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Деловая корреспонденция

Sender’s (return,addresser’s) mailing address address

(1)Sun Express

(2)20 (3)Gloucester place

(4) Crydon (5)CR 12 DN


(7) ABC (Drinks Machines) Ltd

(8)186(9) Park Lane

(10) Bristol (11) BS2 8BE

(12) UK

1) the sender’s company name

2) the house in the return address

3) the street name in the return address

4) the town the letter comes from

5) the ZIP Code in the return address

6) the addressee

7) the addressee’ company name

8) the house in the mailing address

9) the street name in the mailing address

10) the town the letter comes to

11) the ZIP Code in the mailing address

12) the country the letter comes to

Правильное расположение частей делового письма

1) A.X.C. Records Ltd.,


Liverpool L915PB

12 may 2005

2) The Sales Department, South importers Ltd.,

Dane Street, Northam,

Southampton 509 4YQ

3) Dear Sirs,

4) We are a large music shop in the centre of Liverpool and would like to know more about the tapes and cassettes you advertise in the month’s edition

of Music Monthly

5) Yours faithfully


Jeffry Allen


Служебная записка

To : Caroline Burton

From : Sue Swiss

Subject : meeting with a client

Date : Monday, 30 April

I have to change the date of a meeting with Mr. John Williams scheduled for 6 May because of the urgent trip to the headquarters of our company from 4 May to 10 May. Will you please make new arrangements with him.


Стандартная последовательность разделов резюме

1) Personal Details

2) Professional experience

3) Education

4) Skills

5) Activities

6) References

Отрывки различных видов деловых документов

1) Letter of complaint (жалоба)

I am writing in connection with the above invoice for an MX3 Facsimile machine. We receive this machine yesterday. Unfortunately, the power cable is missing.

We would be glad if you could send us one as soon as possible.


(From Company to Company by A.Littlejohn)

2) Contract (контракт)

The goods will be considered as delivered by the Sellers and accepted by the Buyers:

1) as regards the gross weight and the number of cases – in accordance with the weight and the number of cases stated in an airway bill.

2) as regards the net weight and the quality – in accordance with the Sellers’Specification. The date of an airway bill is to be considered as the data of delivery.


(From Business English by A.P.Andreushkin)