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Task 1D.doc
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Level I

Rigid – жёсткий; непреклонный, суровый

run on stress –

scapegoating – козёл отпущения


seek constant stimulation – искать постоянный стимул

self-accepting – принимающий себя

self-assured – самоуверенный

self-aware – осознающий себя (свой характер, поступки и т. п.)

self-centred – эгоцентричный; эгоистичный

self-confident – самоуверенный

self-conscious – неловкий, застенчивый

self-deceptive – обманывающий сам себя

self-indulgent – потворствующий, потакающий своим желаниям

self-mastering – контролирующий себя, управляющий собой

self-pitying – жалеющий себя

self-reliant – рассчитывающий на собственные силы

self-sacrificing – жертвующий собой

sensitive – чувствительный; восприимчивый; обидчивый; впечатлительный

sentimental – сентиментальный

sincere – искренний; прямой, честный

smart – быстрый, проворный; толковый, находчивый; ловкий; щеголеватый, нарядный

sociable – общительный; дружеский

spontaneous – самопроизвольный; спонтанный; непосредственный

stable – устойчивый; прочный

stay on the go

straightforward – честный, прямой, откровенный; простой


strong-willed – волевой

success-oriented – нацеленный на успех

superficial – поверхностный, неглубокий; кажущийся; внешний

supportive – поддерживающий

suspicious – подозрительный

talking tough

trusting – доверчивый

trustworthy – заслуживающий доверия; честный, надёжный

unappreciated – недооценённый, непонятый

unconditional love – безоговорочная любовь

uninhibited – раскованный, несдерживаемый, свободный

victimized – преследуемый

visionary pioneer

warmhearted – сердечный, участливый; добрый

well-bred – благовоспитанный


Level II

Task 4. We often use adjectives that end in -y to describe a personality. Find the phrase in the description that defines each of the words below.

fussy cheeky (нахальный) witty nosy (любопытный) moody

Well, frankly, my brother is all of those things. He likes everything to be in the right place all the time (fussy). He always wants to know what everybody else is doing, even when it’s none of his business (nosy). He is bright and lively one minute, and quiet and bad-tempered the next (moody). But he thinks very quickly and says the funniest things (witty), although sometimes what he says is funny but rude to people older or more senior than him (cheeky). For example, he asked his teacher why his red tie was the same colour as his eyes. The teacher had been to a party the night before – it was very funny but definitely rude!

Task 6. Guess what these people might say when complaining about the things other people do. The words given below may be helpful.

Light-minded, unsociable, unreliable, rude, impolite, ill-bred, unreserved, hot-tempered, nosy, obstinate, fussy, selfish.

  1. Jane is complaining about her son who never shares his problems with her. Jane’s son is obstinate.

  2. The teacher is complaining about Jack who lacks good-manners. Jack is rude and ill-bred.

  3. Bill's friend is complaining of Bill who often lets him down and goes back on his word. Bill is unreliable.

  4. Mary is complaining of her sister who is very hard to get along with. Mary’s sister is unsociable.

  1. Jane is complaining about her classmate who is quick to get angry. Jane’s classmate is hot-tempered.

  2. Tom is complaining of his playmate who cannot take himself in hand.

  3. Ann is complaining of her boss who often loses his temper and is hard to deal with. Ann’s boss is unreserved.

  4. All the women are complaining of Jim who never stands aside to let a woman enter a room before him and never helps any of them into her coat. Jim is impolite and ill-bred.

  5. Dennis is complaining about Margaret who pokes her nose into his business. Margaret is nosy.

  1. The Headmaster is complaining of Paul who plays truant. Paul is light-minded.

  2. My sister's husband is complaining of my sister who makes so much fuss about the house. My sister is fussy.

  3. Angela is complaining about her son who thinks only of himself. Angela’s son is selfish.

Task 13. Put each of the following words in its correct place in the passage below.

A. Pride

boast D proud B vain F thick-skinned G

conceited E pride H snob A contemptuous C

Mrs Watson next door thinks she is better than other people. She thinks she is superior, 'high class'. In other words, she's a (a) ______. She is very (b) ______ of herself and very (c) ______ of other, 'ordinary' people. I've heard her (d) ______ to neighbours about her lovely house, her big car, her husband's high salary. She's a very (e) ______ person too, always admiring herself in a mirror. Mr Watson also has a very high opinion of himself. His neighbours think that he is a very (f) ______ person, but the Watsons are both so (g) ______ that other people's criticism of them has no effect on them at all. I think that one day they'll find that they have no friends left, and then they'll be sorry, (h) ______ comes before a fall.

B. Success

achieve D confidence F ladder B ambitious A exploit G

achievement E determined I power C ruthless H ability J

I've never been (a) ______ in the normal sense. I've never wanted to be a manager or director. I've never wanted to reach the top of the (b) ______ or to have (c) ______. But I've always had a wish to (d) ______ something, to write a book, climb a mountain, win a prize. This is not because I want fame or money but just that simple feeling of (e) ______ you get when you've done something difficult.

I'm not very sure of myself and it would be good for my (f) ______ to succeed in something. Some people will lie, (g) ______ other people, be dishonest, do anything, in order to succeed. They will be absolutely (h) ______. But I think the people who deserve to succeed are those who are (i) ______ and have j) ______.

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