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The State of Great Britain and the USA 2.doc
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Для того чтобы быть избранным в парламент, кандидат должен получить в конкретном избирательном округе больше голосов, чем его соперники. В отличие от многих других стран, для победы в Великобритании не требуется абсолютного большинства голосов зарегистрированных избирателей. Таким образом, даже минимальный перевес обеспечивает кандидату место в парламенте. В период парламентских выборов Соединенное Королевство условно поделено на 659 округов. Каждый округ избирает одного члена парламента, а каждый избиратель получает в руки один бюллетень. Голоса избирателей подсчитываются, и кандидат, набравший большее количество голосов, объявляется победившим, а партия, получившая наибольшее число в парламенте, формирует правительство.

Election Campaign

Once the Prime Minister decides to call a general election – usually after discussions with his Cabinet colleagues – or circumstances dictate that an election is to be called – then he or she will go to see the Monarch to request that Parliament agrees (there should be very strong constitutional reasons why he/she would refuse) then a Royal Proclamation is issued which officially allows dissolution of the Parliament. It is customary for the Prime Minister to make a statement announcing the date of the dissolution and the reason for calling a general election.

A general election campaign usually lasts for about three weeks. Although the Government continues in office there cease to be any MPs in the House of Commons. Those who have been MPs and who are standing for re-election return to their former constituencies as prospective candidates. They fight the election campaign on the same basis as all other prospective candidates.

An election campaign is a national event using all aspects of the media to publicise party policies and personalities. All the main political parties produce a wide range of publicity material, publication increasing dramatically during the election campaign. Manifestoes are published setting out a party’s policies on each major issue. The national headquarters of each party is responsible for preparing party election advertising material and broadcasts for television and radio. Posters appear in prominent places. Television and radio coverage of elections is required to be impartial. Party election broadcasts and their number depend broadly on the number of candidates the party has in the election. The broadcasting authorities may prohibit material that they consider offensive. Party leaders and senior figures tour the country supporting local candidates and making speeches.

Despite the millions of pounds spent on canvassing, evidence suggests that the majority of voters have decided how they are going to vote before the election campaign begins and few people are influenced by what they read o hear. Being aware of this parties participate in election campaign to help spread political knowledge and to keep issues under debate. It keeps up the morale and enthusiasm of party workers and brings politicians into wide-scale contact with the people.

TASK 4. Find in the text above the English equivalents for the following key words and expressions:

  1. избирательная компания

  2. освещение выборов по телевидению и радио

  3. агитация за кандидата

  4. партийный манифест

  5. будущий возможный кандидат

  6. штаб-квартира партии

  7. роспуск парламента

  8. участвовать в предвыборной кампании

  9. рекламировать политику партии

  10. излагать политику партии

  11. сделать заявление

  12. оставаться у власти

  13. повторно баллотироваться

  14. выпускать рекламный материал

  15. выступать с речью

TASK 5. Use the key expressions from the text to answer the following questions:

  1. What are the functions of the Prime Minister in an election process?

  2. What is the procedure for the re-election of MPs?

  3. What means do prospective candidates / main political parties use to publicise their policies in an election campaign?

  4. It is common knowledge that the majority of voters have already made their choice before the election campaign begins. In your opinion, why do parties spend vast amounts of money on canvassing?

TASK 6. Match the following English expressions with their Russian equivalents:

1) high-powered political campaign

a) агитировать за кого-либо

2) law-and-order campaign

b) выполнить предвыборные обещания

3) nationwide campaign

c) кампания в масштабе всей страны

4) TV coverage of the election campaign

d) кампания по борьбе с преступностью

5) to direct a campaign

e) мощная политическая кампания

6) to lay out a campaign

f) освещение избирательной кампании по телевидению

7) to wage / conduct a campaign

g) проводить кампанию

8) to campaign for smb

h)руководить кампанией

9) to make good/to carry out/campaign pledges

i) составить план кампании

TASK 7. Translate the following sentences into Russian in writing, paying special attention to segments in bold type:

  1. In a whirlwind tour approaching the velocity of a high-powered political campaign, the Prime Minister was able to successfully quash his political career.

  2. A great publicity campaign starts with courage, then planning, and lastly, it succeeds through persistence.

  3. The by-election in South Wales has reinforced popular view that the law-and-order campaign has reduced crime.

  4. A nationwide campaign aimed at reducing road deaths has begun as thousands of commuters prepare to travel for the South-East of England.

  5. BBC-1 TV News and Current Affairs carry the most comprehensive television coverage of the election.

TASK 8. Translate the following text into English in writing:

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