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Text 9. Michael faraday (1791-1867)

  1. Словообразование:

а) Переведите слова, обращая внимание на слова, образованные с помощью суффикса -er, -or:

to buy – buyer, to produce – producer, to sell – seller, to supply – supplier, to teach – teacher, to work – worker, to write – writer.

b) Образуйте самостоятельно слова с помощью суффиксов –er, -or:

defend, to rule, to own, to lead, to command, to read, to learn, to dance, to listen, to lecture, to speak, to skate, to run, to play, to direct, to inspect, to invent, to visit.

  1. Назовите русские слова, имеющие общий корень со следующими английскими словами:

Horizontal, tourist, typical, critical, regular, sort, fact, factor, interest, tradition, transport, combination, compressor, orbital, continental, primitive, passive, demonstrate, evacuate.

2) Прочтите и переведите текст.


blacksmith - кузнец

apperentice - ученик

to bind (bound, bound) – переплетать, связывать

to run across – натолкнуться

to strike (struck, struck) – ударять, поражать

to arouse – будить, пробуждать

to save – спасать

to attend – посещать

outstanding – знаменитый

profound – глубокий

benzol – бензин, бензол

to condence – сгущать, конденсировать

to improve – улучшать

to wind (wound, wound) – наматываться

observation – наблюдение

conductivity – проводимость, тепло-электропроводимость

Michael Faraday was born in the family of the blacksmith. He had no chance to get an education. He started working at 13 as apprentice to bookbinding. He read all books he had to bind. Once when binding an encyclopedia he ran across an article on electricity. He began to make his own experiments and attended the lectures of Davy, an outstanding scientist in London at that time. He helped Faraday to become an assistant at the laboratory of the Royal Institute and get a profound knowledge of the subject. He learned chemistry; he was working on the problem of turning gases into liquids. An important discovery of Faraday was that of benzol, which he separated from condensed oil gas, and which since then found worldwide application. For several years, he is known to have been working at the problem of a perfect optical glass and to have made a glass that greatly improved the telescope.

Yet the problem of electricity and magnetism interested him above all. All the scientific world had known by that time that if a current is run through a copper wire wound around a piece of iron, the iron becomes a magnet. If electricity magnetizes, why won’t magnetism electrify? That was the question Faraday asked himself over and over. For a long time he tried different experiments to solve the problem. At last, in 1831 he made his major discovery in the field of electricity – the electromagnetic induction.

Among a number of other discoveries, he is also known to have measured electric current for the first time, and to have made several important observations on the conductivity of different materials.

3) Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

  1. Who was M. Faraday?

  2. What was his first job?

  3. When did Faraday become interested in electricity?

  4. Whose lectures did he attend?

  5. What problem did he work at?

  6. What was his first important discovery?

  7. When did Faraday discover the electromagnetic induction?

4) Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные значения слова «since»:

  1. Since his childhood, Faraday took great interest in electricity.

  2. Induced electromotive force has supplied most of the world’s electricity since Faraday discovered it first in 1831.

  3. A great number of outstanding discoveries and perfections has been made in that field of science since.

  4. Since static electricity gives currents that are too small for most purposes, we wildly use electricity produced by way of magnetism.

5) Переведите предложения с русского на английский язык.

  1. Известно, что Фарадею было 13 лет, когда он прочитал первую статью об электричестве.

  2. Изучить предмет, который поразил его воображение, стало целью его жизни.

  3. Он стал посещать лекции Дэви, чтобы приобрести знания в этой области.

  4. Позднее он помогал Дэви создать безопасную лампу, которая должна была использоваться в рудниках.

  5. Фарадей открыл эру электричества.

  1. Переведите и запомните: