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16. Translate:

  1. To everyone who asks of you, give and from him who takes away your things, do not require their return.

  2. And just as you want men to do to you, do them likewise.

  3. Who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather scatters.

  4. The capital sins are enumerated as vainglory (pride), avarice, gluttony, lust, sloth, envy, anger.

  5. Venial sin is essentially different from mortal sin, it is pardonable.

  6. Father, Your name be sanctified; your kingdom come; Give us each day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone indebted to us. And do not bring us into temptation.

17.Complete the sentences with suitable words:

1. Christians go to worship to … . 2. …. is a picture of a holy person that is used in worship in Orthodox church. 3. Mary …. to a priest that she had lied to her parents. 4.One should follow ten … given by God in the Bible that tell people how they must behave. 5. When we entered the church, we could feel a pleasant smell of … . 6. The poor woman … God to help her in hardship.


1. В католицькій релігії зважено присутня і жорстка дисципліна, і свобода людини. Тому країни з католицьким віросповіданням виявились найбільш розвиненими. 2. Порівняймо католицьку релігію з мусульманською. Жорсткості та обмежень в мусульманській релігії більш, ніж достатньо, а свободи явно не вистачає. Результат очевидний: країни, де сповідують іслам, поступаються у розвитку католицьким. 3. Порівняймо католицьку релігію з православною. Свободи в православній релігії більше, але країни з православною релігією поступаються католицьким. 4. В буддійській та індуській релігіях Індії, Непалу, Бутану, інших сусідніх їм країн в центрі стоїть духовний розвиток людини і часто нехтується матеріальна сторона життя. Тому при високому духовному розвитку ці країни знаходяться далеко не в найкращому економічному становищі. 5. Слід виділити японський варіант буддизму, в якому духовний розвиток поєднується з жорсткою дисципліною в матеріальному житті. Результат відомий: прогрес Японії поза сумнівами.

(За Е. Мулдашевим)


Crusades were a series of military expeditions organized by Western Christians against Muslim powers in order to take possession of or maintain control over the Holy City of Jerusalem and the places, particularly the shrine of the Holy Scripture, associated with the earthly life of Jesus Christ. Between 1095, when the First Crusade was launched, and 1291, when the Latin Christians were finally expelled from their bases in Syria, historians have formally enumerated eight major expeditions. This period of roughly two centuries was one of significant social, economic, and institutional growth in western Europe.

The entire structure of European society changed during the 12th and 13th centuries, and there was a time when this change was attributed largely to the Crusades. The acquired sectors enabled to extend the trade with the Muslim world and led to the establishment of trade depots beyond the Crusade frontiers. The transportation they provided was significant in the development of shipbuilding techniques. Italian banking facilities became indispensable to popes and kings. Moreover, returning crusaders brought new tastes or increased the demand for spices, Oriental textiles, and other exotic fare.

The Crusade idea persisted well into the 17th century, and the conviction that, in certain circumstances, war might be just became more deeply enrooted in the conscience of the West.

The Crusades did have a marked impact on the development of Western historical literature. From the beginning there was a proliferation of chronicles, eyewitness accounts, and later more ambitious histories, in verse and in prose.

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