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Meanings of a word

The lexical meaning of any word is the substance of the word which, being reflected in the minds of people who use the language, contains the fixed notion of the thing or process, which this object denotes.

Any word exists in the language in use; thus it developes the so called contextual meaning, which is a meaning, viewed as a category, which is able to acquire the meaning imposed on the word by the context.

Primary or dictionary/first meaning exists both in the language as a system and in the language in use. It can be emotive meaning and exist in the language as a system. It is materialised as denoting the object. Emotive meaning has references, denoting not a phenomena, but feelings and emotions of the speaker to words [I feel so damned lonely!]. Sometimes a word has ermotive meaning only. [She was not a flirt, not even a coquette]. These words denote a person, who tries to attract the opposite sex. But they both have acquired a derogatory shade of meaning and this shade may grow into indepemdent meaning fixed in dictionaries with special emotive meanings.

Emotional meaning can ber found in language in use only. Thus, a word has a contextual emotive meaning. The context can often show if the word should be taken as an objective expression or if it can arouse emotional meaning. [Or wall, or sweet lovely wall!]. A colourless, everyday term, acquires emotional obertones. Emotive meaning of words plays an important role in stylistics while emotional colouring may be regarded as a stage of emotive meaning. Anything having a strong impact on our senses may be considered as having emotive meaning.

Evaluated meaning is used both in the language as a system and in use. Here words are divided by positive, negative and neutral evaluation.

Figurative meaning exists in language in use only. [No help was need]. The word "help" was used in its figurative meaning, substituiting the word "resque".

Primary and secondary meanings.

Some dictionaries give a very extended list of primary and secondary meanings of a word. It's essential for stylistic purposes to distinguish them as some stylistic devices are built on the interplay of these meanings [inwardly - 1) within; 2) secretly].

Special literary vocabulary and terms.

Terms are easily coined and accepted and the new coinages easily replace the out-of-date ones. Thus we speak about highly conventional character of terms. Characteristic feature of terms is their derived relevance to the system or set of terms used in a particular science, discipline or art.

A term is directly connected with the concept it denotes and unlike other words it directs the mind to the essential quality of a thing, phenomenon or action as seen by the scientists. It may be said that terms belong to the style of science, but they can also be found in newspaper style, publicistic and public style. However their functions does change. If it is used in the literature, then a term may become a stylistic device. The function of terms is to indicate the technical pecularities of the subject or to make some references to the occupation of the character.

With the increase of general education and expansion of techniquessome terms have lost their quality as terms and have passed into the common literary or even common vocabulary. This process is called determinization, when words become re-established in their therminological function.

But the terms are used in their normal function in the belles-lettres style; they should be easily understood from the context and the function of these words is not terminological but stylistic.

If a term used in the belles-lettres style sets the reader at odds with the text, we observe a stylistic effect, caused either by a specific use of terms, used in their proper meaning or by the realization of the two meanings.

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