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VI Oral Practice

Exercise 19. Look through the examples of works of Bauhaus. Decide what areas they belong. Give characteristics to their design and functionality.

Use phrases: in my opinion, to my mind, I`d rather say that, in fact, there`s no doubt that, furthermore, according to.

a) b) c)

d) e) f)

Exercise 20. Project work. Prepare a report.

1. “The Influence of Bauhuas on art and architecture trends in Europe ”.

2. “Great works (artists) of Bauhaus”.

VII Reading

Exercise 21. Read the text C. Give the title to it. Define its main points and summarize them.


1. typeface – гарнітура шрифта

2. sans-serif font – шрифт без зарубок (засечек)

3. serif – шрифт з зарубками

4. case - комірка

5. typesetting – набір (в поліграфіі)

6. layout – розміщення

Text C

Austrian Herbert Bayer was trained in the Art Nouveau styles but gained interest in Gropius' Bauhaus-Manifest. He enrolled in the Bauhaus and studied there for four years. After passing his final examination, Bayer was appointed by Gropius to direct the new "Druck und Reklame" (printing & advertising) workshop to open in the new Dessau location.

In 1925, Gropius commissioned Bayer to design a typeface for all Bauhaus communiqués and Bayer excitedly undertook this task. He took advantage of his views of modern typography to create an "idealist typeface." The result was "universal" - a simple geometric sans-serif font.

In Bayer's philosophy for type design, not only were serifs unnecessary, he felt there was no need for an upper and lower case for each letter. Part of his rationale for promoting this concept was to simplify typesetting and typewriter keyboard layout. The Bauhaus set forth elementary principles of typographic communication, which were the beginnings of a style termed "The New Typography."
1. Typography is shaped by functional requirements.

2. The aim of typographic layout is communication (for which it is the graphic medium). Communication must appear in the shortest, simplest, most penetrating form.

3. For typography to serve social ends, its ingredients need internal organization - (ordered content) as well as external organization (the typographic material properly related).

Unit IV Design. Types of Designers

I. Vocabulary

Exercise 1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

1. design

задум, план, проект, дизайн / замысел, план, проект, дизайн

2. to design

проектувати, конструювати/ проектировать, конструировать

3. applied arts

прикладне мистецтво/ прикладное искусство

4. to originate

створювати/ создавать

5. intention

намір, задум, мета/ намерение, замысел, цель

6. solution

рішення/ решение

7. drawing

малюнок, ескіз, креслення/ рисунок, набросок, чертеж

8. to implement

здійснювати/ осуществлять

9.corporate identity

принципи ділової політики (компанії)/ принципы деловой политики (компании)

10. considerable

значний/ значительный

11. to require

вимагати/ требовать

12. adjustment

узгодження/ согласование

13. irrelevant

недоречний/ неуместный

14.to reduce costs

скорочувати витрати/ сокращать затраты

15. to save time

економити час/ экономить время


зайвий/ излишний

17. pre-production

випуск експериментальної серії / выпуск опытной серии

18. brief

зжатий, стислий/ сжатый, краткий

19. goal

задача, мета/ задача, цель

20. in-situ

на місці/ на месте

21. feedback

зворотній зв'язок / обратная связь

22. environment

оточуюче середовище/ окружающая среда

23. evaluation

оцінка/ оценка

24. advertisement

реклама/ реклама

25. in-house designers

штатні дизайнери/ внутрифирменные дизайнеры

26. freelance designers

позаштатні дизайнери/ внештатные дизайнеры

27.computer-aided design

автоматизоване проектування/ автоматизированное проектирование

Exercise 2. Guess the meaning of the following international words:

Basis, system, process, product, structure, component, model, result, final, tradition, person, designer, term, aesthetic, aspect, service, situations, typical, analysis, specification, presentation.

Exercise 3. Find in the text synonyms to the following words:

Field, step, products, plan, goal, research, to make.

Exercise 4. Find in the text derivatives containing suffixes 1. -tion/sion; -ment 2. -al, -ive, -ic; -ant; and 3. -ly of the following words, say to what part of speech they belong and translate them:

1. to suggest; to evaluate; to describe; to conclude; to continue; to implement; to celebrate; to require; to improve; to develop.

2. graphics; virtuality; culture; aesthetics; function; consideration; construction; interactivity; redundancy; irrelevance;

3. professional; universal; usual.

Exercise 5. Translate the following word-combinations (noun with a prepositive attribute):

Design process; graphical user interfaces; corporate identity; design areas; fashion designer; concept designer; web designer; design goals; design solutions; product design specification; pre-production design; post-production design feedback; future designs; future improvements; design process activities; freelance designers; in-house designers; computer-aided design.