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episodes from british history.doc
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The Norman invasion

In 1066, hundreds of Norman ships arrived on the British Isles. Lots of soldiers were hurrying up the beach. One of them slipped and fell on the sand. It was William. A bad sign? The Duke got up, his hands were full of sand. He looked at the wor­ried soldiers and shouted, "Look, England is in my hands already!" He was later called William the Conqueror.

At the same time, British King Harold and more than 8,000 soldiers reached the South of England. They marched 250 miles in ten days! Early the next morning the Normans attacked. On horseback they were faster and with their bows and arrows1 more dangerous than the English, who fought mainly with bat­tle-axes2. The battle seemed to be endless and luck changed more than once. It was growing dark when suddenly the news spread among the English: King Harold was dead! The battle was over. England would soon have a new king. William, the first Norman king on the English throne, was crowned in Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day, 1066.

Although life became hard for the English people for the next few hundred years, at the same time England became stronger as a nation, and was never invaded again. The Normans spoke French and for 300 years French was the most important language in England. Anglo-Saxon English was spo­ken only by the poorer people. Slowly the English language changed and a lot of French words were added. Today most words in modern English connected with fighting, hunting, religion, art and cooking come from French.


Bows and arrows - луки и стрелы

battle-axe – алебарда (длинное древко с топориком в виде полумесяца на конце)

Fill in the table with the given facts:

The Roman invasion

The Anglo-Saxon invasion

The Norman invasion

  1. Brought words connected with cooking, religion;

  2. invaded the country for nearly 400 years;

  3. built wooden houses;

  4. made London look like a marketplace;

  5. built a great wall;

  6. made England become stronger as a nation;

  7. fought with Picts;

  8. Alfred the Great;

  9. William the Conqueror;

  10. King Harold;

  11. used stone and bricks for building their houses.

Fill in the table with the given facts:

The Roman invasion

The Anglo-Saxon invasion

The Norman invasion

  1. Brought words connected with cooking, religion;

  2. invaded the country for nearly 400 years;

  3. built wooden houses;

  4. made London look like a marketplace;

  5. built a great wall;

  6. made England become stronger as a nation;

  7. fought with Picts;

  8. Alfred the Great;

  9. William the Conqueror;

  10. King Harold;

  11. used stone and bricks for building their houses.

Тема: Episodes from British History.

Цели урока:

  • Образовательная: проконтролировать усвоение лексического материала стр. 155; совершенствовать умения, чтения, говорения;

  • Развивающая: развивать память, логику, речь, внимание, мышление учащихся;

  • Воспитательная: расширять кругозор; воспитывать культуру общения, поведения учащихся на уроке; прививать интерес к изучению иностранных языков.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Оборудование и литература: учебник для 11 класса Панова И.И.; доска, карточки c заданиями.

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