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ТК, Еферова А.Р., Кердяшева О.В..doc
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VI. Complete the following sentences using the text:

  1. Naval architecture is an engineering discipline …

  2. Due to the complexity associated with operating …

  3. The areas of expertise filled by …

  4. The suitability of a vessel’s shape was …

  5. Subjective descriptors such as …

  6. The term “fair” is meant …

VII. Translate the text “The Naval Architect.”

A naval architect is a professional engineer who is responsible for the design, construction, and/or repair of ships, boats, other marine vessels, and offshore structures, both commercial and military, including:

  • Merchant ships - oil/gas tankers, cargo ships, bulk carriers, container ships

  • Passenger/vehicle ferries, cruise ships

  • Warships - frigates, destroyers, aircraft carriers, amphibious ships

  • Submarines and underwater vehicles

  • Icebreakers

  • Offshore drilling platforms, semi-submersibles

  • High speed craft - hovercraft, multi-hull ships, hydrofoil craft

  • Workboats - fishing boats, anchor handling tug supply vessels, platform supply vessels, tug boats, pilot vessels, rescue craft

  • Yachts, power boats, and other recreational craft

Some of these vessels are amongst the largest and most complex and highly valued movable structures produced by mankind. They are the most efficient method of transporting the world's raw materials and products known to man.

Modern engineering on this scale is essentially a team activity conducted by specialists in their respective fields and disciplines. However, it is the naval architects who often integrate their activities and take ultimate responsibility for the overall project. This demanding leadership role requires managerial qualities and the ability to bring together the often-conflicting demands of the various design constraints to produce a product, which is "fit for the purpose."

To undertake all these tasks, a naval architect must have an understanding of many branches of engineering and must be in the forefront of high technology areas such as vessel arrangements, hydrodynamics, stability, and structures. He or she must be able to effectively utilize the services provided by scientists, lawyers, accountants, and business people of many kinds.

VIII. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

  1. Теория кораблестроения – инженерная дисциплина, связанная с дизайном, строительством и ремонтом морских судов.

  2. Традиционно, теория кораблестроения была больше искусством, чем наукой.

  3. Современное инженерное искусство – это деятельность, выполняемая специалистами в определенной области.

  4. Кораблестроитель обычно работает на судоверфи, дизайнерские и консалтинговые фирмы, пароходство и правительство.

IX. Retell the text “Naval Architecture.” unit 5. Classification society

I. Master the Active vocabulary:

ship surveyor – инспектор классификационного общества

to confirm – подтверждать

offshore structure – сооружение континентального шельфа

manufacturer’s plant – завод производителя

marine underwriter – морской страховщик

thereof – вследствие этого

to supersede – заменять

to be in compliance with smth – в соответствии с чем - либо

legal liability – ответственность перед законом

notation – система обозначений

soundness – отсутствие дефекта, прочность