swallowed him (Ночь поглатила его). Which intensify a certain feature of phenomena. 3. Based on the interactional, logical,contectual meaning,due to a similarity of 2 different objects of phenomena. A human being a block of ice as an object. Or an animal and an object. There different combinations.

The ground of the comparison which is as a rule implicit.


EX.He broke the mother’s heart. Ex.He broke a new watch.

Metaphors can be general. Tried or dead metaphor. (Genuine metaphor) EX. The spring has come.

THey are fixed in dictionaries as secondary meaning. It’s a list of nomination. It’s not so expressive. EX.Seeds of evil. Sometimes had to decode the creations or phrases of author.

EX. Call Sandaburg.


The fog comes

On little cat feet.

It sits looking at the harbor and city.

It’s widely used in poetry in prose. Tried metaphors are use in mass media, common speech. They tend to be used in popular science books. It’s written by Lakov and Jonson in a book: Metaphors we lived by. Methaphors whish we use in speech - structure the way we see.


Are connected by association. There are 2 different concepts. EX. My cup of tea (в моем вкусе)

There several types : the object mentioned and the object emplied. The object it produces. He is the best violin player ( Первая скрипка) The name of a material for EX.

A part of smt can stay for the hole. Synecdoche (синекдоха). EX.Two heads better than one. EX.Tomorrow i’ll need two heads.

Scepter - скипитр. Crown - колона.

Scythe and spade (серп и лопата)

Metonymy creates imaginary. Another function is to focus on some details. EX. White-collars ( работрники банков) , Pink collars (работники гостиниц).

Language in action is expressive device. It’s widely used in media

EX. Hiring faces ( нанимать людей) - не лица, смысл такой.


There are relation of opposition. It means the dictionary meaning can be understood in opposite meaning. EX. Ну ты молодеееец.... - переносное значение.

Is logically stressed.That contains irony must be logically stressed. EX.Nice.... Clever...Interesting... etc. - все в иронии.

It must be delightful to find oneself in a foreign country....without a penny in ones pocket. (последнее предложение противоречие первому)

Irony serves to draw the reader’s attention to some negative aspect of the object. EX. Stony smiled, the sweet smile of an alligator.

There are 3 types of irony:

  1. In verbal irony we can observe a contrast between what is said and what is actually meant.

  2. Dramatic irony of audience or the reader know something that do. Is widely used in British culture. Is commonly used in opposite meaning EX. It’s a nice mass. She is not to nice in her business matters ( she is not honest).

  3. The situational irony.


Interacts with a logical meaning.

Speaking names ( говорящие имена) characterize them quite often. EX. Знайка, Незнайка, Mr.No problem, Mr.Vane (напрасная работа - vane), Mr. Snoop-ums.


Based on logical and emotional meanings. Very emotional attitude of the speaker or writer to the object in question. EX. Green. Green lives. Green youth. - logical meaning. Green means not knowledgeable, not mature. Individual, imaginative, subjective, figuratively. EX.Tiger is wild - it’s an attribute.

Adjectives such as: EX. Lipsticky smile (not natural smile). Smiling sun.

To smile cuttingly - улыбнуться колючи. The leafs fell sorrowfully. - листья грустно опадали. EX. Look at this gent of a man. Devil of a girl - девка-сорвоец.

A gem of a book. - прикольная книга ( драгоценная книша)

devil-may-care attitude - бесшабашное отношение к делу.


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