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The Future of the Universal Zionism.

Author: Kniazev Michael Alekseevich. 254 pages.

It's not the Bible Period, we live in, when the stronghold of the Sky was

the God's dwelling-place, and the Sun went around the Earth. Science and

Time has pulled apart all the horizons and the God turned out to be the

Cosmos itself. His laws are still unknowable, and even if they are

knowable.then reasons,that gave birth to those laws are unknowable.The

Earth came out to be intertwined with the Solar System.and with the Solar

System - into the structure of the galaxy. Together with the galaxy it came

out to be intertwined with the local star-claster in the Virgo.and that star-

claster came out to be one of thousands of similar clasters in the Universe.

That, what was called by Aristotel 'an atom',turned out not to be the

fundament of the substance.but it turned out to be a structure that leads

away from galaxies and star-systems.It turned out to be a structure, similar

to higher structures.that intertwines with their interaction, but that has it's

understructural components.described by the theories of strong and weak


One would think, and what is about Zionism?

Biological evolution.prodused on our planet in it's final version through

six Bible's days created by the God of those times species of plants and

animals. It lasted adout 4 milliarsds years and started from unicellular

waterplants and unicellular amoebas and it finished with creation of

Indivisible Biological Species called Humanity.

This evolution had it's algorithmic programme, connnected with change

chemical composition of the Earth's crust and in it's atmosphere. Those

geological periods turned to be connected with the rithms of fluctuations

(pulsations) in Solar System, all that has influst on radius of the Earth

orbit, on the location of terrestrial axis and on the Earth volume.

In short, in each of the last eleven geological periods is inserted it's own

species of animals.Every eleven years the Sun went through it's peaks of activity, causing

outbursts of population growth, siknesses, man's passionarity, giving

energy to protons of plant and animal's cells.

Oorton's Cloud, named by famous scientist from Holland, who tried to

find out the comet's origin, is located on the eleventh orbit of Sun's

satelites including the asteroid layer.

And if we pay atention to eleven periods ofmendeleev's Scale, then we

can see the vivid chane of interacting facts, that bring together from that

point of view the amound of species of animals, the "phisical world" and

other unconnectable from the first point of view things.

But still, one would think, what's about Zionism?

The events in space took place with the following chronologic implosion

of the Spiral galaxy leads to throwing out of the substance and creation of

some other strructures like Big and Small Magelan's clouds. The galaxy

itself during this period actually is a quesar.The proces of disconnecting of

parts of

the spiral leads to creation of new star associations. In the condition of

spectral 0-class pairs of stars are separating from those associations.

The evolution of the star-pair leads to the change of radial interaction,

that is accompained by the effect of "new star" and changing of the whole

spectrum of the pair. And after that it leads to the explosion of one of two

stars ("the flash ofextranew"). The fogness partly dissolves in the space,

partly condenses around the star remaining afterf the collapse of the pair.

That fogness gives birth to planets.

All that is discussed very midely and fully in the book. But phisical laws

ofcoinsedense such as four groups of stars, four rithms of iron layering on

the the planet are found in Biology, Botanies and other sciences. These are

four species of plants, four groups of blood and four major rases on the


There are seven species of cats in the "Old World", seven species of the

humann "far-relatives' from Australlopitec to Homo Sapience Sapience.

And this law of coincedense has it's roots in seven spectral classes of

stars, and passes through seven colours of spectrum to seven groups of

chemical elements, where the law of periods can be found.After we have obsereved all these things we can formulate the law of

motion (development) of the material wotid that reflects the spiral form of

it's structure and pulsing way of working.

The periods of human history were: metalurgy, mechanics,

thermodinamics, electrotechnics, electronics. Suoerethnic structures (the

first one is concidered to be European Comunity), state of the metalurgical

period (slavery), theodal state, capitalistic state. The next period is

concidered to be Superethnic Comunity. Most vivid representatives of

the las period are USA.

Zionizm, which was newly defined by the author of the book, came out to

be consiquence of the outburst of man's passionarity, which has happend

nearly 150 years ago. The aims, which the movement of Zionizm had in

it's beginning are achived, methods which were used are not to be used

again. But the global problem of keeping up the power of the USA as a

warranty of independanse of Israel in the condition of usage of Euro

currency demands for new ways of solving because the role of the

World's leader came to the E. ╤.

There are many nations on the planet. The processes ofethnogenesis were

always connected with the place of living of certain people ofethnos. It's

impossible to be just a man, not connected to a sertain place of living.

Everythinng is strongly connected in this world. The space rays and the

leafes on the trees, the same rays and processes in atoms, the light of the

galaxy's centre and processes in stars, the name of Mari Curie and

destruction of Japaneese town Nagasaki, the destruction of Forests and

the disappearance of Life in the Great American Lakes etc.

The author was born and used to live during the period of the "Soviet

experiment" out of which a phenomenon called "Soviet man" had to

appear. Dutchman or Denmarkman had to become simply Europeans.

Is it possible and what in general had to appear after 4 milliard years of

evolution on the Planet?

The author answeres this question.

The Univesial Zionism as the most organised power of present days is still

capable to correct oil mistakes caused by influencing us, but only in

cooperation with all national elites. We are the World.And the future of the Universial Zionism is strongly connected with the

futurre of all ethnoses on the planet as it said in the book. Not even one

ethnos has to disappear.

The book is necessary for scientists, biologists, phisics, sociologists and

politologists, who are ready to work together and who are able to see the

process of evolution as the subject of the Higher Biology. The book has to

inform the state's leaders, who want to prognose the processes of

ethnogenesis. Ecologists will surely find answeres to their questions. Party

and movements leaders will be able to create effecive programme


Будущее мирового сионизма,

Автор Князев Михаил Алексеевич. 254 страницы,

Мы живем не в библейские времена, когда небесная твердь была обиталищем Бога, а Солнце вращалось вокруг Земли. Наука и время раздвинули горизонты, и Бог оказался. Всем Космосом, его За­коны, правда иные, чем прежде, по-прежнему непознаваемы, а. если и познаваемы сами, то непознаваемы причины, их породившие. Земля оказалась вплетенной в систему Солнца, вместе с ним в структуру Галактики, а вместе с Галактикой - в местное скопление в Деве, а само скопление оказалось лишь одним из тысяч подобных во Всей Вселенной.

То, что Аристотель назвал атомом, оказалось не фундамен­том вещества, а уводящей вниз в противоположную от галактик и звездных систем сторону структурой, подобной вышестоящим, вплетаю­щейся в их взаимодействие, но имеющую и свои подструктурные сос­тавляющие, описываемые теориями так называемых сильных и слабых взаимодействий.

Казалось бы, причем здесь Сионизм?

Биологическая эволюция, представленная на нашей планете в окончательном варианте через шесть библейских дней сотворенны­ми тогдашним Богом видами растений и животных, длилась около четы­рех миллиардов лет, началась 'с одноклеточных водорослей и таких же одноклеточных амеб, а заканчивается созданием Единого Биологичес­кого Вида, пол названием Человечество.

Эта Эволюция происходила по вполне алгоритмируемой прог­рамме, связанной с изменением химического состава коры Земли и ее атмосферы,сами геологические эпохи оказались связаны с ритмами колебаний /пульсаций/ Солнечной системы, что влияло на радиус земной орбиты, положение оси вращения, объема Земного шара.

Короче, в одиннадцать последних геологических периодов, точно в каждый, вписалось одиннадцать Типов животных.

Каждые одиннадцать лет Солнце проходило через пики своей активности, вызывая на Земле вспышки роста популяций, бо­лезней, человеческой пассионарности, давая энергию протонам кле­ток растений и животных.

Облако Оорта, названное по имени голландского астронома, поставившего перед собой цель выяснить, откуда берутся кометы, расположилось на одиннадцатой орбите спутников Солнца, включая пояс астероидов.

Если к этому присовокупить одиннадцать периодов таблицы Менделеева, то предстает жесткая цепь единых закономерностей, связывающих по данному признаку как количество типов животных, так и казалось бы чисто физический мир,

Но причем здесь Сионизм?

События в Космосе разворачивались со следующей последова-

тельностью. Сжатие спиральной галактики /пульсация/ приводит к выбросу вещества и возникновению дочерних образований типа Большого и Малого Магеллановых облаков. Сама галактика являет со­бой в этот период квазар. Обратный процесс расжатия витков приво­дит к формированию звездных ассоциаций, от которых в состоянии спектрального 0-класса отделяются парами звезды. Эволюция звез­дной пары приводит к изменению радиальных соотношений, что сопро­вождается эффектом «новой звезды» и изменению общего спектра па­ры, а затем и к взрыву одной из звезд пары /вспышка сверхновой/.

Туманность частично рассеивается в пространстве, частич­но конденсируется вокруг оставшейся от пары одной звезды. Из наб­людаемой планетарной туманности возникают планеты.

В книге все это описано более подробно, но закономернос­ти физики, такие как четыре группы звезд по степени их металлиза­ции, четыре - максимальное число подоболочек в электронных обо­лочках, четыре ритма рудозалегания на родной планете находят про­должение и в биологии, и в ботанике. Это четыре типа растений по времени происхождения и способу размножения, четыре группы крови и четыре основных расы на Земле, четыре вида собачьих животных, . .

Когда, насчитываешь семь видов врановых, семь видов ко­шачьих Старого Света, семь типов предков Человечества, от австра­лопитека до человека разумного, а эта закономерность прослежи­вается, начиная с семи спектральных классов звезд через семь цве­тов спектра до семи групп химических элементов, в которых наблю­дается закон периодичности, семи изотопов у большинства хими­ческих элементов, семи максимально электронных оболочек в атомах, то появляется возможность сформулировать Закон движения /разви­тия/ материального мира, который учитывает как спиральную форму его проявления так и пульсирующий характер действия.

Придав проявлениям действия Закона, как это принято в Физике, схематичное выражение /а это схема «работы» звезд и схе­ма биологической эволюции - две схемы, где вторая является над­стройкой первой/, можно проэкстраполировать, проверив, действие этого Закона на эволюцию Человечества.

Выясняется, что смены типов сообществ были вызваны ис­следованиями, вначале интуитивными, процессов, предшествующих по времени возникновению человечества и направленных вглубь -истории Земли, Солнечной- системы, паре Земля -Луна. А этапами /вехами/ эволюции Человечества были металлургия, механика, термодинамика, электротехника, электроника.

Суперэтнические образования, первым из которых является Евросоюз,' стоят шестыми в ряду: семья /род/ - племя /союз племен/- государство эпохи металлургии /рабовладельческое/ - го­сударство эпохи механики/феодальное/ - государство эпохи пара, электричества, и двигателя внутреннего сгорания / капиталистичес­кое; последним ярким представителем данного типа являются США/ -и предшествуют Седьмому этапу эволюции общества.

Сионизм, которому автор книги дал иное, чем принято, оп­ределение, охватывающее и понятие движения по созданию государ­ства, Израиль, и поддержание связи между диаспорами, явился прояв­лением пассионарного толчка, возникшего около 150 лет тому назад.

Цели, которые ставило перед собой в чистом виде движе-

ние, достигнуты, методы, которые при этом использовались, исчер­паны и повторены быть не могут/ а глобальная проблема сохранения мощи США как гаранта поддержания независимости Израиля в усло­виях скорого введения евровалюты требует новых решений в связи с переходом роли лидера в Мире к ЕС.

На планете много этносов. Процессы этногенеза всегда бы­ли и будут связаны с местом обитания конкретных людей в составе этноса и подразделений этого этноса в родовых, поселковых, город­ских, государственных образований.

Нельзя быть человеком вообще, любя природу вообще. Мы связаны с местом обитания, которым для Человечества является Зем­ля, для эскимосов - побережье Ледовитого океана, для Франсуа Льеж, а для Сергея Есенина - Константиново и прилегающая Рязанщина. И мы любим и лелеем либо липы на Тверском бульваре, либо Катунь на Алтае, либо Большой Каньон, либо австралийского крокодила.

Жак Ив Кусто любил Мировой океан.

Все связано неразрывно. Космические лучи и зелень де­ревьев, те же лучи и процессы в клетках животных, свет центра. Га­лактики и процессы в звездах, активность Солнца, и тайфуны на по­бережье, имя Марии Кюри и название японского города Нагасаки, вы­рубка лесов и угасание жизни в Великих американских озерах, пе­репроизводство предметов потребления и рост численности населе­ния с глобальными изменениями климата, А человечество, суперэт­нос, этнос, консорция, группа, людей, род, семья, человек вложены друг в друга как глюоны и кварки в атом, тот в планету, планета в звездную систему, она - в галактику и так - до бесконечности. И все это разное, но единое, в движении, преобразовании, взммопроникновении. Буддизм в разновидностях дао и дзен.

Автор книги, появился на свет и жил во времена осущес­твления Российского эксперимента, вследствие которого должен был появиться феномен под названием «советский человек», В Америке должен был появиться на свет 100-процентный американец. Голлан­дец или датчанин должны были бы стать просто европейцами.

Можно ли это и что должно вообще появиться на. планете в результате четырехмиллирдно летней эволюции?

Автор отвечает на этот вопрос.

Мировой сионизм как наиболее сгруппированная сила совре­менности пок еще в состоянии в силу своего доминирующего поло­жения исправить ошибки от вмешательства в нас. Мы - Земля.

И будущее Мирового сионизма, как это указано в книге, неразрывно связано с будущим всех без исключения этносов Земли. Ни один не должен исчезнуть.

Книга необходима ученым - геологам, астрофизикам, биоло­гам, социологам и политологам, готовым работать на стыке своих наук и могущим представить процесс эволюции Человечества как предмет изучения Высшей биологии. С книгой должны ознакомиться руководители государств, желающие прогнозировать процессы этноге­неза и знать закономерности этих процессов. Экологи найдут отве­ты на свои вопросы, а лидеры партий и движений - смогут создать эффективные программные документы.

Some interesting parts of book:

M.B. Lomonosov is rightfully the founder of CHEMISTRY. Developed

by Lomonosov in 1741-1744, corpuscular theory of substance

structure contains almost all basic concepts of atom-molecular

teaching. Discovered by Lomonosov the law of conservation of

substance weight and assured by him experimentally is the most

important law of chemistry and natural science at large.

Simultaneously, he discovered the law of conservation of energy.

Lomonosov chemistry; he made a lot in the sphere of chemical

technology, glass production, metallurgy. He persistently was

proving the necessity of establishing close links between

chemistry and physics. French scientist Proust (1755-1826)

discovered the law of constancy of composition which was laid in

the base of all the methods of obtaining any chemical compounds.

In 1827 English botanist Brown was the first to observe the

motion of previously never seen molecules. Maria

Cklodovskaya-Curie followed the way of the french physicist

Bekkerell who for the first time, in 1896, discovered phenomenon

of radioactivity.

D.I. Mendeleev, besides the discovery of the periodical law of

chemical elements (his greatest scientific achievement), offered

the method of continuous oil procession, introduced the idea

about underground gasification of coal, promoted the use of

oxygen in metallurgical industry, became one of the founders of

agro-chemistry. Electric accumulators operate on the principles

of electroconductivity of aqueous soluyions of acids, bases and

salts, explained by the theory of electrolytic dissociation. This

theory was developed by a Swedish scientist Arrenius (1856-19

only after the creation of teaching about atom structure it could

develop further. And this is a merit of Russian chemist I.A.

Kablukov. Galvanostegy Ч coating metallic surfaces with a thin

layer of other metall Ч as method of use of electrolysis,

appeared in 1830-s after Russian academician B.S. Yakobi invented

galvanoplastics Ч the first industrial use of electricity. After

the discovery, in the end of 18 century, of adsorbtion of

soluable substances by coal, made by Russian academician T. E.

Lovitz, in the beginning of the 20 century academician Zelinsky


A. M. Boutlerov, in 1861, in his report "On chemical structure of

solids" formulated the basic concepts of the theory of structure;

set forth fundamentals of organic chemistry in a new way; he

accomplished a number of brilliant syntheses of chemical

substances. In 1747, when Benjamen Franklin started his research,

knowledge about electricity represented masses of unrelated

observations and confusing theories encapsuled in obscure terms.

Franklin systemized the things already known and on the basis of

data created the theory of electricity which stood the test by

time. The invention by E. Witney, in 1793 in America, of

cotton-refining machine not only led to revolution in cotton

production but also delayed abolition of slavery in southern

states for 70 years. He also invented milling method for

processing metals. The merit of telegraph invention belongs to

Samuel Morze (1791-1872) though by 1837 similar works were

accomplished by Winston in England and by Steinhell on European

continent. Vulcanization of rubber which was discovered by

Charles Goodyear (1800-1860) served as an impulse for the

development of electric industry because at that time rubber was

the only material for isolators of different kind. Telephone

appeared thanks to Alexander Bell in 1875. Within the lifetime of

Thomas Edison (1847-1931) Patent Bureau of USA gave him 1093

petents, but he solved the problem of electric lighting, designed

two-phase generator, led the start of continous improvement of

creation of a tape-recorder, created the firsn electronic

restifier. Any process in nature is a process of change; the laws

of similar changes were discovered by Willard Gibbs (1839-1903).

Precisely as Newton founded the laws of mechanics, Gibbs created

the laws of physical chemistry, which became the main chemi

science. His research of new values related with entropy later

called chemical potentials which enabled anticipation of course

of chemical reactions, resulted in famous rule of phase.

Generalized of science that was born when Gibbson was rather old

and never knew about it Ч theory of relativity. Within three

centuries of development of modern science one can name hardly a

dozen ideas of such importance and depth as the theory of balanc

belonging to Gibbs.On May, 16, 1805, Swiss Isaac Rivaz handed in

a claim for a patent concerning "the uce of gas explosion and

other gaseous substances as a motive force in mechanics". In hi

gas engine using hydrogen and enlisted its drawing. Thus an

automobile was born. In 1862 French engineer Alfonse

Beau-de-Rochas found a perfect solution for construction of

internal combustion engine in which principle of four-tact engine

was combined with the principle of engine with spontaneous

ignition caused b that later was invented by Diesel. Diesel built

his first engine in 1897. On December, 17, 1903, brothers Orwill

and Willbur Wright were the first in the world to rise into the

air on the first airplane designed by them. To recognize B. L.

Rozing (1869-1933) as the founder of electronic television,

Italian A. Volta had to obtain chemical source of current, and

Dennish H. Ersted, French A. Ampere, Germans G. Ohm and G. Hertz,

Enl to form fundamentals of electrotechniques. In Russia,

predecessors of B. L. Rozing were: V.V. Petrov, B.C. Yakobi, E.H.

Lentz, A.G. Stoletov, A.N. Lodygin, P.N. Yablochkov and P.L.

Shilling who invented electro-magnet telegraph in 1832

simultaneously with Morze.In 1867 Belgian Zenob Gramm built

reliable and convenient in exploitation electromachine generator

permitting to obtain cheap electric energy and chemical sources

of current The sky is filled with satellites of communication,

spy, meteo, geodesical and ecological character... And the start

to all these was laid in 1857 when K. E. Tsiolkovsky was born...

pp. 156-158

The essence of orientation of biological evolution was in

creating of public human structure not dependent on continous

troubles about receiving urgent consumption subjects (through

organization of almost automated enterprises). All the activities

of this structure, in parallel with managing of production

process functioning, need to consist of coordinated scientific

research, the ultimate aim of which has to be whole understanding

a We need to do justice for genius and keen insight of I. A.

Efremov: society, in organization of coordinating processes is to

become a similarity of the brain. I.e., investigation of this

phenomenon of The Creator (Nature) has not only to follow the way

of research of higher nervous activity as it is (this the main

purpose of various branches of biology), not only the way of

creating increasingly advanced computers which are already progra

the way of studying the process of scientific knowledge itself.

The thing is that it could be possible only if the whole process

of Earth evolution is not only made clear but also modelled. The

first thing to be accomplished is strict time dating of arising

of all chemical elements in all deposits in conformity with

geological past of the Earth. When geologists investigated

deposit Mesozoic era... or cainozoic... what's the difference?

The main thing was output and industrial use, other thins had no

importance... But warehouses of Ministry of Geology were

overfilled with samples sorted in accordance with deposits. The

use of isotope method and additional work of students and

graduates could help to accomplish this task within a year

provides organiza proper. To describe, systemize and fulfill

needed analyses. Without this we can say nothing about the

reasons that caused particular structure of atmosphere, water and

soil, i.e., about the factors that caused in animals or plants

prevalence of chemical elements which mutated or not along with

sol radiation (provides it is taken into account). What, in

nutrition of every particular animal, was related in organism

with its chemical composition, influencing metabolism? Why one

died in carbon and another survived? What species of amphibia not

simply transfered into reptiles, but what particular, named

reptiles originate from what particular, named amphibia? Who were

their concrete ancestors? Why does clover accumulate nitrogen?

abundance of nitrogen in atmosphere or nitric compounds were

present in the soil? All the knots of biological evolution spiral

(which are seven on every coil, exactly as in chemical elements

spiral), taking into account scheme exclusions made for elements

of group of iron and lantanoides, must be filled; half-coils pass

between them. Into account will be taken: density of Earth, its

increasing volume during pulsations, influence of orbit radius

and globe radius on the time of day and period of circulation

around the Sun. When all the questions will be answered (There is

no reason to enumerate them: they will arise in the course of

research in the nearest decades.), when highly unconditionally

direct Homo predecessors will be identified on all the stages of

geological and biological past, when mechanism of body and mind

complication will be revealed, when probably through implantation

of altered by geneticists genes into sexual cells of men and (not

to mean all disappeared in quaternary period animals and plants

which will be returned to the World by science), then perhaps the

last mystery of Great Biology will be understood and reveal

Pp. 118-121

Circle Ч it is from Engels, too. But with purely philosophical

sofistication the author transfers it into a spiral which (now in

a spatial embodyment of a sphere and accomplished by biological

evolution) starts pulsating, guiding human idea across half-coils

of History of its construction. This is that very new form of

motion "that are given rise by public form". At first searching

is aimed at lunar phases, then at creation of smelting furnaces

world, being under patronage of tsars and town-walls, inventing

mechanisms, it leads the society to the era of creating chemical

substances and then to creating universities, i.e., new synthe

embodied in electronic microscope to move down with its help,

through half-coil of evolution toward the time of creation of

organic cell... And here is the same process but described by the

other author and on other occasion. "Science, gradually but

steadilly, is becoming a totality of little-related, nearly

absolutely independent, capable of autonomous development

scientific subjects and specialities. Subject-methodological

differentiation situation that by 19 century science at large and

also its large branches as natural sciences, social sciences,

technical sciences, human sciences and teachings about human

spiritual culture resemble conglomerate of single disciplines

rath wholistic system of knowledge of the world in all the

diversity of its parts. Even single spheres of natural sciences Ч

physics, chemistry, biology, Earth sciences Ч transform in simple

to though subject-methodological unity of sciences of physical,

chemical or biological cycles is much more evident than in

natural sciences at large. That original wholistic

subject-methodological unity with which science were coming into

being, of course, can't be restored. But it doesn't mean that

subject-methodological differentiation of science has once and

forever put an subject-methodological unity. In the course of its

development, science will inevitably come to such unity but on a

new, enriched by differentiation basis. Then further development

of science will surely destroy its restored unity by means

differentiation enriched by this restored unity. In its turn,

this differentiation will inevitably lead to a new, much more

deeper and wider integration of scientific knowledge". Much

alike, isn't it? Especially, if we continue. "Among general

scientific cross-disciplinary processes especially distinguish:

rising mathematization og science, influence of cognitive

structures and methods developed by physics on other sciences,

beginning cybernatization and etc. Methods and concepts of

information theory, methods of systems analysis and modelling are

widely used in modern science. Increasingly wider is spreading

the process of forming general system of scientific views and

unification of scientific language. Among complex scientific and

technical directions intensively uniting the whole scientific

system we would underline automation of production and other

spheres of public practice. This is, in the essence, a pivot,

basis productive forces and in science, too. Increasingly

significant in cross-disciplinary development of science is

becoming integrative by nature process Ч theoretical and

practical mastering of space. Today more sciences are

incorporating cosmic aspec this research now take part both many

old sciences Ч mechanics, astronomy, geology, meteorology,

biology, geography, psychology, law, philosophy and others Ч and

innovative branches of scientific cognition: cosmic astronomy,

cos medicine, cosmic geology, cosmic psychology, cosmic law and

others. Often cosmic research proceeds not only as complex one

but as big cross-disciplinary, and sometimes international proces

It is apparent that nearly built up to the ultimate point spiral

of evolution began pulsating actually at the moment of appearance

of the last biological species. Or, to put it in other wor

process, humanity, society began the process of cognition of the

previous way of evolution from the moment of the first fully

shaped type of collective organism Ч family of a human being,

Homo sap THIS is the result of orientation of biological

evolution of earthly forms. Indeed, the creation of quantum

theory served as a framework for explanation of all the physical

phenomena. I am obliged to distress all physists: no Great

Unification will ever occur. Gluon cloud or quarks posessing

scent Ч th cognition, out-flight of idea beyond hydrogen atom

which resides in the extreme low point of the spiral-sphere. The

same out-flight of idea, for physics (astrophysics), is

observation of Macrocosmos picture with visible and never be

explained Universe structure, quasars which will freeze for us in

visible images; we will never wait till explanation of supposed

process of interaction of spiral and elliptic galaxies. And all

the more to relate received knowledge about quarks or gravito

with the knowledge about disintegration of star associations.

With quantum theory fundamental physics is actually over.

But on the opposite end of the spiral Ч cognitive instument

itself. The highest and the most perfect creation of evolution.


Pp. 102-103

In relatively "pure" form, TYPE of society organization based on

primitive mechanized economy is observed only in the period of

rising early feudal relations. Further, both in the time

preceding the creation of cooperative mechanized production and

in the time of state consolidation, this TYPE was already

"infected" with future productive relations, as the result of

mentioned above reasons. But hardly this TYPE became a bourgeois

one, even early-capitalistic one, this Type of public system

lacked time to show itself in any, even slightest "purified"

form. Lacking time for awareness of being such it is in fact (as

long as a state became a national-ethnic one) greatly increased

ahd more complex tribe on a new higher stage of development. Befo

production, it is, throughout its territory, much more extensive

natural economy, and before the time of organization of early,

then hational, cartels, syndicates and trusts, industry resem of

which corresponds to rising of mahufactories. The train of

evolution therefore having no time to activate breaks at this

early capitalistic station, having absorbed all technical

innovations of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, having

received capab concentration of production in any location

provided with elecricity; centralization of this production

thanks to telegraph, telephone and radio; capabilities of

management and control thanks to the presence of driving,

swimming and then fl vehicles with internal combustion engines;

having created patent libraries, conditions for scientific and

technical creativity; having laid basis of future energetics

after the discovery made by Pierre and Maria Curie, and for

informa synthesis of mechanical arithmometer and electronic

valve; this train leaves behind the state which by that time

became a giant feud, and for management of the productive

relations process, which has crossed over national, state and

territorial borders, needs to stop only in 1950 year which after

the creation of European Coal Association became the year of

embodiment of "United States of Europe" slogan that led in 1957

to signing by six countries of the treaty which gave a rise to th

Common Market. Pp. 153-154 I think that the time has come to draw

a conclusion for the sake of which political economy was enlisted.

Indeed, transition after transition to more and more new

technological bases which were, and still are changing the inner

essence of productive forces of society (from metal plough and

water wheel through wind-mill and steam-engine to airplane,

rocket, telegraph and space communication satellite, nuclear

power-station and neural computer) provided possibilities to

reconstruct, complecting, human organism so that its brain which

function carried out by the head of a family, the council of a

tribe, pharaon or senate with emperor, monarch with his ministers

and class organ of representatives, president (prime-minister)

with his parlament or, at last, Europarlament in parallel with

organs in the form of conferences of ministers of Eurounion

countries; received as a result department including powerful

army of scientific and technical mind-workers originating from

single Leonardo, Ibn-Sina, Lomonosov, Watt, Tsiolkovsky...Before

them there were hunters passing from generation to generation

knowledge about animal habits and fish migration, making notches

on a bone with lunar phases, unknown inventors of a wheel and

plough, builders of Stonehendge...And after them Ч perfect by

structure but minimal by relevant results, Academy of Sciences of

the USSR, institution of European university or... Stanford Unive

Pp. 53-56

"The necessity of historical development lies in obtaining of


homeostasis without which accumulation and storage of needed for

survival information is impossible. The more "solid" and

long-termed is homeostasis in individual existence, the more

information is accumulated in an individual, the more universal,

adaptable to different life conditions he is, he is less

dependent of na something new but being applied to the historical

development of life it helps to understand both obligatory

appearance of intellect in higher forms, and that fierce struggle

for independence from habitat which for billions of years was wa

countless generations of plants and animals. To give a meaning to

the world one has to be able to see and remember all its in

exhaustible variety and, besides this, use its laws in the

struggle for life. Attempts to develop the brain were repeatedly

made in the history of the Earth but all of them were premature

because organisms had not yet reaced appropriate level of

homeostasis and energetics. In other cases, the brain even bigger

th arouse in dolphins and other cetaceans, while full adaptaton

of their organisms to water excluded transition to some other

environment. The creation of artifical environment became

impossible witout ability to produce working tools. Only a man

himself facilitated his habitat, widened his nutrition base with

the help of fire and creation of reasonable supplies and thus

could liberate himself from outer conditions to such extent that

the world of the planet. Adaptation to some narrow ecological

niche is not characteristic for a man Ч and this is one of the

most startling of his qualities. Human live form is as primitive

as of his distant ancestors, it originates back into 100 million

time. External archaity combines with a high level of

physiological organization, energetics and homeostasis, capable

for carrying a great burden Ч the brain. The higher level of life

organi here serves not as an exclusion but probably as the best

illustration of this notion. With the increase of palaeontologic

data, the "roots" of a man are moving increasingly deeper...

Anyway, the way from pre-human to real humans was not short and

it reflected the same common appropriateness: more perfect

development of higher nervous activity Ч less "dispersedness" of

living If we take a look at all the variety of vegetable and

animal world of our planet, died out and survived, then we'll

have to admit that on the surface of one and only planet, in the

same phase conditions of outer environment, actually developed

all conceivable forms which filled all suitable for life

ecological niches and areas of inhabitance. Not intended to bore

my reader with enumeration, I'll only point at obvious

deviations: at adapted to digest nutrition between their

tentacles, animals and plants of higher forms of symmetry:

sphericals, multi-rayed, five-rayed; at sea lillies repeating

vegetable form, but equipped with covering lime plates and

tentacles. Appearance of colonial animals (corals and others) is

as strange for us as monstrous Ч mechanical organization of

arthropoda. Highly complex animals, insects, separated by

millions of ages of development from corals and grantolyths, anew

are becoming collective organism Ч on the other, higher stage of

evolutionary development, for example, ants, bees and termites.

In general, the history of earthly organic world demonstrates one

notable picture: extreme variety of lower forms... and sharply

contrasting with it similarity of higher animals with repetiti



THE TOP. Swing of its coils in the course of time becomes small

...With good reason we can consider palaeontology as a future key

to understanding of causal relations in the structure of living

beings and therefore the problem of preserving of dialectic

balance in biology of organisms and living nature in general.

What was thrown away, lost and what remained Ч everything had

been tested by millions of ages before arose a man with his brain

in which we find more and more neural cells and more and more com



Pp. 108-111

"Cybernetics along with information theory destroyed the last

reinforcements of previous anthropological thinking. We came

closer to uunderstanding of universality of general laws of

thinking not dependent on material structure of a carrier. All

hereditary information, needed for construction of such complex

being as a man, contains in a cell (spermatozoon) which volume is

a little more than 15 cubic microns! It is hardly by chance th

didn't replace with anything else. Hoyle thinks that this highly

outstanding achievement of evolution is used in the main flow of

life in the Universe... The sum of palaeontological data gives us

an irrefutable picture of general gradual complection and

improvement of vegetable and animal forms in the course of

geological time. Ladder of this ascent is continuous and

successive, in of some groups flourishing of others and

depressed, covert existence of the third ones. These cases didn't

have a sliter impact on ther species except those linked with the

dying through nutrition base, and they never meant serious shocks

for our planet. Moreover, stedfast ascent of historical d ones,

no doubt, proves extremely prolonged stability of habitat on the

surface of our planet... For evolution, is characteristic so

called convergence Ч acquisition by various organisms of similar

the number of niches is limited: new, better organized ones get

the niches of predecessors. A dolphin is similar to an

ichtyosaurus though they are separated by hundred and half

millions yea The more close to our days Ч most important fact! Ч

the deeper and more frequent is biological convergence. Fossil

mammals of South America resembles the main forms of mammals of

Eurasia and Africa. Marsupials of Ausralia repeat rodents, wolv

tigers of The Old World. Mammals all over the world will try to

adhere to the same standards. Long long ago in the moct distant

original groups there are arear pecularities that today

distinguish whole classes and sub-classes of animals and plants.

Feeding the youngs with milk is known, for example, among birds

and ev trees with branches and photosynthesis organs was forned

hardly they had appeared hundred millions years ago. The volume

of the brain and complexity of convolutions of cetaceans is

higher than these of a human, but 15 millions years older. More

close is similarity of sense organs, behaviour, hervous and

hormonal regulation. Binocular, stereoscopic eyesight is the same

type as octopus or birds have, not to mention mammals. General la

monkeys and frogs. There is a lot of examples of convergence.

What do they tell about? They tell that evolution sets the same

tasks for organisms, demands similar "inventions" and therefore

In palaeontological burial places two types of animal groups are

observed. The main mass of remains is represented by sometimes

bizzarely adapted but not numerous species of the same level of

to groups of seemingly standard appearance behind which, however,

more complicated organization is hidden. These well-known facts

forced researchers to make a conclusion about two ways of

evolutionary development: either fine adaptation to temporary and

local conditions, or complication, universalization of organism,

ri increasing independence from external environment to

homeostasis. Here are two ways of evolution. One is adaptive one;

it leads to a blind alley resulting in dying out. The other is

aimed at continuous ascent and maximal improvement of organisms.

Proressing towards indepehdence organisms, along with being able

to defend themselves from fluctuations in temperature, humidity,

mechanical influences, must have the ability to find and ide

inevitable improvement of systems for processing and storing of

ihformation, inevitable forming of a bigger and more complex

brain. But for the development of the brain relevant basis is

needed, without continous and enforced nutrition. But energetic

levels of biological machines Ч organisms Ч are stristly limited

and passing from one stage to another needed a lot million years

of evolution. But the higher energetics Ч the higher need for

Organism needs to have increasingly stronger muscules and more

perfect brain. As if contradictions are constraining life with

isuperable barriers of necessity, with some guiding corridor of

nat universalism, from less perfect homeostasis to more perfect

one Ч this is the main lane of progressing species. Of course,

both ways with all their branches are only two sides of the

single dialectical process in which "great necessity" of

improvement of organism paves the way through thickets of

accidental adapta natural selection receives "eyesight" and

orientation. Now we are able to understand that fierce struggle

for independence from habitat which was waged by millions of

generations of animals and plants. We can understand

inevitability of intellect that provides the highest form of

independence from natural conditions. Brilliant brain of dolphins

emerged at the time when their organism has got used to water to

such extent, that transition to some other environment turned i

No specific adaptations for some narrow ecological niche are

characteristic for a man, and this is one of the most startling

one of his qualities. External archaity combines with a high

level homeostasis, capable for carrying a great burden Ч the

brain.Thanks to it, a man could facilitate his external

conditions and broaden his nutrition base to such extent that

appeared a poss of nature and its reconstruction... Extreme

variety of low forms contrasts with similarity and frequent

convergence of higher animals. A man is the most convergent in

biological sense. His ancestors never and nowhere formed

specialized spe the brain development and working abilities".

After A.I. Efremov wrote these words Evolution didn't stop. It

proceeds and still is oriented. AT WHAT?

Pp. 64-66

"For all the achievements of the 20th century, each of us has his

inner nature which constitutes the content of life, both

individual and species. And no one, other things being equal,

rejects what instincts tell him. Man has remained within the

bounds of the species and within the limits of the biosphere (one

of the envelopes of planet Earth). Man combines the laws of life

inherent in him with specific phenomena of technique and cultur

his involvement in the element that gave birth to him... Man's

organism is part of Earth's biosphere and is involved in

conversion of the biocenosis. No one can prove that a professor

breaths differently than a Bushman or reproduces in an asexual

way, or his skin, that he cannot eat or, on the contrary, will

make a dinner of 40 persons, or that gravity affects him

differently. And all that is the dependence on nature of the

organism itself, which acts and thinks, is adapted to a changing

environment, and itself alters the environment, adapting it to

its needs, and is united in collectives, and creates states

within them. The thinking individual constitutes a single whole

wit of living nature, which is one of the envelopes of planet

Earth... As a biological form mankind is the sole species with a

vast number of variations which have spread over the whole

surface of the globe in the post-glacial period. The density of

the species' distribution varies but, with the exception of the

pol ice-caps, the whole of the earth is man's habitat. And it

should not be thought that there are "virgin lands" anywhere,

where man's foot has not trod. Present deserts and jungle are

full of traces of Palaeolithic campsites; the forests of the

Amazon grow on redeposited soils once disturbed by the farming of

ancient inhabitants; traces of structures we do not understand

have been discovered on the rocks of the Andes and Himalayas. In

other words, the species Homo sapiens has repeatedly and

constantly, during its existence, modified its distribution over

the earth's surface. And like any other species it has striven to

master the greatest possible space with the greatest possible

densi Unlike most mammals Homo sapiens cannot be called either a

gregarious or an individual animal. Man lives in collectives that

are regarded, depending on the point of view, sometimes as

socium, sometimes as an ethnos. Or rather each human being is

simultaneously a member of a society and a representative of an

ethnic national group, but these two concepts are incommensurable

and lie on different planes, like length and weight, for exampl

Mankind's social development has been well studied, and its

regularities formulated, by historical materialism. A spontaneous

development of social forms through socio-economic formation is i

linked in any way with his biological structure".

Pp. 222-223

"We have to do justice for medieval people: they were consistent

and therefore their speeches sounded very profoundly. The reality

sometimes was so terrible that people were eager to "throw"

themselves into any illusion, especially so logical, strict and

sophisticated.For having entered the world of phantasmagoria and

invocations they became masters of this world or, what is more

accurate, sincerely trusted in it. And they were not even sligh

power over surrounding people, they had to spit upon the cross,

as Templars did or to split into pieces meteorite of Kaaba, as

carmats did. However, having taken this way they didn't gain per

that one which they had posessed in rather limited borders being

members of some positive system. In such system the law and

habits guaranteed them some rights proportionate with some respon

subordinated them to some uhknown chief, elder, teacher but he

however gave them opportunity to cause maximal harm to their

neighbours. And it was so pleasant, so joyful that people could s

When there occurs superposition of diverse ethnic systems and

related with them "systems of consciousness" routinely known as

"cultures", chimeras appear fundamentally different from ethnoi

Difference between ethnos and chimera is not caught with an eye.

But while ethnos, provides it doesn't end with violent death,

passes through all ages, chimera either exists or disintegrates.

resembles the one between organism and cancer tumour. The latter

can spread to the limits of organism but not further, and it

lives only at the expense of the organism that incorporates it.

ethnos or super-ethnos means needed for sustaining of existence,

using the principle of lies described above".

Pp. 158-161

Healthy research spirit can exist only in healthy body. To what

results must lead the reconstruction of social structure of

society in the course of releasing industrial and distributive

spheres from the ballast as the result of automatization and

apparen It's very simple: On complication and improvement mankind

synthesises in itself the best qualities of its composites of the

times of family, tribe, slavery, feudalism, capitalism and

union-state regime. The thing remained is to name properly.

Collective human organism will have to take optimal size

depending not only on planet resourses but also on rational

correlation between the number of researchers and the number of

those part of remained ones are not needed, it's superflouous

headache, unnecessary weight. Monogamy that in fact has never

been as such, and always, by natural reasons, rolled up to

temporary (not life-time) relations, must be replaced by polygamy

(group marriage, pair family) with the only one purpose: with the

help of spouse selection to give posterity without hereditary

deseases. It demands the creation of some all-planet data base

for every individual. For some period some women will have to

bear not less than dozenz of children from different fathers.

There is no need however to reproach me with amorality. All this

has been, and what concerns morals... tolay it has some meaning,

and tomorrow people would be cultivated on other principles. Th

the loop, filled her with proud in pagan times... Simply nobody

judged her, there was no such a habit. Account of every society

member on line of his origin and occupation that inevitably will

lead, one one hand, to understanding by everyone of his place in

general process of cognition (creation) and, on the other han

possible wrong-doer as long as independent of lack of

proffessional criminality inclinations (human psychology) will be

manifested in any time of evolution. Education in a collective

which today is present in some schools originates from the

education method in a tribe. Selection based on inclinations and

possibilities proceeding continously in the course of educational

pr create a man that can't help creating. He enters life with the

brain of oriented activity. And he becomes an eternal slave of

research, creativity, embodiment of a theory, independently of

kind of his job. Whether it is footwear production technology or

archeological excavations. Natural economy of feudalism passes to

the future relatively reserved space of production and exchange

in conformity with a region of existence, and also rotation

(change of jobs) which was realized by land tenants. In Russia Yu

abolished only by Boris Godunov. Capitalism is formed and worked

through ages the principles of combination of authotarism and

democracy, and union-state regime Ч planning market management.

In conditions of European Union, in countries of which is

implemented or is to be implemented much of the said above, the

solvement of only one problem Ч quantity and optimal proportions

of p For I didn't invent anything new. Three important questions

remain. First Ч ethnoi and the process of ethnogenesis. It is

clear that education will liquidate the problem of ethnic

behaviour different from others. But, at first behaviour of what

ethno and prevail in the world and, at second, landscapes are

assumed not only to be preserved but restored in the form

existing before their destruction by the last civilization. And

this dictates regional rules of behaviour. Any way, for people

whose profession remains job among nature. Moreover, different

phases of ethnoi positions today make actual the problem of

forming of State Unions both in North America and Pacific region.

While in Western Europe everything was all right in this sphere

wh super-ethnos since 9th century, Canadians and inhabitants of

the USA in relation to Mexican people are on different stages of

ethnos forming. The same is characteristic in relation, for ex

like yankee, nor Chinese Ч like Japanese. This in general doesn't

mean appearance of people ready to behave as demanded by the

norms of business partnership in contacts of different ethnoi rep

The pace of capital export and foundation of foreign branches of

international monopolies is so high that it demands professinal

and cultural training of workers and firms, and governmental

life-time of one generation. But as lawyers say: "Let's see what

way practice choose", as the process of forced assimilation is

useless and the way of natural development is long. The second

important question is that on the evolutionary stage,

accomplishing the process of inclusion the planet into single

all-world management, insurance company net is fully liquidated

and the role migration of goods in their price equivalent. Profit

as a category of political economics leaves the stage of public

life. Religion remains the third question. Not trust in God but

the knowledge of inevitability of evolutionary laws of the

Universe, among which the Law of development of spiral forms of

matter is one of the fundamental ones, demands creation of the

single, incorporating the best parts of all existing religions,

code of moral behaviour. Though it doesn't exclude the creation

of the pantheon of catholic Christ, Greek orthodox Christ, prote

But all these are only teachings for people who accepted given

stereotype of faith. God is one and, precisely as on particular

stages of state system and its monotheism development pagan

symbols were replaced, in the same way synthesis of world

religions must be accomplished.

Pp. 141-142

Let us proceed to some accounts.

1. The first Type of human society was a blood-related family.

This type must have existed in the period of the last glacial

invasion. It were members of such families who painted the cave

walls of Cromagnion and they were the first aborigens of the

American continent. It was this family from which Engels drew out

the next Ч punalual family as far as in the middle of 19th

century existing in the Hawaii. Completing this Type of society

and s Clan.2. The second Type, originated from clan relations was

fratry Ч two exogamic clans which in the course of increasing in

even proportion (four, six, eight clans) created Tribe.

Completing this type and simultaneously transitional form to the

next type was a union of tribes.

3. The third type is slave-owning system.

4. The fourth type Ч feudal society.

5. The fifth Ч state of capitalist way of production which on

completely known and named foundations which are particular

scientific investigations resulted in particular technical

decisions, grows into

6. The sixth Type Ч human society in the form of European Union

with economical-productive contents provided by international

monopolies. Naturally, on relatively quick achieving of raised

tasks European Union and along with it societies of similar Type

will inevitably transform into

7. The seventh and, of course, the LAST Type completing

biological evolution of earthly forms and, on the stage close to

the ultimate, representing itself as a subject of oriented

evolution. For its basic characteristics, which I can name thanks

to my knowlede of appropriatenesses of evolutionary process, many

of which were named above, we need to return back to political

economics. What can we do? It's anatomy (or physiology?) of


Pp. 223-224

Before reading completing part of the 7th part you need to read

once more the 6th one, then preceding five ones, then anew the

6th, then the middle of the 7th, then again the 6th, then the

beginning of the 7th one. Otherwise it would simple not to

understand that exponential dependence is correlation of values

characterized by the lengths of segments on the coil of

Archimedian spiral. The time compresses in accordance with this

dependence from the moment of appearance of Homo sapiens 10000

(12000) years ago through the stages of existence of a family,

clan, tribe (5000-6000 years) to slave-owning state (epoch of met

about 3000 years, further to the epoch of mechanics (feudal

state) Ч about 1500 years, then to capitalism (thermodynamics,

electrotechnics etc) Ч 200-300 years, to the epoch of

microelectro On the same dependence the time has been compressing

before as is seen on the scheme of biological evolution.

Otherwise, without repetition, it would be impossible to

understand that evolution of the Humanity is complication of its

organizational structure on the basis of changing methods and

means of produ investigations directed into the depth of the

planet's History. That the planet's history is inseparably linked

with evolution of both near and distant Cosmos and

appropriatenesses manifested in the History of Earth (geology and

biology) are the same that on the planets of our and all other

galaxies. That Humanity is not something outstanding compared

with other biologically complex organisms, but completes the

chain of species' transformation. It is able to contain

characteristic of itself in general both inherited and acquired

diseases. Overweight, for example, or parasiting criminalty.

Pp. 19-21

It is necessary not to disturb ALL THE UNIVERSE! Both in literal

and metaphorical sense. There are the limits of cognition to

overcome which we are not able. We'll talk about it more closely

further but now it's quite enough to say and to demonstrate that

structural units of the Universe behave in a uneasy way, not

accumulations of Galaxies but only Galaxies. If one takes into

account that there was no Big Bang, to liberate Galaxies from the

necessity to be squeezed in rigid framework of time of shaping,

equal for all Galaxies since the moment of Big Bang to the mom

calculated about 20 billions of years, and let the Galaxies to

live their, say, autnomous life independent even of live in

accumulations where elliptical "galaxies are centres, then any

engage the most exciting questions that have no answers in the

framework of his interests. To realize it one has to understand

that both in the depths of earthly oceans and in the depths of

cosmos SPIRAL is a form of existence (motions) of both biological

and physical structures. Spiral structure of chromosomes, DNA

molecules, spiral-ciliary infusoria, spiral valve in bowels of

lampreys and some fish, spirally twisted shells of mollusc,

spirally growing carrot, spiral structure of tree tissue, Earth

that b side as if winding onto itself its orbit in a spiral way,

at last galaxies. There is a lot of examples but only two forms

of spiral motion Ч grafting of coils and PULSATION. Fridman's

model for spiral galaxies is relevant here! It seems that as in

the frames of one galaxy where distances are rather finite it is

possible to consider C = const. Pulsation of spiral galaxies is

condensing and uncondensing of its coils. The beginning of

uncondensing Ч galaxies of type So (as Hubble puts it), then

galaxies Sa and Sb, then supposingly Sc Ч the limit of

uncondensing; in depending on radiation intensity Ч seifertian

galaxy and quasars, i.e., the ultimate form of condensed galaxy.

(Galaxy in the state of condensation of intermediate type Sa-So N

GC1068, seifertian Ч is shown in the book by G. Narlicar "Fur

Universe".) The result of condensing is outburst of matter and

birth of a young irregular (cause it is young) galaxy. Then coils

again start to uncondense, the process of active star formation

another galaxy is a pair of maternal and daughter galaxies on the

stage of separation, and what is normally considered satellites

are separated daughter-galaxies. Therefore we can for certain

affirm that our Galaxy having given birth to Great and Small

Magellan Clouds, pulsated twice; now, judging by the movement of

the Sun in relation to baldge, is on the stage of uncondencing of

c fact that in symmetry with Magellan Clouds but on the other

side of Galaxy two tiny elliptical galaxies are drifting in

Cosmos, there is a temptation to suppose that in one direction

spiral galaxy is born and in other Ч elliptical one, "but only

one-side jets are seen in quasars independently of intensity

correlation of the central source and distant component". But it

can't be that Galaxy could pulsate four times producing in differe

Pp. 25-28

Running a few steps forward I can say that good results will give

combination of astrophysics' Ч geophysics' when it will appear as

a single entity. But still undisputable facts need to be

liberated from hypotheses and fantasies. The Sun pulsates

changing brightness and radiating, besides others, all elements

of Mendeleev's table independent of transformation into

fast-rotating neitron star. The condition of its pulsation is not

also rotati with additional accretion of star matter. We don't

need examples from distant Cosmos. Nuclei of uranium are flying

in the flow of sun lights fully independent of explosion of

Supernew, they fly from the surface of the luminary being, as

nuclei other 91 elements, a product of reactions inside the star.

Let us introduce and consider one more undisputable fact to which

ALL astrophysicists didn't pay any attention, precisely as before

quantum electrodynamics emerged there were no those eager

Particles, from the most heavy and slow infrared ones (there is

still no other name for them) to the most light and fast

ultraviolet ones, flies from stars, accumulatons of stars, nuclei

of galaxie interaction with these "rays". But the surface of

planets is not the only obstacle for all the spectrum of these

small space wanderers. On their way, they also meet stars, star

associations and nuclei of galaxies! But while light, falling on

th surface of glass, reflects from relatively motionless

electrons (as theory describes it), falling onto the surface of a


SPEED! The probability of collision in inter-star space is equal

zero, but it increasingly hightens at the surface of a star. And

then Ч E = mc2, and the process of synthesis. Then decay, again

synthesis and: synthesis Ч decay, synthesis Ч decay. Pulsation.

Rotation in the visible world here is completed. I suppose that

the fact of collision of particles (photons, quanta, gravitons,

quarks) of light with a star is not to be disputed. The fact that

at the surface of a star collision of flying in and flying ou

unquestionable. The fact that collision of two bodies produces

energy is known even to a schoolboy. The only question is: what

is the nature of this energy? And all other things are the same

th so on. Thus, there is also similarity in that "Quantum

electrodynamics "resolves" the question of corpuscular-wave

duality of light, stating that light consists of particles (as

Newton put in physics was the retreat of physics to the position

where only calculation of PROBABILITY of photon getting into

detector is recognized possible, and no one proposes valuable

model of HOW it really happens". Some idea about this process

gives Y.I. Vitinsky describing solar flashes. But phenomenon of

flashes is so complex and their variety is so vast (proton,

electron, of different intensity and different proceeding times)

that imagine a clear picture. But it's only so far. It's worth

mentioning that "electron flashes (in the course of which only

electrons are emitted) are observed more frequently than proton

ones normally accompanied by splashes of the III kind and

misrowave radiation, and also by splashes of hard X-rays. It is

interesting to mention that during the last years from some

proton flashes gamma-radiation was registered which is a sign of

the nucl Anyway, probabilistic description of the event preceding

the beginning of thermonuclear-nuclear interaction here is more

understandable and imaginable than "singularity" of the Big Bang.

Concerning the scheme of the process the result of which is

synthesis-decay-synthesis... here it is, on the supplementary

colour sheet.

Astrophysicists! Open the rare panel of mechanical clock, look at

the pendulum spring! Imagine on its place the spiral scheme of

chemical elements. And you will see how sters "work".

Forseeing some questions I'll answer the main one: there is no

law that manifests itself in pure form. The eight groupe was to

be removed from the table, because, according to Mendeleev, it

has nothing to do with periodicity. It was also necessary to take

into account that pulsation takes place with an appropriate

falling out of step (big and small splashes schematically

alternate) resulting in synthesis of all elements of this group.

The an registrator could be created it would fix, at the normal

speed of review, manifestation of similar picture in all stars.

But speeds of processes in different stars are different and so

vast that (this is an answer to the third question) only the

beginning and the end of the process are seen, i.e., hydrogen

with helium and hydrogen with helium. All remaining Ч expences

but however witout them this scheme couldn't be created. The law

of conservation of substance weight formulated by M.V. Lomonosov

is relevant in Cosmos. But, as it seems, keenness on cosmology

somehow excludes LIGHT in the form of particles from the gener

could it be taken into account if LIGHT not long ago had no

weight, didn't fill inter-star and inter-galaxy space, it was a

WAVE, it had LENGTH and independently of unrelated conditions

spread Energy exchange (for masses with speeds) between

structural units of Cosmos permits to understand if not

mechanism, but rather causes of galaxy mass growth, critical

limit of which leads to compressing, throwing out of surplus in

the form of young galaxies; reverse prosses of forming of star

associations and stars.

Pp. 33-36

Craters cover the surface of Mercury, Venus, Earth (Pre-Cambrian

shields). Specific characteristic is the time of crater emergence

Ч they are actually are of the same age on any heavenly body.

There are slight differences (in interplanetary scale) compared

with that on what particular planet (satellite) craters are

present. Where did such amount of meteorites come from? Why are

they so regular and round? Why did they appear at one time? And

how did they chance to arrive in all places at once, if not at

once then why everywhere? What was said in this connection? G.

Silk. "Great Explosion": "The research of craters on the Moon,

Mercury and Mars pointed out that within some hundreds of million

years (about 4,6 billion years ago) the rate of crater emergenc

higher than today. There occured collisions with planetesimals

diameter of which (about 100 km) is typical for many asteroids".

John Darius. "Inaccessible for an Eye": "Abundance of craters (

meteorite bombardment but it is not true. The intensity of

Ganimed "firing" was two times higher, and in Europe and Io much

higher. Their surface however renovated within less than 4000

mln. a powerful flow of meteorites) while Callisto keeps all its

scarms... Therefore it would be more correct to compare

concentric ring on Callisto with percussion structures on other

bodies o However on closer examination external similarity

vanishes. On planets with rocky soil only two or three irregular

rings are seen (Eastern Sea on the Moon could be a good example);

but in the places with more numbers of rings, with growth of ring

radii distance between them is increasing". I.e., some

selectivity of direct hit is observed, which concerns not only

points on the surface but also crater diameters (meteorites).

There are some facts that don't correspond with "meteorite"

theory. "Craters discovered on Io by devices of "Voyager",

emerged not upon the influence of meteorites but in the result of

volcanic caldero-like deepenings... Other calders have

light-coloured edges with various shades; on some of them traces

of volcanic eruptions are not seen". "Crater Yuti, the first of

craters of such kind, essentially differs from percussion craters

discovered on other closest to the Sun bodies of the Solar

system, namely on Mars and Moon. There, typical big crater has a

c ring-shaped swell in the form of terraces; straiifications of

thrown out substance and secondary craters are spotted around;

sometimes long radial "rays" disperse from the centre of a crat

terraces, and the smallest craters have not flat but a cup-shaped

bottom. Similar traits are characteristic for many marsian

craters with the exclusion that surrounding them stratifications

a fragments is absent; instead of it, from a crater Ч at the

distance about one diameter from the edge Ч as if tongues of

substance are pouring out. Because of "embankments" outlinging

borde ones.Craters of such type for the first time were described

by G. McColey on the base of photos received from "Mariner-9" but

he however considered petal-shaped deposits as the result of wind

erosion. Before the flight of "Vikings" such craters were not

studied and their essential prevalence on the surface of Mars

remained unnoticed. Take a look at covering each other deposit

layers around Yuti crater: tongues don't run on each other like

flow formations "spilled craters". Partly filled up crater on the

left of Yuti gives a key to the solution of flow character. This

small and older crater is seen rather distinctly that supposes

that pouring out substance, whether it more or less dense, was

pouring in a thin layer Ч it's more characteristic for dirt flows

rather than volcanic eruption... Pouring out of a crater flow

could slide across the "pillow" of atmospheric gases but more pr

evaporating under avalanche the layer of surface ice. Steep

peripheral swell could be shaped in the course of water freezing

under cooling down flow. Such excrescences can be observed on Ear

thrown out substance are characteristic for marsian craters 15

and more km in diameter..." The idea that origin of craters is

inner, to be more precise inner-planetary, matter related with a

spill, out-burst of primary substance, is assured by another,

this time earthly fact. Jonn Darius in the same book says about s

of ancient meteorite craters called astroblemas. The described

example concerns the Araguayan cupola which "consists of

deformated Devonian sandstone aged 350-400 mln. Years, and in the

cen condensed erupted rock...Though astroblemas are considered to

be produced by powerful explosions, relation between astroblemas

and fall of meteorites onto Earth remains mainly disputable. All

the signs of a powerful blast are apparent: cones of crushing,

condensed silicates, blust-melted zones, deformated crystals but

no traces of meteorites themselves. (They are not found on any

planet.) Specific trait of astroblems are cones of crushing Ч co

incline of which is growing on moving off the centre. Today about

100 astroblems are known (and 100 more are supposed) and in 30 of

them similar fragments were discovered. It is assumed that burnt

with an explosion in atmosphere which have no time to reach the

surface of the Earth. Anyway it's hard to reconcile with the fact

that "crime" was committed and criminal was not yet discover It's

easy to identify a criminal. Protoplanetary both of post-star

substance was thickening and, "being boild to readiness",

gurgling. I can invite any of doubting persons to the kitchen

stove a last stage of cooking. When it begins gurgling you can

see lunar craters on the stage of creation. The same picture can

be observed in craters of inertly acting volcanos: there, also

slowly lava is gurgling, imitating the process that was proceedi

long long ago.

Pp. 45-50

What kind of cosmic factor leads both to pulsations of Earth and

to reorientations of surface points relatively to the axis of

rotation? There is nothing constant in the world, and distance

between Earth and Sun time to time is only relatively constant.

Look at the calendar: once in four years a leap-year occurs Ч the

only but enough convincing evidence of the fact that the lengt

earthly orbit increases with every turn around the Sun. At some

particular moment, as it happened 10000 years ago, centrifugal

forces tears off gravitational attraction and Earth (and Moon alo

distant relatively constant orbit. The result is inevitable

decrease of density and natural growth of volume with the same

mass. On decaying of the process condensing happens. But both

proc repeat citation: "Bohr deserts classical physics postulating

that atom electrons can exist only only in particular states...

Then, again not taking into account the laws of classical physi

orbit, it doesn't radiate light. According to his theory, atom

emits light only if electron LEAPS from stationary state with

higher energy to the state with lower energy". Laws of the

Universe are common.Classical mechanics was considering special

relatively-temporary case. What concerns light emittance, within

the time of lavas pouring out (12 mln years in every period!) it

co especially at night. Of course, radial-orbital changes apply

to all planets. And what side of Earth will turn to the Sun...?

Here probably V.N. Sholpo is right who was the first to pay

attention to the rational distribution of masses on the planet's

su Freely-chaotic pouring of lavas and also emergence of folds

and flexures in various places of earthly surface was leading to

excenricity in Earth's rotation around its axis. It had to

provide reverse influence on the motion around the Sun (pulsating

inevitably leads to rebounding) but having transited to a new

orbit the Earth inevitably would occupy the most optimal state

from the point of view of uniformity of rotation. The same way i

and uniform mass distribution across the surface. Principle of

gyroscope. A brief look at axis inclines of some planets of the

Solar system: Jupiter Ч 3 degrees, Uranium Ч 98 degrees, Moon

(satellite) Ч 0 degrees Ч allow us to recognize as disputable

concept about costancy of earth's axis orientation in outer space

a by contrast, to state that in different geological epochs axis

orientation could be different, not only perpendicular to the

surface of ecliptics, and if so, not only necessarily twice a

year, 21 of March and 21 of September. In more details, applied

to the Quarterly period, it will be considered in the next

chapter, and now let us look for some conformities. In 1888

Vernadsky wrote to his wife: "Minerals are remains of those

chemical reactions that proceeded in various points of the globe;

these reactions proceed in accordance with known to us laws but

which general changes which our Earth is subject to as a star.

The aim is to relate these different phases of Earth with general

laws of heavenly mechanics. It seems to me that here something

more is hidden if we take into account the complexity of chemical

elements... Then genesis of elements is related with the

development of solar or star systems, and the "laws" of chemistry

get quite different tint..."

V.I. Vernadsky wrote not only about it. To Lev Gumilev, Ivan

Efremov, Vitaly Larichev, to all others whose ideas have formed

the basis for real works, his words can be applied: "All the

history of science on every step shows that single personalities

were more right in their arguments than the whole corporations of

scientists or hundreds and thousands of researchers, adhering to

dominating views".

Hundred years later, in 1982, G.V. Voytkevitch using data on the

studies of meteorites, masses and planet spectres in more detail

set forth the subject of chemical evolution of protoplanetary

substance: "Emergence of Earth and planets of Solar system was

not only explained by the laws of mechanics on which recently

relied classical cosmogonic hypotheses, but also was connected

with qualities of substance itself Ч with physico-chemical

processe cosmic history was determined by the laws of nuclear

physics and thermodynamics. Forming of chemical elements

consisting from atoms was conditioned by the structure of their

electronic cover and physical conditions in the limits of

relatively low temperatures compared with conditions of nuclear

synthesis... As was already mentioned, startling similarity of

isotope composition of various bodies of the Solar systems,

witnesses that substance of the Sun and substance of the Earth

befor particular stage were developing in the same way. This

crucial stage manifested itself in division of common system...

into primary Sun and circumsolar substance originally having

solar gas structure. We don't know particular mechanism of

separation of this substance. It was probably related with

centrifugal forces, emerged from the change of rotation speed of

primary massive star. Thus was formed protoplanetary solar nebula

in the form of gas disc coinciding with the plane of solar equato

Emergence of this disc was inevitably related with broadening of

SOLAR(STAR) substance and its cooling down the temperatures

promoting birth of molecules, chemical compounds and metallic ph

Explaining the process of secession of sedimentary rocks,

adducing extremely valuable data about chemical structure of

upper covers of Earth, Voytkevitch does not relate emergence of

sedimen processing by biomass or eroded chemical elements. If

rebounds of Earth from the Sun in the course of transition to

more distant orbits are the result of Solar system pulsations

then caused by these transitions pulsations of Earth itself gave

life which is adduced on supplementary sheet. Pulsation Ч

synthesis, pulsation Ч synthesis. "Widespread manifestation in

Silur of intrusive magmatism conditioned forming in geosinclinar

zones of ore minerals deposits Ч iron, chrome, copper, various

polymetals... Deposits of metalic minerals are related mainly wi

actively manifested in late-Palaeozoic time. On the territory of

the USSR intrusive and effusive activity in late Palaeozoic time

was the most intensively manifested in the frames of Uralo-T the

deposits of iron ores,... boxites,... copper-pyrites ores,

chromite, platinum, gold, zinc, lead, rare elements ores...

Deposits of polymetals are mainly related with erupted rocks

which are East of Siberia as the result of active magmatism in

Mesozoic period emerged so called Pacific ore belt with which

many deposits of non-ferrous and rare metals are related. Similar

deposits are situated in the eastern part of China and Indochina

Of course, more detailed elaboration of deposits on every

geological period is needed and inside periods Ч on rhythms, but

the action of the scheme is still evident. There must be seven

rhyt conditioned both by the structure of the scheme itself and

by the fact that many chemical elements have SEVEN isotopes. Once

more Vernadsky was right when he stated that "mechanism of the

Earth's crust is conditioned by the properties of atoms it is

formed by; chemical structure of the crust is not accidental".

The fact that processes of orogenesis (Caledonian, Hertzinian,

Alpian) covered a number of geological epochs (periods) is only

the evidence that condensing manifested itself in the same places

(about the rythmical character of the phases of emergence of

deposits of copper and other minerals) are the evidence that

these phases proceeded with FOUR-time rhythm. I.e., if according

to types depending on degree of "metallization" which witnesses

divisibility of their emergence process, than inside of

geological periods the same divisibility is observed. If we look

from the height of hydrogen crown of Earth into the depth of

deposits of the first uranium formations, then we have to agree

with the dasic idea of V.M. Goldschmidt Ч this spiral scheme of c

covers of the Earth both chronologically and in height.
