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3. Give the degrees of comparison of the following words.

small, hard, tough, ductile, good, bad, important, little, much, thin, early, high, low, wide, strong, abundant

  1. Put in the right form of the adjective.

1. Aluminium is (легче) than copper. 2. Copper is (менее твердая) than steel. 3. Alloy steels are (более коррозионно-стойкие) than plain carbon steels. 4. The melting point of copper is (выше) than that of aluminium. 5. The electrical conductivity of steel is (ниже) than that of copper. 6. Copper finds (большее) applications for inductors than aluminium.

  1. Form nouns from the following verbs by adding the suffixes and translate them.

Suffixes -ER, -OR

Model: to conduct - conductor

to amplify, to insulate, to resist, to generate, to calculate, to scan, to digitize, to plot, to print, to indicate

Suffix -TION

Model: alternate - alternation

to oppose, to product, to communicate, to add, to instruct, to manipulate, to interact, to animate, to fabricate, to locate, to integrate

  1. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the specific gravity of aluminium? 2. What is the melting point of aluminium? 3. What are the properties of aluminium? 4. Why is aluminium added to certain metals? 5. What kind of film is formed on the surface of aluminium? 6. What are the properties of copper? 7. What is the colour of copper? 8. Why is copper used by the electrical industries? 9. To what alloys is copper added? 10. What are brasses?

  1. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Алюминий и его сплавы широко используются в производстве электронных приборов. 2. На поверхности алюминия образуется окисная пленка, защищающая его от коррозии. 3. Алюминий является прекрасным проводником тепла, поэтому его используют для изго­товления радиаторов транзисторов. 4. Основным элементом латуни и бронзы является медь. 5. Провода для трансформаторов изготав­ливают из меди, так как она хорошо проводит электрический ток. 6. В электронных приборах сталь широко применяется для изготовле­ния корпусов и элементов крепления. 7. Легирующие элементы добав­ляют в сталь для создания особых свойств, таких как сопротивление коррозии и высокой прочности. 8. Добавление хрома и никеля в сталь улучшает свойства стали, повышая ее коррозионную стойкость.

  1. Translate the following word combinations.

magnesium-base alloys, aluminium-base alloys, thermal conductivity, highly corrosion-resistant metal, hard oxide film, printed board path re­sistance, connector pin, plain carbon steel, high-temperature steel, equipment casing

  1. Read the following numbers.

2.70; 0.045; 12.04; 1,355.8; 17,003; 0.0009; 0.5; 1,083 °C; 1,981 °F; .00008

  1. Guess the following riddles paying attention to the degrees of comparison. The answers are on page 70.

    1. Which is heavier, a full moon or a half moon?

    2. What gets larger as more is taken away?

    3. What key is it hardest to turn?

    4. Which is the strongest day of the seven?

    5. What am I? Of all the things in the world, I am the shortest and the longest, the swiftest and the slowest. I am the thing people waste the most. Yet they need me more than anything else, for without me nothing can be done. What am I?


Grammar: The Modal Verbs and Their Equivalents. Модальные гла­голы и их эквиваленты
