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Конструкция “сложное подлежащее”

Complex Subject

1.Инфинитив, следующий за глаголом – сказуемым, может особым образом взаимодействовать с подлежащим этого предложения и образовывать грамматическую конструкцию “сложное подлежащее”.

Подлежащее + сказуемое в пассивном залоге + инфинитив

Byte is known to consist of bits. - Известно, что байт состоит из битов.

Особенность указанной конструкции состоит в том, что подлежащее соотнесено по смыслу как с глаголом – сказуемым, так и с инфинитивом, и на русский язык ее можно перевести только сложноподчиненными предложениями с союзом как, что, когда.

Известно, что байт состоит из битов.

2.Сложное подлежащее строится вокруг определенного типа глаголов, означающих:

1) просьбу, приказ, разрешение: to advice - советовать, to allow, to ask, to expect, to order, to request - просить, to require - требовать.

2) суждение, говорение: to believe, to consider, to know, to report, to say, to suppose, to teach, to tell, and to think.

А также глаголов: to see, to hear , to make, to help.

Указанные глаголы употребляются только в пассивном залоге, а следующий за ними инфинитив имеет определенную из 6 форм.

Input and Output devises are known to be called peripheral devises. – Известно, что устройства ввода и вывода называются периферийными устройствами

The data is supposed to have been loaded immediately. – Полагается, что данные были загружены немедленно.

3.Конструкция сложное подлежащее употребляется после глаголов: to seem, to appear-казаться; to happen-случаться; to prove, to turn out –оказаться

The first automatic computers proved to be unreliable.

Задание 1.Переведите предложения на русский язык, пользуясь моделью:

Smb + is + known + infinitive


Известно, что

1.Scientists are reported to be already working on Artificial Intelligence and the next generation of computers may be able to understand human languages. 2.Now hundreds of materials are known to become superconductors at low temperature. 3.Recently some ceramic materials have been found to be superconductors. 4.Several nations are known to be very active in superconductor research. 5.The International Space Station is expected to be a permanent off-planet extension of human civilization. 6.Machine code is known to consist of the 1s and 0s –binary code- that are processed by the CPU. 7.Programming languages are considered to be still quite complex and restricted to particular computers. 8.Superconductors were once thought to be physically impossible. 9. Jane was told to wait in the office for some time.10. I was asked to send an envelope. 11. He was seen to leave the house. 12. We were ordered not to come back. 13. He was made to tell everything. 14. My friends were advised to take their exams in spring.

15. He is known to be a talented programmer. 16. Speed and accuracy are known to be advantages of a computer.

Задание2.Переведите предложения на русский язык, пользуясь моделью:

smb + is + sure + infinitive

smth certain


  • Очевидно, что…

  • конечно…

  • Вероятно, что…

1.This is likely to continue until theorists give a fuller explanation of how superconductivity is produced in new materials. 2.Scientists are sure to find the answer to a very important question: could the electricity be used to develop a fast, efficient system of long-distance communication. 3.Electricity is certain to travel instantly over a very long peace of wire. 4. The Atlantic Telegraph Company was certain to try to lay a cable on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean in 1856. 5.All the population in large countries is likely to be able to watch TV via satellites. 6.The orbital communication systems are certain to make it possible for people from different continents to see and hear one another. 7.As the operation of an integrated circuit is likely to depend on microscopic “components,” the purity of all materials. 8. She is extremely likely to succeed. 9. He is sure to have been working in the office. 10.They are certain to have been working in the laboratory this time yesterday.

Здание3.Переведите предложения на русский язык, пользуясь моделью:








turn out

  • Кажется, что…

  • Случается, что…

  • Оказывается, что

1.Scientists and researchers appeared to take a whole lifetime to male a few thousand calculations, whereas for a modern computer this task is a matter of a few second. 2. Light beams turn out to be faster, travel in parallel lines. 3.A new age of light seems to replace the still youthful electronic age. 4. Computers happened to be able to control machines at factories. 5. Computer turns out to help us to deal with the knowledge explosion in many ways. 6.The artificial quartz crystals appear to use in digital watches. 7.A laser printer seems to be a kind of output device to print information. 8.C, a high-level programming language, seems to be very popular today because it is too hard to learn. 9.A model proved to be useful in understanding electromagnetic properties of superconductors.10.Potential technical uses of high temperature superconductivity seemed to be possible and practical. 11. He seems to notice something.12. She seems to know everything about it.

Задание 4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление “сложного подлежащего”:

1.The first pocketsize colour television sets were reported to have been developed. 2.Todays aircraft is expected to be replaced by a new model of hypersonic aircraft in a few years. 3.A method for recording information on crystal by means of a laser is known to have been developed by a Russian researcher. 4.Intensive research on optical electronic computer is said to be going on in a number of US companies. 5.The annual output of personal computers is expected to reach millions in the near future. 6.The laser is known to be a device producing an intensive beam of light by amplifying radiation. 7.Optical technology has been found to be cost-effective. 8.The optical equivalent of a transistor is reported to have been produced. 9.Our present day life seems to be quite impossible without telephone, radio, and television.

Задание 5. Найдите предложения с оборотом Complex Subject. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1.Databases are programs, which allow you to store, look at or change a large quantity of information quickly and easily. 2.People living in various cities are certain to exchange news on the telephone. 3.A word processor is known to be the software that is used for writing documents. 4. Graphics are pictures and symbols a computer program can produce. 5.People send e-mail massages with the help of the Internet; a system theta lets computers connect by telephone lines. 6. The laser beam turns out to heat the fuel to the required temperature so quickly that the plasma does not have time to disintegrate. 7. One can produce a material with properties different from those of any of the individual constituents. 8. One laser beam is considered to be able to carry the radio, TV and telephone messages of the world simultaneously.9. I collected all the information I could find on The Internet about this subject. 10.Projects also have been suggested to place lasers aboard Earth satellites nearer to the Sun in order to transform the solar radiation into laser beams, with this transformed energy subsequently transmitted to the Earth or to other space bodies. 11.The film appears to be able to be used in the microscopic circuitry of advanced computers at high-speed pathway between computer chips.