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Unit 10. Antibiotics.

Grammar: Infinitives

Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation and give the translation of the words:

Microbe [ maikrəub ]

Bacterium [ bæk tiəriəm]

( pl bacteria) [bæk tiəriə ]

Fungus [ f ngəs ]

( pl fungi) [ f ndai]

Pathogenic [ pæ ə de nk ]

Fatal [ fei t l ]

Meningitis [menin  daitis ]

Pneumonia [ nju:m ə u n  ə ]

scarlet fever [ ska:lit fi:v ə ]

de­cline [ di klain ]

livestock [ laivstok ]

grain [ grein ]

feed [fi:d ]

damage [dæ mid]

Various [ve ə ri ə s]

add [ æd ]

Exercise 2. Active vocabulary:

Fungus – бот. гриб; пліснява, цвіль; деревна губка;

Soil – земля; ґрунт;

Harmful – шкідливий, згубний;

to fight – боротися; (з кимсь - against, with; за щось - for);

to damage – пошкоджувати;

to cure – лікування; виліковувати, зціляти(ся);

to de­cline – відкидати;відхиляти(пропозицію.);відмовляти(ся);

drastically – надмірно;

livestock – худоба; живий інвентар; поголів'я худоби;

feed – давати їжу; годувати (чимось - on); їжа, харч;

growth – ріст, зростання; розвиток.

Exercise 3. Read the following words paying attention of the letter combinations in the bold type:

[id] – Damage, cabbage, marriage, passage, sewage, cartilage, storage.

[əu] – Various, dangerous, fibrous, nervous, simultaneous, gangrenous.

[ə] – Bacterium, cementum, sputum, fungus, August, septum, tetanus, serum.

[:] – Because, August, trauma, automobile, audience, autopsy, auscultation.

[ ] – come; become, accompany; comfort, discomfort.

[ ə ] – bacteria, pneumonia, insomnia, edema, anuria, malaria, cholera.

[ a] – ( - i . pl. ) – cocci, calculi, fungi, bacilli, glomeruli, streptococci.

Exercise 4. Form and translate the new words by adding – ly:

Model: slow (повільний) + ly= slowly (повільно)

Complete, quick, rapid, obvious, hard, easy, quiet, bright, correct, dangerous, cautious, late, absolute, serious, chief, intramuscular, intravenous, oral, subcutaneous.

Exercise 5. Find words or word combinations in the text denoting the following:

a). any of various chemical substances, such as penicillin, streptomycin, chloramphenicol, and tetracycline, produced by various microorganisms, esp. fungi, or made synthetically and capable of destroying or inhibiting the growth of microorganisms, esp. bacteria;

b). any microscopic organism too small to be visible to the naked eye, esp. a disease-causing bacterium;

c). a very large group of microorganisms comprising one of the three domains of living organisms. They are prokaryotic, unicellular, and either free-living in soil or water or parasites of plants or animals;

d). any member of a kingdom of organisms (Fungi) that lack chlorophyll, leaves, true stems, and roots, reproduce by spores, and live as saprotrophs or parasites. The group includes moulds, mildews, rusts, yeasts, and mushrooms.

Grammar in use: Infinitive and its forms.







Perfect Continuous

To ask

To be asking

To have asked

To have been asking

To be asked


To have been asked



  • To study well is our duty.

  • The doctor’s duty to treat the patients.

  • I want to become a doctor.

  • Pirogov was the first to have used plaster-of-Paris.

This lecture is one of the most important to attend.

I entered the Medical University to study and become a doctor.

The patient was too weak to get out of the bed.

    • Добре навчатися – наш обов’язок.

    • Обов’язок лікаря – лікувати пацієнтів.

    • Я хочу стати лікарем.

    • Пирогов був першим, хто використав гіпс.

    • Ця лекція одна з найважливіших, яку слід відвідати.

    • Я вступив до медичного університету, щоб навчатися і стати лікарем.

    • Пацієнт був дуже слабким, щоб вставати з ліжка.

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