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8. Translate the following jokes and state the function of -ing. Explain the idea of the jokes.

Once a manager was to hire a sales agent. So he asked one of the many competitors seeking for this position: "How much, do you think, is two by two?"

The young man answered promptly: "How much do you want it to be?

Are you selling or are you buying?"

* * *

A: Our math professor talks to himself, does yours? в: Yes, but he doesn't realize it. He thinks we're listening.


Grammar: Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs. Сте­пени сравнения прилагательных и наречий


1. Read and memorize the following words.

aluminium [,aelju'mmj3m] алюминий

abundant [э'Ьлпёэп :] обильный, распространенный

nonferrous f'non'feras] цветной (о металле)

exceed [ik'si:d] превышать

oxygen ['oksid3(9)n] кислород

silicon f'siliksn] кремний

property Гргорэп] свойство

alloy ['aeloi] легировать, сплав

tough [L\fj твердый, вязкий

oxide ['oksaid] окись

film [film] пленка

thermal ['0э:т(э)1] тепловой

Centigrade ['sentigreid] Цельсий

Fahrenheit ['fa:r(a)nhait] Фаренгейт

casing I 'keisiq] корпус электронного устройства (оборудования)

chemical ['kemik(a)l] химический

extremely [iks'tri:mli] крайне

ductile ['dAktail] ковкий

density f'densiti] плотность

remainder [ri'meinds] остаток

combine [kam'bam] сочетать

brass [bra:s] латунь

zink [zirjk] цинк

connector [ka'nakta] разъем, соединитель pin [pin] штырь, контакт impuritiy [im'pjuariti] примесь

manganese [,maer)g9'ni:z] марганец grade [greid] качество, сорт titanium [t(au'teinj3m] титан vanadium [ va'neidjam] ванадий significant [sig'nifikont] значительный sulphur ['sAlfa] сера

machinability [msfimsbiliti] обрабатываемость

  1. Read and memorize the following word combinations. specific gravity - удельный вес

printed board path - токопроводящая дорожка печатной платы

low-alloy steel - низколегированная сталь

plain carbon steel - нелегированная сталь

alloy steel - легированная сталь

stainless steel - нержавеющая сталь

  1. Read the international words. Guess and memorize their meanings.

element, specific, to concentrate, mile, percent, bronze, base, chemical, active, corrosion, resistant, oxide, film, to form, thermal, optical, portion, industry, to combine, generator, to class, practical

Text 3. Metals: Aluminium, Copper, Steel

Aluminium Aluminium (also spelled aluminum) is a lightweight, silvery- white metal, most abundant metallic element in the Earth's crust and most widely used nonferrous metal. Its specific gravity is 2.70 (at 20 °C), melting point 660 °C. Aluminium is concentrated in the outer 10 miles (16 kilometres) of the Earth's crust, of which it constitutes about 8 percent by weight; it is exceeded in amount only by oxygen and silicon. Aluminium is added in small amounts to certain metals to improve their properties for specific uses as in aluminium bronzes or, for aluminium-base alloys.

Though chemically active, aluminium is nevertheless highly corrosion- resistant because in air a hard, tough oxide film forms on its surface.

It is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity, its thermal conductivity is about one-half that of copper; its electrical conductivity, about two-thirds. Aluminium is widely used for electronic equipment casings, electrical wires, in optical fibres, etc.

Copper. Copper is a reddish, extremely ductile metal, unusually good conductor of electricity and heat. Its density is 8.96 (at 20 °C), melting point - 1,981 °F (1,083 °C).

The major portion of copper produced in the world is used by the electrical industries; most of the remainder is combined with other metals to form alloys. Important series of alloys in which copper is the chief element are brasses (copper and zinc), bronzes (copper and tin), and some others. Copper also forms an important series of alloys with aluminium, called aluminium bronzes. Copper finds great applications in the electrical and electronical industries for generators, transformers, electrical wires, printed board paths, connector pins, etc.

Steel. Steel is the most common iron alloy in which the carbon content does not exceed 1.7 percent. Steels containing only iron and carbon, together with a small amount of impurities, are classed as plain carbon steels, while whose containing certain elements intentionally added are classed as alloy steels.

Alloy steels combine iron and carbon with carefully designated amounts of other elements in order to make steels with specific properties, such as corrosion resistance, heat resistance, high strength, etc. In addition to manganese, which is added practically to all grades of steel, relatively small additions of silicon, titanium, vanadium, or some other metals can significantly upgrade the physical properties of plain carbon steels to produce low-alloy, high-strength steels. Copper may be added for better resistance to corrosion. The addition of sulfur can improve machinability. Larger amounts of nickel, chromium, molybdenum, and vanadium can produce higher- strength and stainless steels. In electronic equipment steel is widely used for equipment casings, fastenings such as screws and nuts, etc.


carefully designated amounts - точно подобранное количество

in order to - чтобы

most common iron alloy - наиболее распространенный сплав на основе железа