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This is a Unix-based operating system developed by Sun Microsystems. Originally designed to run on SPARC workstations, today Solaris also runs on many Pentium servers, It supports multi-processing - many CPUs and processes on a single system. It includes Java technology, which allows Web pages to display animation, play music and interact with information.

compatibles - совместимые устройства

start-up - запуск, пуск

text-based - с текстовым интерфейсом to contain - содержать

to type - печатать, вводить, набирать

wireless connection - беспроводное соединение

duplicate - дубликат, копия

sophisticated - сложный

recent - недавний, последний; новейший

true - истинный, настоящий

view of content - обзор содержания

multi-tasking - многозадачность

to include - заключать, включать в себя

thread - цепочка выполняемых задач, поток

Web-page editor - редактор веб-страниц

simultaneously - одновременно

extension - расширение

voice recognition technology - технология распознавания голоса или речи

system safeguards - системная мера безопасности

to adopt - перенимать, усваивать

update - модернизация, обновление

operating environment - операционная среда

visual design - визуальное конструирование

CAD (computer-aided design) - автоматизированное проектирование

handheld computer - карманный ["ручной"] ПК, (микро)калькулятор

GNU (GNU is Not Unix) - операционная система GNU

palmtop - карманный компьютер

general public licence - общедоступная лицензия

stylus - пишущий узел; перо (прибора)

open source - открытые исходные тексты

to combine - сочетать

fully-functional - полнофункциональный

to keep - сохранять, хранить

multiprocessing - многопроцессорная обработка

system folder - системная папка

to load - загружать

Text 2 Computer viruses

A virus is a piece of software written deliberately to enter your computer and damage your data. Typically it attaches itself to another program and replicates itself trying to "infect" as many files as possible. Some viruses are polymorphic (e.g. the Tequila mutation). Others are capable of transmitting themselves across the Net. Here are some types of viruses:

Logic bomb - a virus which is triggered when a specific program is executed. A time bomb is activated on a certain day. For example, the Jerusalem virus activates on Friday 13th, displaying a black window on the screen and deleting infected files.

Macro virus infects documents run by programs that use macros (e.g. word processors). A typical macro virus is Melissa, which was passed in MS Word files sent via e-mail.

Worm - a special type of virus that uses computer networks and security holes to reproduce itself independently, without having to attach itself to another program. A worm called Code Red replicated itself many times in 2001 infecting thousands of Web serves.

Trojan horse - a destructive program that disguises itself as a safe program. A Trojan horse does not reproduce itself but instead can crash the system or erase the files on your hard drive. The term comes from a Greek legend: the Greeks offered a wooden horse to the Trojans, their enemies. Once the horse was inside the city walls, the Greek soldiers came out of the horse's belly and captured Troy.

Viruses can enter your computer system in three different ways: (1) via a disk drive, when you insert infected disks or CDs; (2) via files downloaded from the Web, or (3) via e-mail attachments. When you open an infected fife, the virus is activated and installs itself into the computer's memory. Then it spreads to storage devices and may infect your friends' systems through the Net. A good example is I LoveYou, an Internet worm released in 2000 as an e-mail attachment (Love-Letter-For-You). When you opened this file, the virus was sent to everyone in your address book. But there is protection software (e.g. Norton Anti-virus, McAfee VirusScan) that will help you detect, diagnose and eradicate viruses. Don't forget that new viruses are created every day, so try to update the database of your anti-virus program regularly.

It is a good idea to make a back-up copy of all your important files. It's also advisable not to open e-mails from strangers.

Deliberately - преднамеренно, умышленно, нарочно

to damage - повреждать, разрушать

to replicate - дублировать, копировать

polymorphic - полиморфный, с возможностью реконфигурации

со trigger to - запускать, инициировать

macro virus - макрокомандный вирус, (разг.) макровирус

worm - червь (программа, самостоятельно распространяющая свои копии по сети)

to execute - выполнять, исполнять

Trojan horse - "Троянский конь", (разг.) троянец

destructive – разрушительный

to disguise - маскировать, утаивать, скрывать

to come from - происходить

to capture - захватывать

to spread - распространяться

to detect - обнаруживать, выявлять

eradicate - искоренять, истреблять

stranger - незнакомец

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