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Vast area - обширная территория

to fulfil -исполнять, осуществлять

to establish -учреждать, основывать

honour - честь

to host -принимать у себя

eventually -в конце концов; в конечном

счете; со временем

to sign -подписывать(ся), ставить


to permit -разрешать

private donations -частные пожертвования

to donate -жертвовать, дарить

as well as - а также и

along with -наряду с

to complete -заканчивать, завершать

assembly hall -актовый зал

to integrate -объединять в единое целое,


to inspire -вдохновлять

to contribute -внести, пожертвовать

(деньги); содействовать,

способствовать, вносить


technically advanced - технически


to enable -давать возможность, право

(делать что-то)

to share -делить, разделять; владеть


to survive - выжить, уцелеть

b) Pay attention to the pronunciation of the following words.(, ‘ - here: stress marks to show where stress is placed)

Siberia , la’boratory, mu’seum, architect , architecture, ‘ceremony , to ‘decorate, ,deco’ration, to ‘integrate, ‘inte’gration, academic process , to con’tribute, ,contri’bution, façade , technically , medicine , stipend , ,mine’ralogy, chemistry ,co’mmittee, to be ‘situated, to ‘occupy, ,scien’tific, de’pository, ,pictu’resque, palm.

Exercise 2. Study the vocabulary commentaries.

To establish – to start or create an organization, a system that is meant to last for a long time. Syn: to set up.

e.g. To establish a new state. The committee was established in 1999.

To fulfil – a) to do or achieve what was hoped for or expected.

e.g. To fulfil your dream/ambition/potential.

b) to do what is necessary.

e.g. to fulfil a duty/ an obligation/ a promise; to fulfil the terms/ conditions of an agreement.

To cover (expenses) – to provide enough money for sth.

e.g. A thousand roubles should cover your expenses. The show barely covered its costs.

To donate – to give money, food, clothes, etc to sb, especially as charity.

e.g. Some people regularly donate thousands of pounds to charity. To make a donation. Voluntary donations; a generous donation.

Along with –in addition to sb/sth, in the same way as sb.

e.g. When the factory closed, she lost her job, along with hundreds of others.

To hold – to arrange: to hold a meeting, a competition, a conversation.

e.g. The meeting was held in the assembly hall.

To enable – to make it possible for sb to do sth. Syn: to allow.

e.g. The software enables you to access the Internet in seconds. The new programme enables older people to study at college.

To lecture (in) – to give a talk or a series of talks to a group of students.

e.g. She lectures in Russian literature. Syn: to give/to deliver a lecture.

Lecture theatre – a large room with rows of seats on a slope, where lectures are given.

Hall of residence / hall (Br.E.), dormitory (Am.) – a building for university or college students to live in.

To share – a) to use sth at the same time as sb else:

She shares a room with two other students.

b) to give some of what you have to sb else:

The conference is a good place to share information and exchange ideas.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions.

1. What distinguishes Tomsk University from other Siberian universities?

2. How long did it take to carry out the idea of opening a university in Tomsk?

3.Was Tomsk the only town that wished to have a university?

4. Who and when approved the establishment of the university in Tomsk?

5. How was the construction funded?

6. What facilities were being prepared along with the construction of the main building?

7. Who designed the main building?

8. When and where was the opening ceremony held?

9. The first professors were not from Siberia, were they? Where were they accommodated?

10.What faculties were opened first?

11.Who ran the University?

12.How many lecture rooms were there in the main building? Were they large?

13. How was the University library collected?

14. Where were the books kept?

15. The new library was outstanding in many ways, wasn’t it?

16. What things in the first hall of residence seem unusual by modern standards?

17. Was the Botanical garden meant for decorating the town?

18. Who was the founder of the Botanical garden?

Exercise 4. Correct the following statements.

1. Tomsk University was the second in Siberia.

2. The idea to open it came to Tsar Alexander II quite spontaneously.

3. The money for the construction came from the government.

4. The library, museums, the Botanical garden were opened in the early 20th century.

5. The main building was completed in 15 years.

6. Professors arrived from Siberia and abroad.

7. In 1888 three faculties were opened.

8. The University was run from St. Petersburg.

9. There were ten lecture rooms.

10.The rooms could seat only 50 people each.

11. The first professors had to buy their own houses to live in.

12. The books for the library were bought by students.

13.The library built in 1914 looked humble.

14. The first University students had to rent rooms.

15 The gardener Krilov gathered plants for the Botanical garden in Siberia.

Exercise 5. Identify the following dates, people and numbers with the events in the University’s history.

a) May 28th,1878; 1884; July 22nd,1888; 1898; 1917; October 1914; August 1888.

b) Tsar Alexander II; Professor Florinsky; Bruni and Naranovich; A. Kriachkov; Professor Gezekhus; P. Krilov; A. Stroganov; A. Sibiriakov; V. Zhukovsky.

c) seven cities; one third; 3 lecture rooms; 300 people; room 141; three-storeyed wings; 80-year-old; 4,600; 75 students; 550 students; 22 roubles; 700 potted plants; 17,000 plants.

Exercise 6. Translate into English.

1. В 19 веке на обширной территории Сибири не было высших учебных заведений.

2. Томску выпала честь разместить у себя первый университет.

3. Указ о создании университета был подписан Александром Вторым.

4. Две трети средств поступило от правительства (из госбюджета), одна треть-от частных пожертвований.

5. Глава строительного комитета Флоринский заботился также о создании музеев, библиотеки и других необходимых вещах.

6. Торжественная церемония открытия происходила 22 июля 1888 в актовом зале.

7. В классическом университете учебный процесс должен сочетаться с осуществлением научных исследований.

8. Лекции читались в трех больших аудиториях.

9. Аудитория 141 вмещала 100 человек.

10. Некоторые известные деятели России передали библиотеке свои книжные коллекции.

11. Самый большой книжный дар библиотека получила от графа Строганова.

12.Несколько выдающихся научных школ возникли в университете.

13. Так как было невозможно хранить все книги в основном здании, было построено новое здание библиотеки.

14. Одновременно с учебным корпусом было построено общежитие для студентов. Студенты жили на 2 и 3 этаже, по 2 человека в комнате.

15. Студенты должны были платить 10 рублей за проживание и питание.

16. Ботанический сад был создан с целью выращивания лекарственных трав для медицинского факультета.

Exercise 7. Speak on the following topics.

1. Imagine your great grandfather was among the first students/profesors at Tomsk University. What things did he witness? What memories do his descendants keep?

2. The architecture of the University buildings. Do you feel the special atmosphere of TSU?

3. Places at the University that remind you of its early days.

4. The main stages in the establishment of the University.

2. The University in the 20th Century.

In 1931 the Medical Faculty was transformed into the Medical Institute. In 1933 the University had 4 faculties: Physics and Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Geology-Geography-Soil. In 1940 the History Faculty was reopened. The Siberian Physics and Technical/Engineering Research Institute was established in 1928, and the Mechanics and Mathematics Research Institute – in 1932. They were opened because as a classic university, TSU is based both on educational and research schools. The leading scientists conducted research in fundamental and applied physics, mathematics, chemistry, geology, biology, cooperating with industrial enterprises and the defence industry. Before the start of the Great Patriotic War there were over 2,000 students.

Though the University was far from the front line, it endured all the hardships of war time. It experienced shortage of fuel, electricity and water supplies. The residence halls and the Biology institute were occupied by hospitals. But as before, its 6 faculties continued to work. University professors taught, conducted research and worked in defence industries. Over a thousand students, professors and maintenance staff joined the Red Army and fought in battles. 158 of them were killed. Their names can be seen now on a memorial board in the University grounds. Outstanding professors M.Bolshanina, V.Kuznetsov, A.Savinikh, K.Vodopianov, and V.Reverdatto established the country’s first committee of scientists to promote the development of industry, transport and agriculture in war time.

After the Great Patriotic War a new stage in the development of TSU began. During the war the main building that housed a defence plant deteriorated and needed repairs. There was also an acute shortage/lack of lecture rooms and accommodation for teachers and students. Sometimes 10-20 students shared a room in a residence hall (e.g.at 17 Nikitin Street). In September 1945 there were 1056 undergraduates, most of the 425 first-year students were ex-servicemen. Some faculties were reorganized and some new ones were opened as the national economy demanded specialists in new fields. In 1955 TSU had eight faculties and forty-seven fields of specialization. .

In the post-war period a number of outstanding scientific schools operated within the university, among them the school of Academic Kuznetsov and Professor Bolshanina in metallophysics, Professor Prilezhayeva and Kudriavtseva in spectroscopy, Professor Khakhlov in paleontology, Professor Bazhenov in geology of rare metals.

The period from 1960 to 1980 saw further growth of the University. During that time building 2, some halls of residence at 49 Lenin st., research institutes, a new scientific library, a sports complex and a summer camp in Kireevsk were built. In 1962 the Physics and Technical faculty was opened and in 1963 the Economics and Law faculties got the status of independent faculties. The total number of faculties increased to 12. New scientific trends and schools arose in physics (V.Zuev and Presnov), cybernetics (F.Tarassenko), history (A. Danilov, Mogilnitsky), economics (A.Bytchkov) and others.

3. The Modern Period

In the 1990s, Russia entered a period of political, economic and social reforms. Like all the nation, TSU faced the problem of underfunding and had difficulties in paying for the heating, electricity and the maintenance of its buildings. However, with the help of the municipal and regional administration, the University was able to cope with those problems and even enlarged its premises. The main building and building 3 were extensively renovated. Buildings 6 and 4 were constructed in 1987 and 2000 accordingly. To meet the demand for specialists new faculties and fields of specialization were opened (among them the Faculty of Foreign Languages in 1995).

In the late 1990s, the transition to a multi-level system of education started. The new system includes 3 levels of courses leading to a Bachelor’s degree, a Master’s degree or a Specialist’s diploma. Students can also take elective courses as well as get an additional /complementary or second higher education/degree in computer science, foreign languages, philology and psychology. For example, the School of Higher Business provides an opportunity to obtain a second higher education in economics, law and international relations. The Institute of Distance Learning allows people to study at home with the help of special Internet sites and TV programs. In cooperation with some German and American institutions the German and American resource centres were opened where thousands of books, magazines and CDs in German and English are available. The University signed a number of agreements with foreign universities on the exchange of students, teachers and specialists, thus allowing students and professors to take part in international conferences and to make study trips abroad.

In 2002, the University enrolled twenty-two thousand students (12,000 of them full-time) at 22 faculties and employed 1,330 members of teaching staff (257 of them Doctors of Science, professors, and 570-Candidates of Science and associate professors).

Exercise 1. a) Read and learn the words.

applied -прикладной

to conduct research -проводить исследования

to cooperate -сотрудничать

to endure hardships -выносить, выдерживать


to experience -испытывать, переживать

to promote -продвигать, поддерживать,


to maintain -поддерживать, сохранять,


maintenance staff -технический персонал

to deteriorate -ухудшать, ухудшаться

acute shortage -острая нехватка

to renovate -обновлять,



to cope with problems -справляться с


a multi-level system -многоуровневая система

a Bachelor’s degree -степень бакалавра

a Master’s degree -степень магистра

to allow -позволять, разрешать

to enrol(l) -зачислять

to live up to sth -жить соответственно,


premises -помещение


to meet the demand for sth -удовлетворять спрос на


available -доступный, имеющийся в


to face a problem -сталкиваться с проблемой

b) Pay attention to the pronunciation of the following words.

Siberian, mechanics , geology, biology, to ‘re’organize, nation , national , national economy, among them , ,aca’demic, a,cade’mician, ,cyber’netics, to ‘specialize, ,speciali’zation, ‘period psychology.

Exercise 2. Study the vocabulary commentaries.

To conduct – to organize or to do a particular activity:

To conduct an experiment/ an inquiry/ a survey/ negotiations/ research.

To endure – to experience and deal with sth that is painful or unpleasant. Syn: to bear.

e.g. The pain was almost too great to endure. He can’t endure to be defeated.

To experience – to have a particular situation affect you or happen to you. E.g. The country experienced a foreign currency shortage for several months. Everyone experiences these problems at some time in their lives.

Lack of practical experience. Do you have any previous/work experience? We all learn by experience. In my experience, very few people really understand the problem.

A number of = some. A number of problems have arisen.

To arise (arose, arisen) – (formal) – to begin to exist or develop.

e.g. Several new industries arose in the town. A new crisis has arisen. A storm arose during the night.

To face – to deal with a particular situation.

e.g. The company is facing a financial crisis. The problems faced by young families.

To maintain – a) to make sth continue at the same level, standard, etc. Syn: to preserve. E.g. To maintain law and order/ standards/ a balance. The two countries have always maintained close relations.

b) to keep a building, a machine, etc in good condition by checking or repairing it regularly. E.g. The house is large and difficult to maintain. The school pays for heating and the maintenance of the buildings.

To cope with sth – to deal successfully with sth difficult.

e.g. He wasn’t able to cope with the stresses of the job.

To renovate – to repair and paint an old building, a piece of furniture; to restore. e.g. Some wooden houses in Tomsk have been renovated. Buildings in need of renovation. There will be extensive renovations to the hospital.

To meet the demand – to do what is needed or what sb asks for.

e.g. How can we best meet the needs of all the different groups? Until these conditions are met we cannot proceed with the sale. To meet the deadline.

To obtain – to get sth, especially by making an effort.

To obtain advice/ information/ permission. Finally I managed to obtain a copy of the report.

To enrol (l) – to arrange for people to officially join a course, a school, etc. e.g. to enroll on a course. The centre enrolls candidates for the new programme. To enroll new students. A school with an enrolment of 500 students.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions.

  1. What transformations took place in the University structure in the 1930s?

  2. What research institutes were opened and why?

  3. How did the Great Patriotic War affect the University’s activity?

Did University people take part in battles?

  1. How did scientists in Tomsk help the country during the war?

  2. What problems did the University face after the end of the war?

  3. What scientific schools arose at the University after the war? Between the 60s and 80s?

  4. How did the University develop between the 1960s and 1980s?

  5. Why were the 1990s a difficult time for the University?

  6. What changes took place in the system of higher education in the late 1990s?

  7. What does the multi-level system of education imply?

  8. What new opportunities do undergraduates have in the modern period?

  9. The Institute of Distance Learning is a modern tool in getting an education, isn’t it?

  10. Is it possible to get a second degree?

  11. How did the contacts with foreign universities develop?

  12. How many people were enrolled in 2002?

Exercise 4. Correct the wrong statements.

  1. In the 1930s the University had the same faculties as in the late 19th century.

  2. Being a classic university implies only academic activity.

  3. The University didn’t experience war hardships since it was far from the battle fields.

  4. There wasn’t much expansion between the 1960 and 1980s.

  5. Two new scientific schools arose in the post-war period.

  6. The 1990s were easy for the University.

  7. There was no new construction and renovation in the modern period.

  8. There are no new elements in the multi-level system.

Exercise 5. Identify the following dates and numbers with the events in the University’s history.

  1. 1931; 1928; September 1945; 1955; the 1990s; 2002;

  2. 2,000 students; 425 students; 158; 10-20; building 2; building 4; 3 levels; 22,000 students.


Exercise 6. Translate into English.

  1. В 20м веке в структуре университета происходили различные преобразования, открывались новые факультеты и специальности.

  2. Ведущие ученые проводили исследования во многих областях науки.

  3. Университет испытывал нехватку топлива, электричества и воды.

  4. Более тысячи студентов и преподавателей вступили в Красную армию и сражались на фронте.

  5. Выдающиеся ученые работали совместно с промышленными предприятиями для укрепления обороны страны.

  6. В военные годы в главном корпусе размещался оборонный завод, поэтому корпус пришел в плохое состояние и нуждался в ремонте.

  7. Университет испытывал острую нехватку аудиторий и жилых помещений.

  8. В комнатах общежитий жили по 10-12 человек.

  9. Народное хозяйство нуждалось в специалистах в новых областях.

  10. В послевоенный период в университете действовали несколько научных школ.

  11. Новые научные направления и школы возникли в 60ые годы.

  12. В 90ые годы Россия вступила в период реформ.

  13. ТГУ столкнулся с рядом проблем, главная из которых была недостаточное финансирование.

  14. Некоторые корпуса были реконструированы.

  15. Начался переход к многоуровневой системе образования.

  16. Курс обучения теперь заканчивается получением степени бакалавра или магистра.

  17. Студенты имеют возможность получить дополнительное образование, а также второе высшее образование в области гуманитарных наук и информатики.

  18. В Американском центре можно пользоваться книгами и журналами на английском языке.

  19. Университет заключил ряд соглашений с зарубежными университетами об обмене студентами, преподавателями и специалистами.

  20. Эти соглашения позволяют студентам и аспирантам ездить на стажировки за границу.

  21. На 22 факультетах обучалось 22 тыс. студентов.

  22. Среди 1330 человек профессорско-преподавательского состава, работавших в университете в 2002 году, было более 250 докторов наук.

Exercise 7. Speak on the following topics.

1.The development and changes in the 20th century.

2. Your feelings and impressions when you first came here.

3. Draw a map of the University grounds. Say a few words about each object on your map.

4. Show a group of visitors around the University grounds. Act as a guide.

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