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Expressive means based on the interaction of the primary and derivative meanings

Derivative logical meaning can be regarded as a secondary one and which is derived from the primary one by means of metaphor or metonymy. In the context a word realizes one meaning, if two meanings are realized, it mixes the conversation. And when a word realizes the primary logical and derivative meanings, we register a stylistic device. Such interaction between the derivative and logical meanings constitutes a polysemantic stylistic device, when a word materializes several meanings in the context [Than hate me, you will, if ever now. Now while the world is bent by deeds to cross]. The primary meaning of the word "hate" is to "dislike strongly". This basic meaning has brought to life some derivatives [to bear malice to, to feel a repulsive attitude]. All these derivative meanings interact with the primary one and this network of meanings constitutes the polysemantic effect.

Zeugma is the use of a word in the same grammatical, but different semantic relations to the two adjusted words [The patient failed to pay him a visit and a fee]. Zeugma is usually realized withinb the limits of one and the same sentence and is used in emotive styles (humorous, prose, poetry). The function of zeugma is to create a humorous effect. Zeugma is often used in the advertising and headlines to attract attention.

Expressive means and stylistic devices based on the interaction of emotive and primary meanings

Lexical stylistic devices include epithets, oxumoron, interjections. The main feature is that all of them realize to some extent the combination of primary dictionary and subjective emotive evaluating meanings.

Logical meaning is the precise meaning of the idea, objest, the name by which we recognize a word.

Emotive meaning materializes a concept of the word, but unlike logical meaning it has references not to the things or phenomena, but to feelings and emotions of the speaker towards the thing or to his emotions. Therefore the emotive meaning bears reference to things, phenomena or ideas through their evaluation.

Emotive meaning is registered in the dictionary and is embedded in the structure of the word. "Good" has a positive emotive meaning.

Emotional meaning is in the language in use only. It can't be registered in a dictionary; each word has either positive or negative meaning.

Evaluated meaning can be positive or negative. Very often language evaluated meaning, situational and emotional meanings overlap.

Figurative meaning is a concept developed through a kind of impression which has been produced by the concept [a warm man].

Interjections are words we use when we express our feelings strongly and which may be said to exist in language as conventional symbols of emotions. They can be divided into primary <devoided of the language meaning and having only emotive meaning> [Ah! Oh!]. We regard them as negative. In the text they have emotive meaning; derivative - partly retained logical meaning, but emotional meaning is stronger [boy, well, fine]. Interjections may be divided into colloquial [gosh, well, why], bookish [alas], neutral [oh, ah].

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