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expansion boards

basic component


expand its capabilities

integrated circuit


central processing unit(CPU)


printed circuit board

clock speed

ROM (read only memory)

RAM (random access memory)

storage device

floppy disk


плата розширення

основна, базова частина


розширювати/збільшувати можливості/характеристики

інтегральна схема

чипсет (набір мікросхем)

центральний процесор

материнська плата

друкована плата

тактова частота

постійний запам’ятовувальний пристрій (ПЗУ)

оперативна пам'ять

нагромаджувач, запам’ятовуючий пристрій


змінний, такий що не зберігає інформацію при вимкненні живлення


floppy drive

optical disk

digital versatile disk

expansion board

expansion slots

network card



input devices

output devices

pointing device

laptop computers

cathode ray tube (CRT)

terms of


hard copy

memory stick

постійний, незмінний, енергонезалежний


оптичний диск

компакт-диск формату DVD

розширювальна плата

слот розширення

мережева карта

зовнішні пристрої


пристрій вводу

пристрій виводу

вказівний пристрій


електронно-променева трубка

виходячи з


друкований екземпляр


Hardware refers to the mechanical and electronic aspects of a computer system – the parts you can touch. These can be basic components involved, expansion boards - the extra elements which can be added to a computer to expand its capabilities - and peripherals, which are separate elements attached to the computer.



The most essential part of the computer is a chip, which is a very small piece of silicon, or other semi-conducted material, that contains a complex electrical circuit called an integrated circuit. All computers have a number of different chips called a chipset. These allow all different subsystems of a computer to communicate. The most important chip in a computer is called the CPU, or central processing unit or microprocessor. This chip is seen as the “brain” of the computer, as it does most of the computer’s processing. The CPU is found on a printed circuit board, which is a flat plastic sheet which holds the electronic components. The board which holds the CPU is called the motherboard. The speed at which a computer operates is highly dependent on the power of the CPU. This speed is called the clock speed and is measured in megahertz (MHz) – millions of operations per second.


Memory is a part of a computer which stores data and commands. There are many different types of memory, but two useful terms for general user are ROM (read only memory) and RAM (random access memory). RAM refers to the memory held in chips, and is also known as the main memory. This memory is part of the system resources of the computer, and the amount of this memory influences the speed and capacity of the machine. RAM is described as volatile, as data can be lost from it if the power if switched off. It is measured in megabytes (Mbs)

ROM is a permanent part of the computer’s memory which cannot be changed. ROM is described as non-volatile, as the information is not lost if the power is switched off.


There are various storage devices which can be used to hold data.

  • A magnetic disk inside the computer, called the hard disk, may be used.

  • Data can also be stored in a portable format using a floppy disk (or floppy), which is a small disk contained in a plastic case. A single floppy disc contains much less data then the hard disk of a computer, but can be removed and used in any computer with a floppy drive.

  • An even larger quantity of data can be held on an optical disk, such as CD-ROM (a disk which you buy with data already recorded on it), a CD-R (a disk on which you can record data), a CD-RW (a rewritable disk) or a DVD (digital versatile disk or digital video disk).

  • A memory stick is a small data storage device that can easily be connected to a computer via a USB port. It allows users to copy files onto it and then remove it and transfer these files to other computers.

Expansion boards

The capabilities of the computer can be expanded by adding further boards which enable the computer to perform specialized functions. These less essential boards are often called cards or adapters, and can be put into expansion slots (sockets that expansion boards fit into).

  • A sound card can be installed, which enables the user to hear sound through speakers or headphones, and to record sound using microphone.

  • A graphics card, or video card, can enable the computer to display graphics or video on the screen.

  • A network card is an expansion card which allows the user to connect the computer to a local network of computers.

Various verbs are used to talk about adding new hardware elements to a computer system. The most common are: install, put in and fit.

E.g.: I’ve just installed the latest version of Office.

This machine is so much faster now I’ve put in extra memory.

I’d like to fit a new sound card.


Peripherals refer to elements which are external to the main unit, but are connected to it. This can be classified into two groups – input devices and output devices.

Input devices are used to put in, or enter data.

One of the most important input devices is the keyboard. Users can type in text using the keyboard, or can enter the keyboards commands.

Another device which can be used to input data is a scanner. This electronic device is used to transfer an image such as text, or pictures, into the computer.

Pointing devices allow the user to point to elements on the screen. The most useful pointing device is a mouse – a small electronic device that is normally attached to the computer by means of a cable. It is operated using the hand on a small mat called a mouse mat or a mouse pad. This is used to control the position of the pointer on the screen. Laptop computers often have a touchpad on the keyboard which the user can use to direct the pointer on the screen by moving a finger across the pad.


Several devices are used to display the output from a computer.

A monitor is an item of equipment with a screen. There are two main types of display screen. The first, the flat screen (or LCD monitor), is slim, takes up little space and uses the same technology as that used for screens on laptop computers or notebooks. The second, the CRT (cathode ray tube), is quite large and looks like a conventional TV. It has largely been replaced by the LCD monitor. The quality of images on a screen is measured in terms of resolution, with high resolution monitors generally being capable of displaying text and images with greater clarity.

Another important output device is the printer, which allows the user to produce paper copies of data held in the computer, known as hard copy.

Speakers and headphones allow the listener to hear audio data, such as speech of music, through the computer.

  1. Match the items in Table a with the statements in Table b.

Table A

  1. Hardware

  2. Chip

  3. Motherboard

  4. scanner

  5. ROM

  6. RAM

  7. network card

  8. mouse

  9. output devices

Table B

1. This memory is part of the system resources of the computer, and the amount of this memory influences the speed and capacity of the machine

  1. It refers to the mechanical and electronic aspects of a computer system – the parts you can touch.

  2. Permanent part of the computer’s memory which cannot be changed.

  3. Expansion card which allows the user to connect the computer to a local network of computers.

  4. Electronic device is used to transfer an image such as text, or pictures, into the computer.

  5. This is used to control the position of the pointer on the screen.

  6. Screen, printer, speakers, and headphones.

  7. A very small piece of silicon, or other semi-conducted material, that contains a complex electrical circuit.

  8. The board which holds the CPU.

  1. Fill in the gaps:

Pointing devices resolution screen key board peripherals chipset memory stick hard copy

All computers have a number of different chips called a (1). A graphics card, or video card, can enable the computer to display graphics or video on the … (2). … (3) is a small data storage device that can easily be connected to a computer via a USB port. … (4) refer to elements which are external to the main unit, but are connected to it. … (5) allow the user to point to elements on the screen. Laptop computers often have a touchpad on the … (6) . The quality of images on a screen is measured in terms of… (7). Printer allows the user to produce paper copies of data held in the computer, known as …(8).

  1. Translate the following word-combinations into English:

  1. Бути залежним від потужності ЦПУ

  2. Вимірюватись в мегабайтах

  3. Приєднуватись через USB порт

  4. Напівпровідник

  5. Об’єм пам’яті

  6. Жорсткий диск комп’ютера

  7. Ком пакт-диск багаторазового перезапису

  8. Характеристики комп’ютера

  9. Відео карта

  10. Мережева карта

  11. Звукова карта

  12. Вінчестер/накопичувач

  13. Об’єм пам’яті

  14. Зберігати данні

  15. Монітор високого розрізнення

  1. Килимок для миші (2)

  2. Одиниця/частина обладнання

  3. Підключення/з’єднання за допомогою USB порту

  4. Розширювати можливості

  5. Вводити команду з клавіатури

  6. Переміщення зображення

  7. Зберігати данні

  8. Бути видаленим

  9. Постійна частина комп’ютерної пам’яті

  10. Впливати на швидкість та потужність

  11. Комп’ютерна обробка інформації

  12. Оперативна пам'ять

  13. Постійна пам'ять/постійний запам’ятовувальний пристрій

  1. Mark the following statements as True or False and correct:

  1. Hardware refers to the mechanical and electronic aspects of a computer system.

  2. The most essential part of the computer is a keyboard.

  3. Memory is a part of a computer which stores data and commands.

  4. ROM refers to the memory held in chips, and is also known as the main memory.

  5. RAM is described as volatile.

  6. ROM is a permanent part of the computer’s memory which cannot be changed. ROM is described as non-volatile.

  7. Floppy disk is a small data storage device that can easily be connected to a computer via a USB port.

  8. Peripherals refer to elements which are external to the main unit, but are connected to it.

  9. Device which can be used to input data is a monitor.

  10. Laptop computers often have a touchpad on the keyboard which the user can use to direct the pointer on the screen by moving a finger across the pad.

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