Брянский государственный технический университет |
Ректор университета
_______________А.В. Лагерев
«_____»________________2009 г.
Методические указания
к разговорной теме «Мой университет»
с применением обучающих игр для студентов 1 курса
всех специальностей очной формы обучения
У ДК 42.07
Английский язык: методические указания к разговорной теме «Мой университет» с применением обучающих игр для студентов 1 курса всех специальностей очной формы обучения. – Брянск: БГТУ, 2009. – 19 с.
Разработала: Воронцова Ю.А.,
канд. пед. наук, доц.
Рекомендовано кафедрой «Иностранные языки» БГТУ
(протокол № 3от 30.03.2009)
Данные методические указания предназначены для студентов 1 курса всех специальностей вуза и аспирантов, составлены в соответствии с требованиями программы по иностранным языкам для неязыковых вузов и предусматривают работу над устной речью на материале разговорной темы «Высшее образование».
Материал включает следующие темы: «Наш университет – БГТУ»; «Высшее образование в Великобритании». Перед текстом дан словарь наиболее общеупотребительных слов и словосочетаний, а также список специальностей вуза, после текста – диалог, основанный на нем. В методические указания включены следующие игры:
Знаете ли Вы наш университет?
Познакомимся с нашим университетом.
The Economics and Management Department |
Факультет экономики и управления |
The name of the specialist |
031202 |
Translation and translation-studying |
Перевод и переводоведение |
Linguist, translator |
040201 |
Sociology / social science |
Социология |
Sociologist /Social scientist |
080105 |
Finances and credit |
Финансы и кредит |
Economist |
080109 |
Accounting, analysis and audit |
Бухгалтерский учёт, анализ и аудит |
Economist |
080111 |
Marketing |
Маркетинг |
Marketing manager |
080502 |
Economics and running the enterprise (in mechanical engineering) |
Экономика и управление на предприятии (в машиностроении) |
Economist-manager |
080503 |
Anticrisis management |
Антикризисное управление |
Economist-manager |
080507 |
Organization management |
Менеджмент организации |
Manager |
080508 |
Information management |
Информационный менеджмент |
Manager |
080801 |
Applied computer science (in economics) |
Прикладная информатика (в экономике) |
Сomputer-science specialist - economist |
The Department of Information Technologies |
Факультет информационных технологий |
The name of the specialist |
010503 |
Software and information system administration |
Математическое обеспечение и администрирование информационных систем |
Mathematician - programmer |
050501 |
Professional training (computer science, computer engineering and computer technologies) |
Профессиональное обучение (информатика, вычислительная техника и компьютерные технологии) |
Occupational training teacher |
090103 |
Organization and technology of information protection/ Information protection organization and technology |
Организация и технология защиты информации |
Information protection specialist |
230104 |
Computer-aided design |
Система автоматизированного проектирования |
Engineer |
230105 |
The software of computer facilities and automated systems/ Computer facilities and automated systems software |
Программное обеспечение вычислительной техники и автоматизированных систем |
Engineer |
230201 |
Information systems and technology |
Информационные системы и технологии |
Bachelor |
The Mechanical Technological Department |
Механико-технологический факультет |
The name of the specialist |
150202 |
Equipment and welding production technology |
Оборудование и технология сварочного производства |
Engineer |
150204 |
Machines and foundry production technology |
Машины и технология литейного производства |
Engineer |
150501 |
Material-studying in engineering |
Материаловедение в машиностроении |
Engineer |
200501 |
Metrology and measurement assurance |
Метрология и метрологическое обеспечение |
Engineer |
200503 |
Standardization and certification |
Стандартизация и сертификация |
Engineer |
220501 |
Quality management |
Управление качеством |
Engineer -manager |
280102 |
Safety of technological processes and productions (in mechanical engineering) |
Безопасность технологических процессов и производств (в машиностроении) |
Engineer |
The power engineering and electronics department |
Факультет энергетики и электроники |
The name of the specialist |
140104 |
Industrial thermal electrical engineering |
Промышленная теплоэнергетика |
Engineer |
140501 |
Internal combustion engines |
Двигатели внутреннего сгорания |
Engineer |
140503 |
Gas-turbine, steam-turbine installations and engines |
Газотурбинные, паротурбинные установки и двигатели |
Engineer |
140604 |
Electric drive and automation of industrial installations and technological complexes |
Электропривод и автоматика промышленных установок и технологических комплексов |
Engineer |
210106 |
Industrial electronics |
Промышленная электроника |
Engineer |
210104 |
Microelectronics and solid-state electronics |
Микроэлектроника и твердотельная электроника |
Engineer |
210304 |
Radio-electronic systems |
Радиоэлектронные системы |
Engineer |
The Educational Scientific Transport institute |
Учебно-научный институт транспорта |
The name of the specialist |
150301 |
Dynamics and strength of machines |
Динамика и прочность машин |
Engineer |
190205 |
Mechanical-handling building road machines and equipment |
Подъёмно транспортные, строительные, дорожные машины и оборудование |
Engineer |
190301 |
Locomotives |
Локомотивы |
Railway engineer |
190302 |
Cars |
Вагоны |
Railway engineer |
190601 |
Automobiles and automobile maintenance |
Автомобили и автомобильное хозяйство |
Engineer |
190702 |
Traffic organization and safety |
Организация и безопасность движения |
Transport engineer |
Educational-scientific technological institute |
Учебно-научный технологический институт |
The name of the specialist |
150205 |
The equipment and technology of increasing wear resistance and restoring machine parts and devices |
Оборудование и технология повышения износостойкости и восстановление деталей машин и аппаратов |
Engineer |
150302 |
Trybology |
Триботехника |
Engineer |
151001 |
Mechanical techno-logy |
Технология машиностроения |
Engineer, Master |
151002 |
Metal-cutting machine-tools and complexes |
Металлорежущие станки и комплексы |
Engineer |
151003 |
Toolroom systems of engineering production |
Инструментальные системы машиностроительного производства |
Engineer |
220201 |
Management and computer science in technical systems |
Управление и информатика в технических системах |
Engineer |
220301 |
Automation of technological processes and productions |
Автоматизация технологических процессов и производств |
Engineer |
1. Read and translate the text.
In 2009 the first Higher Institution of the Bryansk Region, Bryansk State Technical University was eighty. It was founded in December 1929 according to the decision of the USSR’s Higher Soviet of National economy on the basis of the Bezhitsa workers’ faculty as a higher technical institution of a new type. “Krasni Profintern”, a large machine-building plant in Bezhitsa, the Bryansk region, served as a technical foundation for its organisation.
The training of the engineers on the initial stage was carried out at the mechanical faculty with the two departments – technological and mechanical engineering departments. These faculties trained specialists on hot and cold working of metals and foundry, locomotive building, machine-tool manufacture, mechanical handling installations.
Within recently BSTU has become a technical University well known in the whole country. Over thirty thousand engineers and scientific workers for machine-building, transport, power-engineering and other branches of industry have been trained within its walls.
Now BSTU is a multiprofile technical higher school with a developed academic and laboratory basis, equipped with up-to-date devices. It has got three buildings, a computer and laboratory centre, a Sports House, two students’ hostels. More than seven thousand students study at the economics and management departments, at the information technology department, at the mechanical-technological department, at the educational-scientific technological institute and at the educational-scientific transport institute. There is a correspondence department at the University too. It has branches in some towns such and Novozybkov, Luydinovo and others. It trains bachelors and engineers in more than 30 specialities in the directions of economics and management, machine-building and metal-treatment, power engineering and energetics, ground vehicles, electrical engineering and industrial electronics, automation, safety of vital activity, computers and computerised systems.
Annually over 600 applicants are enrolled into the University. More than 400 highly qualified scientific and pedagogical workers take part in training future specialists. The teaching staff of BSTU is highly qualified, 65% of the teachers have academic degrees and status. There have been defended 11 theses for the degree of Ph.D. and 40 theses for the degree of Candidate of Science only during the recent years. Among the teachers there’re 4 academicians, 11 Full Members and Corresponding Members of the Academies of different branches of industry, 4 Honoured workers of Russia’s science and technology, 7 honoured industrial engineers, 6 honoured scientists of the Higher school, 1 honoured science worker of physical training, 13 honoured workers of Higher professional education, 6 workers of gas industry, 1 honoured economist of Russia, 5 masters of sport, 47 Doctors of Philosophy, professors, more than 200 Candidates of Science, assistant-professors.
The activity of the scientific schools being developed by BSTU is well known in the country and abroad. During the last decades the scientists and the teachers of the University have published many monographs, textbooks and educational supplies and have received more than 100 patents and authors’ certificates for the inventions. The innovative activity is devoted to designing and producing essentially new kinds of vehicles. For this reason the University has founded a number of scientific and production enterprises.
Over 150 postgraduate students and competitors on 15 scientific specialities study here. The University has councils on defending theses for the degree of Ph.D. and for the degree of Candidate of Science on 5 scientific specialities.
The present stage in the development of the University comprises the integration of education, science and production. To provide high-quality training of specialists the University is continuously improving its laboratory and information basis. Unique technological and experimental equipment is used in the process of studies; over 300 different PCs are installed at the University, 100 of which are united into a single computer network, which has an access to Internet. The University scientific library is one of the largest technical libraries in the region. Its bookstock counts more than 500 thousand volumes of academic, scientific, sociological, political and fiction literature.
The University is developing international cooperation with the Universities and outstanding scientists of the Western countries: Germany, Great Britain, Canada, Italy, Austria, Holland, Hungary, the Chech republic and also with the traditional partners from Belorussia and the Ukraine.
access, n |
- доступ |
assistant-professor, n |
- доцент |
Candidate of Science |
- кандидат наук |
competitor, n |
- соискатель |
decision, n to make a decision |
- решение - принять решение |
department, n full-time department part-time department correspondence department evening department |
- факультет - очный факультет - заочный факультет - заочный факультет - вечерний факультет |
Doctor of Philosophy |
- доктор наук |
engineering, n |
- машиностроение |
enterprise, n |
- предприятие |
equipment, n |
- оборудование |
found, v |
- основывать |
graduate student, n syn. postgraduate |
- аспирант |
honoured, p.р. |
- заслуженный |
machine-tool, n. |
- станок |
manufacture, n syn. production n |
- производство
personal computer (PC) |
- персональный компьютер |
thesis, n (pl. theses) to defend the thesis for the degree of a council on defending theses |
- диссертация - защитить диссертацию на учёную степень - научный совет по защите диссертаций |
train, v syn. (educate, bring up) |
- обучать, готовить, тренироваться |
2. Answer the following questions.
What University do you study at?
When was the institution founded?
How many faculties are there at the University?
What specialists does the University train? What directions is the training held in?
How many applicants are annually enrolled into the University?
What can you say about the teaching staff of the University?
Why do you think the scientific schools and research work being developed by the University is well-known in the country and abroad?
What is the innovative activity of the University devoted to?
Has the University got councils on defending theses for the scientific degrees?
What is being done to provide high-quality training of specialists?
What information is given on the University laboratories and the library?
Who is the University developing international co-operation with?
Name all the specialities of the University.
3. Translate into English.
Брянский государственный технический университет – один из старейших вузов России. Он был открыт в конце 1929 года. Сегодня БГТУ – высшее учебное заведение с уникальным набором специальностей.
Университет – это большой научный центр. Здесь сформировались крупные научные школы, накоплен богатый опыт инженерного образования, работают известные учёные, профессора и преподаватели.
За прошедшие годы высшее техническое заведение стало известным не только в стране, но и за её пределами. В его стенах за 70 лет было подготовлено более 30,5 тыс. инженеров для машиностроения, транспорта, газовой промышленности и других отраслей народного хозяйства.
Сегодня в вузе обучается более 3,8 тысяч студентов, в том числе более 2,7 тысяч человек на дневном отделении, 600 человек на вечернем и 300 человек на заочном. Его функционирование обеспечивает более 200 сотрудников и около 200 человек вспомогательного персонала.
В разные годы вуз назывался по-разному: сначала Бежицкий машиностроительный институт, позднее Орджоникидзеградский машиностроительный институт, Бежицкий механико-машино-строительный институт, Бежицкий институт транспортного машиностроения, Брянский институт транспортного машиностроения.
В 1996 г. вуз приобрёл статус Брянского государственного технического университета.
В 1979 г. за успехи в области подготовки кадров для народного хозяйства страны вуз был награждён орденом “Знак почёта”.
4. Compose sentences using the following word-combinations.
to coach up a pupil |
- индивидуально работать с учащимся |
to miss a lesson for a valid reason/excuse |
- пропустить урок по уважительной причине |
an unexcused absence |
- отсутствие без уважительной причины |
“free” period |
- свободная пара |
late-comers |
- опоздавшие |
a mark in a subject for a dictation for a test |
- оценка по предмету - за диктант - за контрольную работу |
to give an all-round education |
- дать всестороннее образование |
to get an all -round education |
- получить всестороннее образование |
diligent, industrious |
- прилежный, усердный |
capable/incapable |
- способный/неспособный |
to be good at |
- иметь способности к ч./л |
to neglect one’s studies / to be careless about one’s studies |
- небрежно относиться к учёбе |
to lag behind the group |
- отстать в учёбе от группы |
to catch up with a group |
- догнать группу в учёбе |
superficial knowledge |
- поверхностные знания |
deep/profound knowledge |
- глубокие знания |
to put one’s knowledge into practice / to apply one’s know-ledge into practice |
- применять знания на практике |
to carry on scientific work / to do research |
- вести научную работу |
to be a fourth-year student / to be in one’s fourth year |
- быть студентом четвёртого курса |
to be promoted to the next year |
- быть переведенным на другой курс |
to take post-graduate courses |
- поступить в аспирантуру |
a diploma work |
- дипломная работа |
to present/to support one’s thesis / diploma work |
- защищать диссертацию / дипломную работу |
a lecture on a subject |
- лекция по предмету |
a consultation in a subject |
- консультация по предмету |
a test in a subject |
- зачёт по предмету |
an examination in a subject |
- экзамен по предмету |
a test-paper a lecture-room |
- контрольная работа - аудитория |
a curriculum |
- программа, учебный план |
a time-table |
- расписание |
5. Retell the text “My University”.
1. Reproduce the following dialogue.
Alex is about to ring up a friend of his. He picks up the receiver, and dials the number. The first time the line is engaged but then he gets through.
A: Andrew?
B: Speaking.
A: This is Alex. Hello, old chap. Haven’t heard from you for ages. How are you?
B: Oh, hello, Alex. I’m fine, thanks.
A: Wonderful, I hear you passed all your entrance exams with excellent marks. So you are a student now, aren’t you?
B: Well yes, I’m a full-time student of Bryansk State Technical University?
A: Oh, really? I didn’t know about that? What is your future speciality?
B: I am going to be a highly qualified specialist on internal combustion engines, and what about you?
A: I wasn’t so lucky at the entrance exams, in fact. I only got good marks on the main subjects: physics and maths, so I wasn’t enrolled into the University.
B: Oh, take it easy. I hope that next year you’ll be luckier. Would you like me to tell you about the University?
A: With pleasure.
B: First of all we take a lot of subjects, such as: higher mathematics, physics, chemistry, a foreign language and some special subjects as well.
A: I wonder if you find it difficult to study higher mathematics.
B: Rather. I spend a lot of time doing my home assignment. But I’m not sorry at all. You’ve got to work hard to make good progress.
A: Do you attend all the lectures?
B: Of course, as I want to gain profound knowledge on all the subjects. So if I miss a lecture, then only for a valid reason.
A: You’re quite right. And how do you spend your time after classes?
B: Sometimes I go to the reading-hall to prepare for my lectures and seminars. There are a great number of the laboratories at the University. They are equipped with modern devices.
A: What do you do in the labs?
B: There we may conduct research work; there are a lot of computers at our disposal.
A: Can you carry out experiments yourself?
B: Of course, I can. Many students do research according to their future speciality.
A: Have you got a library at the University?
B: Oh, the library contains many books, both technical and fiction literature. Besides there is a big reading-hall in the library.
A: And how do you spend your spare time, have you got any time to go in for sports?
B: Yes, of course, I’ve joined the University sports society, as I’m fond of skating, skiing and tennis. So, I spend much time in the University gymnasium. Moreover, I’ve joined our drama society and the choir. They say I’m rather good at both singing and acting.
A: As I can guess you study English as a foreign language.
B: Exactly and it is my favourite subject. English is an international language and I want to master it to be able to read English books and journals in the original.
A: Well, I wish you much luck in studying English.
B: Thank you. Hope to see you some day.
A: By the way, I’ve got a new telephone number. It is now 235...
B: Just a second. I must have a pen to put it down. Yes?
A: So I repeat 235-60-57. I’ll be expecting your call. Bye-bye.
B: So long, then.
2. Read and translate the text.
At the age of 16 pupils can leave school. But quite a lot of them want to continue their education. Only 1/3 of all leaves school at 16 and look for a job. (The general level of unemployed is high today. Some of them find job immediately and many take parts in training schemes (which means job corned with part-time college courses).
In England and Wales those who stay at school study just three subjects in preparation for taking A-level exams (Advanced Level).
The same examining boards that set GCSE exams set these academic exams. Pupils at the age of 18 years old, who wish to continue their education, take them.
Universities usually select students on the basis of A-level results and an interview (students who wish to enter Oxford and Cambridge have to take special exams). Those who have better A-level results are usually accepted.
Higher education has become more available in the second half of the 20th century. In 1960 there were less than 25 universities in Britain. By 1980 there were already more than 40, and by 1995 there were over a hundred institutions with university status.
Universities take the best student, that’s why nearly all students complete their studies. The normal course of study lasts 3-4 years. Students are not supposed to take a job during the term. Unless their parents are rich, they receive a state grant, which covers most of their expenses, including the cost of accommodation. Quite a lot of students live on campus (or in college) or in rooms nearby.
However, nowadays the government reduces the amount of the students and encourages a system of top-up loans. That’s why quite a lot of students can’t afford to live in college and many more of them are forced to do a part-time job, but this reduces the traditionally high quality of British university education. And, in addition, the number of students from low-income families has been greatly reduced.
There are no great distinctions between different types of universities in Britain. But still there are some categories of them.
First of all, Oxbridge. Oxford and Cambridge were founded in the medieval period. These universities consist of semi-independent colleges, each of them having its own staff (“Fellows”). The “Fellows” teach the college students either one-to-one or in very small groups. This system is unique in the world and known as tutorials in Oxford and supervisions in Cambridge.
Then, Scottish universities. By 1600 Scotland had 4 universities – Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and St. Andrews. St. Andrews resembles Oxbridge very much. In the other three most of the students live at home or find rooms in town. The process of study at these universities is very close to the continental one. There is less specialisation than at Oxbridge.
During the 19th century various institutions of higher education (usually technical ones) were founded in the industrial towns and cities such as Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds.
Their buildings were of local brick, so they got the name “redbrick” universities. They contrasted chiefly with Oxford and Cambridge. At first, they prepared students for London University degrees, but later they were given the right to award their own degrees. They became universities themselves. Now they accept students from all over the country. These universities are financed by local authorities.
One of the developments in education in Britain is certainly the Open University. It was founded in 1971. Some people don’t have an opportunity to study full-time, and this university allows them to study for degree. The university’s courses are taught through television, radio and coursebooks. Its students work individually and with tutors, to whom they send their papers. The students discuss their work at meetings or through correspondence. In summer they attend short courses.
A university usually consists of colleges. The departments of the colleges are organised into faculties.
University teaching in the UK differs greatly at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels from that in many other countries. An undergraduate programme consists of a series of lectures, seminars, tutorials and laboratory classes, which in total account for about 15 hours per week.
Following a particular programme students take series of lecture courses which may last one academic term or the whole year. Associated with each lecture course are seminars, tutorials, laboratory classes that illustrate the topics presented in the lectures.
Lectures are given to large groups of students (from 20 to 200). Seminars and tutorials are much smaller than lecture classes and in some departments can be on a one-to-one basis (one member of staff and one student).
Students prepare work in advance for seminars and tutorials. And this can take the form of researching a topic for discussion by writing essays or by solving problems. Lectures, seminars and tutorials are all one hour in length, laboratory classes last two, or three hours. Much emphasis is put on the private study in a UK degree. Each student has a tutor whom he can consult on any matter whether academic or personal.
The academic year is split into three terms. Formal teaching takes place in the first two terms, which last for twenty-four weeks in total. The third term is reserved for classes and examinations and lasts for six weeks.
Universities teach in all major subject areas: arts, science, law, engineering, medicine, social sciences.
University staff is at the foreground of knowledge in their subject. The teaching encourages students to learn in the most effective way.
University degree courses extend from three to four years. After three years of study a university graduate will leave with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts or Science. He may continue his studies to take his Master’s Degree and then the Doctor’s.
3. Answer the following questions.
Do pupils at 16 prefer to continue their education or to find job?
How many subjects do pupils in preparation for taking A-level exams study?
When do pupils take their A-level exams?
How do universities select students?
Why do all students usually complete their studies?
Why has the high quality of British University education been reduced recently?
When was the Open University founded?
What does an undergraduate programme consist of?
How long may a lecture course last?
How long must one study to get the Degree of Bachelor (Master, Doctor)?
4. Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions.
training schemes –
on campus –
a part-time job –
low-income families –
staff –
“redbrick” universities –
5. Fill in the gaps.
At the age of … pupils can leave school.
Only … of all pupils leave school and look for a job.
Those who stay at school study … subjects.
A-level exams are taken at … years old.
Universities select students on the basis of … .
By 1986 there were more than … universities in Britain.
The course of study at Universities lasts … years.
The government encourages a system of … loans.
Oxford and Cambridge were founded in the … period.
The unique system of education in Britain is known as … at Oxford and … at Cambridge.
One of the developments in education in Britain is … .
An undergraduate programme consists of a series of lectures, seminars, tutorials and laboratory classes, which in total account for about … hours per week.
Lectures are given to large groups of students (from … to … ). Seminars and tutorials are much smaller than lecture classes and in some departments can be on a … .
University staff are at the … of knowledge in their subject.
After three years of study a university graduate will leave with the degree of … or … . He may continue … to take his … and then … .
6. Retell the text.